Chapter 107

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My sweet Jennie.

She looked so peaceful sleeping, with the slightest trace of a smile tugged on her lips and her dark hair fell around her face, sticking to the heat of her forehead. It had been hours and yet she still held me tightly, like I was her comfort blanket. Limbs twisted with limbs, hands pressed firmly together. It was the closest that I had gotten to a girl in a while, or ever really.

I mean, I know I get physical with girls a lot but this was different, it was intimate and personal. We were under the blankets with no tape recorder. With my one free hand, I pushed her hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ear, watching as her lashes fluttered across her beautiful skin.

On the plane, I didn't understand it but now, I think I'm beginning to. My gorgeous Jennie, usually so happy, solid and put-together. But someone had took advantage of that good-wholesome nature. Someone had done something to leave her so completely traumatised.

She didn't show that on the outside, not ever. Or maybe I just didn't look hard enough. Was I too self-absorbed in my own bullshit to notice her struggles? I literally had no clue but now that I knew, I wanted to bubble her up, wrap her in cotton wool and keep her safe.

She stirred and her tired eyes fluttered open, with her smile stretching bigger at the sight of me, no trace of last night anywhere on her. No indication that she cried herself to sleep, terrified in my arms.

"Hey." She said softly.

"Hey." I replied unsurely, looking for any proof on her face that I didn't imagine what conspired between us last night.

She rolled over and wiggled her ass into me and I bit into my lip, no longer knowing where to put my hands. So I clasped them back and kept them on my own body. It was awkward. A tense silence fell over us, as thick as the blanket.

"Are you not holding me right now because of me... or you?" Her voice spoke, while making no efforts to look at me. She kept her back to me and her ass against my dick.

"Jennie... I..." I paused, I didn't even know what to say. "Last night..."

I felt her sigh reverberate through her whole body.

"I want to tell you that I don't want talk about it, but that's not fair to you."

I didn't answer her, I just telepathically urged her to continue. I was speaking to the back of her head and her bare ass was against my dick. It was a real situation. "So, I'm just gonna say I'm sorry and hope you'll leave it there." She wiggled her body away from me and I felt like I could finally breathe. She sat up, slipping out of the bedcovers and giving me an eyeful of her pretty underwear and her smoking hot body. I watched as she grabbed my t-shirt and put it on, tugging her hair out of the collar. Then she turned to me.


"I don't what came over me last night Lisa, I just changed my mind I guess. I shouldn't have spoken to you the way that I did. I shouldn't have kicked you. It wasn't your fault. It was me. It's always me. I'm so sorry."


She stood up. "We should shower, don't want to keep the bus waiting." She shot me half a smile, it wasn't a happy smile at all. It didn't sparkle her eyes in that twinkling brown and it didn't cause wrinkles beside her eyes.

She didn't want to talk to me, not about this. But I still felt like we were in the room with a giant elephant. Maybe it wasn't my business or my right to question it. She wasn't my girlfriend. She couldn't be my girlfriend. Maybe that conversation was for her significant other territory only.

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