Chapter 98

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The breakfast hall was fairly large and contemporary, I stood at the counter pondering over what to get. When my hand reached out for the last plated crepe it clashed with Kai's.

"You gonna give me that Jen?" He asked, with a charming smile on his face.

"Why would I do that?" I popped it onto my tray.

Kai winked at me and smirked. "You gave me everything else." My eyes widened, did he just make a sex joke at me. What the fuck? We don't speak about that at all. He laughed at my stunned reaction. "Nah, you can keep the crepe. I bet it doesn't taste as good as you did." He picked up a croissant and walked away.

Rosé and the dance team waved me over to their table and I gingerly lowered myself down in the chair. She shot me a secretive smile.

"So, how was last night?" She pried with an accusing tone.

"She's changing rooms today, sat on the balcony so she didn't have to share a bed with me and we've basically argued the whole time we've been together."

Rosé's smiled dropped. "Oh." She said in dismay, poking at her mound of muffin-top cupcakes for breakfast.

"And then there's Kai who basically just flirted his ass off with me and I don't know what the fuck he's up to."

"Oh fuck off Kai." Rosé commented.

"Well, I hate to disrupt your boring drama but we're practicing in the conference room today when we get back from the museums." Krystal informed everyone.

"And we're going out tomorrow night!" Lucas chimed in. The whole table broke out in excited conversation. Krystal clicked her fingers together, hogging the attention yet again.

"Focus on the important details guys. We'll meet back here at six, practice an hour before dinner. Jen, I trust that Lisa isn't going to be lingering behind our standards. It's your responsibility to make sure that she's working hard."

"I'll call my step-dad, I'll just have him transfer a whole bunch of money over to me. It will be fine and she's got all week to learn the new steps. What else is she doing in France?" Rosé spoke to me in a hushed whisper. I sighed out with frustration.

"I should probably go make up with her." I admitted.

"The bus is leaving in twenty minutes." Principal Yang announced to the dining hall. I knocked back my orange juice and tossed the plastic cup away, taking the elevator up to the tenth floor. Lisa was in the bathroom, I could hear the shower water running and her singing. I propped my ear up to the door, listening.

"...oh yeahhhh dirt bag, no she doesn't know what she's missing!"

I bit back my smile, she sounded so... fun. I bet she was singing into her shampoo bottle with foamy soap suds on her head. When the water switched off I leapt across the room and almost rolled off the bed. It took her a couple of minutes but she opened the door and the waft of her shower gel invaded the room in the most welcoming way. She stepped out, in grey sweat pants hanging low and loose around her hips, with a skimpy tank top barely covering her torso that's completely exposed and dripping with wetness. Her eyes widened when she noticed me and clasped her hand over her heart.

"Oh fuck, you're here." She breathed out.

"You sing." I teased.

Her cheeks started pinking. "I don't sing."

"Sing to me."


"I like the way you sing."

"I don't sing." There was an awkward silence. "So I spoke to Principal Yang and I can't move rooms." She came with her tail between her legs, awkwardly getting her words out.


"You mind sharing your bed with me?"

I shook my head with a smile. "We can cuddle." I informed her with amusement.

"Jennie, you need to understand that this is a big fucking deal to me. Nancy fucked me up and I'm not comfortable with this. It's crossing all of my boundaries."

"Relax, it's going to be fine. We can put pillows between us if that makes you more comfortable." She nodded. "Oh and before I forget!" She walked over to her bag and fished something out, throwing it to me underarm.

My cheeks instantly heated up.

"Oh my god!"

"I changed the batteries for you."

"Oh my god!"

"You were using the wrong brand, these ones are so much more powerful."

"Oh my god!"

She laughed. "Is that what you call out when you cum?"

My mouth dropped open and she smirked. "I don't..." She narrowed her eyes at me. "I don't even use it." She laughed.

"Sure." She grabbed a t-shirt and pulled it over her body, then sat on the edge of the bed pulling socks over her feet.

"I don't." I defended. "Not anymore."

She looked up from her feet and furrowed her brows at me. My heart was beating extremely fast. "Jennie, masturbation is a perfectly healthy, and natural thing to do. You don't have to be embarrassed about having sex toys and using them."

I folded my arms across my chest and swallowed thickly. "I'm not. I just don't use it anymore. I don't like it. I don't like sex or having orgasms."

Her mouth parted as if she was going to speak.

"We're leaving now!" Principal Yang shouted from behind our door, making me jump. I turned towards the door, ignoring her request for me to wait and scurried down the hallway before she could finish putting on her shoes and caught up with me.

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