Chapter 49

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Sweat and jizz lined my chest as I lay back on my own bed breathing through the aftermath of my climax. I am not okay. My brain is flopping into mega drive, it simply can't cope with the visionary that Jennie gave it this morning.

You know how many times I've imagined her naked? You know how many times I've checked out her ass? I should've done the right thing and looked away, but fuck, I couldn't. Her body is fucking perfection and I want it riding me. I wanted to grab hold of her hips as her nakedness bounced up and down on me. I wanted to feel her clench around me. I wanted to make her cum.

"Lisa?" My mom called in a rough sandpaper voice just as I was about to go for a second round of tugging. I grabbed a sock and wiped down my bare chest, throwing last night's dirty T-shirt on. It was the first thing I grabbed and the material clung to the wet patches of my own ejaculate. Something didn't sound right in my mom's voice, I raced down the hallway to her bedroom.

"Yeah?" I asked, poking my head into her room. Hoping she couldn't see the post-jerk off sweat and semen lining my body.

Her complexion was a funny colour, a ghastly grey, void of all life like she already had one foot in the grave. Her lips were tinted in an off shade of cornflower blue and she clutched her torso, spluttering and gasping for air that she couldn't quite catch.

"Mom? Are you okay? Shit, what is happening!?" I turned the dial higher on her oxygen canister, it was in the red. She needed a new one. I held her hand, her body was ice, as cold as a snow storm. My pulse quickened in my neck as the fear drummed around my body. Without further hesitation I pulled out my phone and dialled 911.

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