It's Raining Kisses [Dee]

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Book: It's Raining Kisses
Author: Elodie_Kamari
Reviewer: DHBurnside
Number of chapters read: 2

Ideas: 4 [The idea/writing is clear, focused and easy to follow]
Details and content: 4 [Details are sufficient]
Organization/structure: 4 [Sentences and paragraphs are clear and well structured]
Introduction and Closure: 3 [Introduction/closure is present but lacking structure]
Voice: 4 [Shows awareness of audience. Voice is appropriate for style of project. Shows effort.]
Word choice: 4 [Accurate, specific, powerful words are used]
Spelling: 4 [There are no spelling errors]
Analysis: 3 [Shows an understanding of the writer's POV and a comparative look at the topics]

Overall, the book flowed really well. It was very engaging and I was actually disappointed I couldn't read on.
It starts off very poetic which was beautiful and it hooked me straight away.
I personally like cliché statements but I think there was a lot in the prologue for example: standing on the precipice and eye of the storm. It was very repetitive. I think less could have been more when it came to the prologue. It read like more of a blurb. About 1/3rd of the way through I felt I was hooked enough to know that something was about to hit the fan and it gave just enough away without divulging the story BUT the third half I just thought was a tiny bit repetitive and could have been better filled with more story rather than telling the reader again that things were about to get bad without actually saying how so. Which is why I thought it was more of a blurp than a prologue. (part 1)

Chapter 1
Was excellent. The pacing was perfect and it was such an easy read. The only doubt I had was Rayns reaction to going on stage. Just thinking generally about twins; usually, one is super shy, and the other is super outgoing? Wouldn't Rayn have some sort of resistance to being in the spotlight compared with her sister or wearing the glitz and glam because she is into baggy or dark clothing (speaking hypothetically of course)? I think she gave in slightly too quickly. I would have liked to have read more about her resistance or anxiety. Even a 'you owe me' would have fit in and a force or hand.

Chapter 2
It was mentioned twice about the journey to becoming Juliette. A little repetitive. I think the 'our chemistry' part was a little over assuming. How would she know how Kieran felt? She can feel something toward him but there is no guarantee he felt it back. I would review this section and keep it only on Rayn's emotions.
I don't think the narrative paragraph worked. I was totally engrossed in the story until you broke the wall and spoke to the reader directly. Personally, I found it jarring. If it were me, I'd remove it but this is just one opinion. Particularly because it's written from Rayns perspective and not from a narrator. I did get Bridgerton vibes from that paragraph and I think it could work but it needs to be done in a different way. Apart from these picky points, I think it's a great story with huge potential. Looking forward to seeing more.

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