Robin's Song [Ash]

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Book: Robin's song
Author: Magic_Dew
Reviewer: _Ash_es
Chapters read: 10

Cover: 4/5
Your book cover is quite interesting. It matches the title and gives off a serious tone. It's a beautiful and simple one and would definitely attract readers easily. This is optional for you, but I suggest you add your name to the cover so readers would know who wrote the book.

Title/blurb: 8/10
I think the title is excellent and just like the blurb, it's really intriguing. You really left a lot of questions in my head when I read that story description. Although, the imperfection here in in the dialogue punctuation. There's a comma before the closing quotation if you're using a tag and except it's a proper noun or the pronoun 'I', the words after the quotation mark should begin with a lowercase letter.

Introduction: 20/20
The beginning was strange and ominous. My eyes widened at the mention of the puddle of blood as soon as Robin walked into his dad's office. His dad seemed like a stern man and it just felt like bad things were coming. It was captivating also and I was really excited for Robin to go to this school, unlike him.

Mechanics: 7/10
You performed really well in this aspect. You're grammar was flawless and your spellings and punctuation we're fine but you made a few errors that I'd like to point out. Just like in the blurb, your dialogue punctuation had mistakes. You should try to work on them. In the first chapter you wrote, "my future" instead of "my father". Also, in chapter 6, I think you meant, "massaging". These are the only errors I sought, so overall, your mechanics was good. Try to fix those tiny mistakes though.

Plot: 5/5
Ahh, from the start it was a brilliant one!
The main reason Robin is being sent to this school is a very interesting one. I wouldn't forget that. And I believe that some lovely friendships would be formed in the course of the story but what would these people think when they realise what Robin is really there for? I can't wait to finish it. I'm positive that it's going to be a wonderful, thrilling story.

Originality: 9/10
I haven't really read much, but so far I can say that your ideas are very unique and that makes the story very interesting. I wonder what kind of person he is, if he's a normal human honestly and what he means to find out as a spy in the school.

Writing style: 10/10
I have to give you everything here. Your style is fascinating and very beautiful. The way you use your words in your sentences, descriptions and just everything in general tells me you're a very talented writer and I hope you receive the recognition you deserve.

Enjoyment: 10/10
Omg, I think I've said enough. I truly loved the book from the very beginning. It's very intriguing and I like the flow. I especially love the characters and their friendships. It was interesting getting to know them. It was a nice work!

Total: 93/100
It was a good one and was very nicely written. Though, try to work on the dialogue punctuation and those few mistakes that I pointed out. Also, think about my suggestion on the author name on the cover. I hope this helps!

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