Who are you? [Abiya]

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Book: Who are you?
Author: AbeerMohamed716821
Reviewer: Ablazeisaleo
Chapters read:

Cover (5/10):
I love the title 'Who are you?' as it actually instills a sense of intrigue in the readers about what genre the book is, as the title can be referred to in romance, thriller, crime, etc. However, remember that readers will always judge a book by its cover. Here, the cover looks too plain to captivate the readers. I love how you have a quote on the cover, but unfortunately, due to the shabby look of the whole cover and text font, readers might skip through that part.

Blurb (5/10):
Let's be honest here, a blurb should always be short, concise, and intriguing. The blurb is way too long, like a prologue, so readers might not stay till the end to read all that. I suggest you to make the blurb very short and end it with a cliffhanger so that readers get attracted to your book and make them want to read further to know what happened to Lili.

Character Description (8/10):
I love how you have portrayed Lili and Olivia and the deep bond between them. The descriptions at the beginning of the prologue is amazing, however, I suggest you give a more detailed description of the bond between the two rather than just giving a vague idea as that will help the readers on why these two are very close to each other.

Plot (7/10):
Being a writer of crime fiction myself, I love how you have portrayed the intensity of the crime on the characters and actually built up the pacing. The interaction between Clara and Olivia would be my favorite as it was aptly described. However, I kind of got caught off-guard as there are repetitions of the same name in a single paragraph, which makes the readers think that they are repeating the same line repeatedly. For ex: If you start a sentence with Olivia then refrain from using the name later on in the paragraph unless and until some other character makes an appearance. You can use 'she/he' once a name is being taken at the beginning of a sentence.

Grammar (8/10):
There were a few grammatical errors when it came to the construction of sentences and descriptions. Dialogues were streamlined perfectly! I suggest you to use grammar checkers like Grammarly or Quillbot to rectify the issue.

Overall you have a great story at hand but with the changes mentioned above, your story is simply perfecto!

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