A Memory of Starfires [Nanya]

39 6 14

Book: A Memory of Starfires
Author: Aravis-Brightspell
Reviewer: nanyapixie6
Number of chapters read: 10

The name alone is captivating, it feels inspiring and unique, so far I'm not sure how it interpretes the story but it is a very creative title.

I love the cover, it os a very beautiful. The picture of the white tiger and the girl standing infront of it. I don't know how the tiger relates to the book yet, but I'm sure it will. Also consder giving a little space between your subtitle and the Author's name. The fonts are quite plain, I would suggest using something design like for a part of the title or one letter from the title like maybe the 'S' in star fires, this is just a suggestion from my path, I believe it will help the cover look more….. fantasitical.

After reading, I believe the white tiger was the figure we saw in chapter one, it also seems to be part of the main plot so I understand how it relates.

It is very explanatory, gives an overview of the story and as much as I liked it, I think it needs a little pinch or something like a cliffhanger, it is intriguing but it needs a little something that would draw in a reader. Overall it is well written, explanatory and not too long or shirt, it is a good blurb.

The story takes a different form from what is "usual" or cliche. I found it very creative and original. Usually in a story you might not get to see a time travel situation where one of the main characters might still have their memories. I like the fact that it took a turn of seeing how they want to prevent the "future" from happening.

There was very good use of grammar and punctuation. I liked that you used new/professional words in the vocabulary instead of using basic words like "said"  "thought" and its likes.

Ah, this is a very intriguing plot. I like the idea and you're doing a good job in executing it. It also matches the genre you described it in!

Writing style: 
Eek! They are Japanese, I was really excited to see this.

Reading it felt like I was watching an anime, your descriptions are very good and realistic making it easy to picture what is going on.

The story seems to be going straight to the point but a bit comedic relief every here and there would be nice.

At first I felt the chapter were too short, but I believe the length to be okay, nobody really likes scrolling down and down with numerous words written in a chapter, so this was a plus.

The way you are executing the plot is excellent, I've never found my self reading ten chapters of a book at a go like this!

Your writing style is very engaging.

Character development:
I know there's still going to be more character development from Kari and Taren but so far they have good characters.

Overall enjoyment:
I really enjoyed the story though I'm still confused on the starfires part.

It was well written and though it has good grammar it seems more on the reader friendly side than professionally edited. Don't get me wrong I noticed no errors in the story, but I liked the fact that it felt like we could relate with the writer than just reading a well edited book.

The story is very well written from my perspective I don't know if there's much advice I can give.

It is also very intriguing and on a good day, I would want to read more, I really enjoyed the story and can't wait for more updates!

Keep up the good work!

I hope this helps :)

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