Constellation [Abiya]

39 4 6

Book: Constellation
Author: Ardra06
Reviewer: Ablazeisaleo
Chapters read:

Cover (6/10):
I love the title constellations as it does make sense when I went through your blurb, however, the cover is too plain on one hand, and on the other, the font is way too small and shabby to read, which might prompt readers to ignore your book. Even though we know that we shouldn't judge a book by its cover, all of us can agree that we pick up a book only if it looks pleasing and enthralling right? I would suggest you to bring in a more enchanting cover with a readable font and font size to plunge in readers.

Blurb (4/10):
The blurb is short and does portray what you actually want the readers to understand beforehand on what the poem is about and that it is not based on the constellations in real but to be honest it lacks the gravity factor to make readers turn the pages to find more about your book. The blurb actually sounds more like an author's note and thus it needs a head to toe change. Always remember that no matter what genre a good blurb will be short, concise, intriguing and better topped with a cliffhanger.

Character Description (8/10):
Since its a poetry, I cannot give a brief account on the characters especially when the main protagonist is you itself. However, there were some off-parts which makes the poem go down a steep hill which I will discuss in the plot section.

Plot (7/10):
When it comes to writing poetry, something to keep in mind is that once you follow a certain set of rhyme scheme, follow it till the end. I have noticed that you start off with rhyming words but towards the second half of the poem, you just abandon the rhyme scheme. This change in the rhyme scheme and wordings somewhat disrupted me from enjoying your poem and relishing the memories it holds. Apart from that, I loved the words you used in the poem, especially in the beginning where you said rather than sugar coated words you would prefer blatant truth to improve yourself! (As a reviewer, I love that line XD)

Grammar (7/10):
Here and there, I did find a lot of grammatical errors be it punctuation mistakes or wrong sentence structures and I would suggest you to use grammar checkers to rectify the issues.

Overall the poem is amazing and holds a deep meaning to it with reference to the constellations, but with the changes mentioned above, I'm sure you will shine brighter than the sun!

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