Love at Dawn [Abiya]

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Title: Love at Dawn
Author: LiebeKlara
Reviewer: Ablazeisaleo
Number of chapters read: 5

Title: 10/10
The title is really really amazing! Being a historical fiction, to me it seemed like a daring move, as basically set back in the history, it kinda resonates to the same way as Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. I cant wait to read more of the book!

Cover: 9/10
I personally loved the cover a lot! It clearly portrays the lovers and as the title suggests, the setting is dawn which marks justice to the title of the book. However, I would appreciate if the cover was a bit more attractive and glaring because readers will always judge a book by its cover!

Blurb: 5.4/10
Let's be a bit honest here. The blurb is way too long to hold the reader's attention till the very last. The blurb actually looks and sounds more like a prologue because it's way too lengthy, that after the poem of Edith and Andre, I really didn't want to read further. A blurb should be short, concise, and intriguing. It must show what the story's about but at the same time concealing facts to draw in more readers. A little change to the blurb can gain you more readers.

Grammar and Spelling: 9/10
Regarding spellings, you nailed it! I must say there were quite a few grammatical errors though and you can actually use different apps to rectify that out like grammarly or quillbot. But make sure to go through the story once again after you have done a spellcheck via apps as obviously an app doesnt know your story or your character's emotions. A small example of a grammatical error can be seen in:

Original: The young man slowly lowers his body, kneeling by her bedside. (Prologue) Revised: The young man slowly lowered himself and knelt by her bedside.

Hook and Plot Development: 10/10
It's been just 5 chapters and yet I actually felt like I myself was Edith. The way you actually made me depressed with your writing when Andre just left like all of a sudden was so disheartening but at the same time you brought in the meeting of Andre and Edith years later was so lucid and perfect that you should actually give yourselves a pat on the back!

Character Development: 10/10
I must say that I fell in love with the characters right from the beginning. The setting and how the characters were described were so real like, that for a moment I wished I was Edith. I'm quite curious to see what would happen with Edith and Andre and you have just portrayed the intriguing element very well.

Plot Development and Pacing: 10/10
The main thing writers focus on when writing a historical fiction is to make sure the writing is not too fast, so that we readers will be like wait what just happened, or too slow that we just want to shut the book asap! Here, you have paced and transitioned it so well that I must say I couldn't take my eyes of the book even for a sec.

Personal enjoyment: 10/10
Not a fan of romance but for some reason Edith and Andre is pulling me into their story! This book is definitely going on my reading list! That explains everything right?

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