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Quick warning here, there is mention of vomit and barfing  

Eclipse sighed looking down at the paper laid messily down on his table, he was in his bunker. It was a mess, a big huge mess. He didn't care to clean it though, so the mess got worse. It was a little overwhelming at times but he managed, he looked at the papers and sighed abandoning them and falling into a broken couch.

This bunker is falling apart, wires hanging from the roof some of them sparking perilously, rubble everywhere,  possible danger of falling debris. What a cozy and not at all scary place to stay at, but the reason why Eclipse is staying here is because it's the one place that is not marked off by Moon aka Moon does not know it exists. 

So technically it's safer then hiding in some other bunker, he also changed his signature to avoid people finding him. So he isn't really worried about being found by Sun and Moon, the idea of them made him bitter. He reminded himself that it wasn't this Moon that abandoned him but seeing Moon just made him mad.

Made him feel hurt all over again, feelings he's trying to force down. He grunts and shook his head and grabbed a pen looking at some papers and wrote stuff down and like the moron he is, he started chewing on the pen with his sharp teeth. All his pens were covered in bite marks, he just can't get over this weird habit of chewing on his pens out of his system. 

It's never fun when they explode. He chews a little to hard and the pen exploded in his mouth and he drops it gagging and spitting as a bitter taste filled his mouth. Idiot. He thought to himself and he kept spitting ink out, he never learns his lesson, this is the fifth time this has happened.

It's bound to happen again.

After about ten minutes of gagging and wishing he had water available to wash his mouth out he finally gets most of the ink out, now his mouth tastes awful. He grouchily threw the pen into space and due to the fact he was grumpy he decided to go and annoy Sun and Moon to cheer himself up.

He used the star to teleport to the daycare and looked around, he grunts seeing Moon and Sun were not around. That's a shame, Moon's probably in his room and Sun, well no one knows what he's doing half the time, but Eclipse was genuinely concerned for one reason, it was after closing time. The daycare is still a mess, Sun should be on a cleaning frenzy, he would not stand for this.

So where is he? 

It was then that Eclipse heard something annoying, a faint cooing. A babies cooing. He looked around confused and irritated and rushed over to the sound ready to kick their tiny rump cause he hated babies, only to be met with... something.

He had no idea what he was looking at, Sun looked up at him with large wide eyes and coos and does grabby hands for him while sitting on the floor. He was tiny, alarmingly tiny. Eclipse stared in disbelief as Sun coo'd and did grabby hands as if asking for uppies. 

He began wondering if he should call for Moon, but then again this isn't his problem! He turned right around tried to walk through the daycare doors only to be smacked in the face harshly by something. He yelped and fell backwards onto the padded colorful floor and rubs his face groaning, he looked and saw nothing blocking his path out.

Eclipse was so confused, he frowned at the door that were wide open. So he couldn't have run into the doors... He tried to reach his hand through and his eyes shot open, his hand was stopped by some... wall. He stared eyes wide with alarm and pulled his hand back alarmed and worried.

Okay... now we have force fields... Eclipse sighs standing up, no biggie, don't need doors anyway. He tries to teleport, only to have the shock of his life. Something is blocking the star. This is bad- really really bad- he heard another cooing sounds and turned and watched Sun roll forward as he tried to walk and fall on his face.

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