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Where are you Eclipse?! It's been a whole day, thought you were only getting groceries!

Sorry, got caught up on a beach day

A beach day?! It's midnight!

Were on the other side of the earth

I- what?!

Don't ask Fate, we'll probably be back when the kiddos get tired, and you should get sleep, I can tell your half asleep from how slow your texting

Hmph, whatever, you do you

Fate put down the phone and groaned in irritation, they had moved the Lunar to a bedroom and locked them there. Sure, the Lunar wasn't happy about it, but there was no way they were going to sleep with a Lunar just there. Eclipse was right however, Fate was half asleep and about to collapse.

He was still freaked out by the fact he's capable of feeling tired now, but he's kinda just gotten over it at this point, it's been three months. Rubbing his eye, he decided to force himself to get some sleep, the last thing he wanted to do was to collapse randomly.

He dragged himself to the couch and fell down on it, instantly he felt sleep taking over. He wasn't happy about this fact, but he's been awake for five days straight... somehow.. he's also starting to see some real funky shadows.

Fate managed to drag the blanket over themselves before passing out on the spot, poor thing really needed this. 

About two hours later, Fate was shaken awake. He grumbled turning over trying to get away from the shaking but he felt another gentle shake, he turned over and Nsheios standing there. "What...?" he mumbled tiredly and Nsheios said softly and awkwardly "I had a nightmare and I can't sleep..." Fate went silent before looking at them in pity.

"Ya know, you act like a child" he grunted and Nsheios muttered "yeah, I was spawned with this..." Fate sighed but understood, he's sure Nsheios can be serious if he needs to. "Okay okay... what do you want me to do about it..?" he mumbled tiredly and Nsheios said awkwardly "I don't really feel safe alone... can I sleep with you...?" Fate looked at him in surprise before sighing tiredly "sure kiddo.... come here.." he lifted his arm and the blanket.

Nsheios looked surprised by this before saying happily "really?!" Fate grunted "yeah yeah, come here before I change my mind..." Nsheios squeezed in and Fate grunted, pushing Nsheios's wings out of his face before mumbling.

"You wanna talk about it? Your acting strange" Nsheios went silent before mumbling "it was scary that's all..." Fate was silent with concern before sighing knowing he shouldn't press. He tucked Nsheios close before mumbling "don't get used to this... I'm just tired and don't feel like fighting you right now..." Nsheios nodded before relaxing and closing his eyes.

Fate looked at him, before sighing. They never really got along, but he did care for Nsheios. Nsheios has made it clear he has no idea what has been going on lately, hell, he didn't know what a Lunar was. The fact that Lunar's only appeared after the chaos separated and Nsheios said he was asleep for 6 trillion years... yeah, the timing makes sense. 

Since the chaos split apart 5 trillion years ago, and Fate remembered that the last trillion years were a tough one for the chaos, they were being attacked by everything known to the multiverse. Fate just thought it was tough luck, but... now he knew about Nsheios, and things made sense. 

He knew now that Nsheios had been their secret protector, childish or not, he had been good at his job. The only question is, how did he fall asleep for so long? Fate sighed softly, ya know what, it isn't my business. Maybe I should start being nicer to him though...

Fate was silent as he stared down at Nsheios sleeping there in his arms, he looked like a small child, of course Fate wasn't going to underestimate him... but he seemed like a child. A powerful child, okay, they weren't a child, but their behavior reminded Fate of one. 

He snuggled Nsheios closer in and sighed closing his eye again, it took an hour but he finally fell asleep again. He felt a lot safer with Nsheios close by, he was having the same issue as Nsheios with not feeling safe alone, sure he fell asleep fast but that was only because he was exhausted. 

Short chapter! :(

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