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KC was boiling the tea, and Eclipse groaned embarrassed and showed Moon, Sun, and BloodMoon. He couldn't get Lord Eclipse out of the blanket, that however wasn't at all surprising. He just sat Lord Eclipse on his lap while sitting on the seat in front of a table in the Parts and Services employee break room.

KC watched the little Lord Eclipse and him interaction and raised an eyebrow and Eclipse said "don't get any wrong ideas, more like brothers" it slipped it. He was very embarrassed then and Lord Eclipse poked his head out in surprise before grinning and KC said "well, seems he feels the same" Eclipse, embarrassed by his slip up, took the cup of tea silently.

KC crouched in front of BloodMoon who looked up at them and asked "who?" he looked between Moon and KC and was even more confused. Poor KC looked crestfallen, but it also seemed he'd been expecting this. He sighed and said "hey kiddo... names KC" BloodMoon looked at him in confusion before getting distracted by a rat.

He tried to run off and Eclipse caught him "no no" he said softly and BloodMoon pouted, KC said in an amused tone of voice "some things never change" Eclipse nodded and sipped his tea and BloodMoon tried to grab at it curiously "whats that?" he asked while pointing at the cup and Eclipse replied "tea" BloodMoon kept trying to snatch the cup and KC asked "can the others talk...?" Eclipse sighed.


"Then why can he talk?"

"He's a surprisingly fast learner, the others only know how to say dad."

"You let the call you dad?"



"Shut up."

Solar cut in and said "is no one going to question the fact that before BloodMoon was significantly dumber before the baby thing and yet he is learning faster than the others?" Eclipse is silent for a moment, watching KC sit at the table, watching his smug and proud face in embarrassment.

Eclipse wrestled BloodMoon before sighing and saying "fine, you can try some" BloodMoon squeaked happily and Eclipse gave him the cup, sorta. He was still holding It in case BloodMoon got any naughty cat ideas, he has noticed that BloodMoon has a certain interest in dropping fragile things or knocking things off counters.

He watched BloodMoon sip the Earl Gray tea and surprisingly, he seemed to like it. BloodMoon squeezed into the blanket burrito with Lord Eclipse, somehow spilling none of the tea. He must have a steady hand, Eclipse thought as he watched BloodMoon settle down and sip it.

"There goes my tea..." Eclipse sighed and KC chuckled amused "you're so gentle with them" Eclipse grunted "shut up..." Lord Eclipse watched KC wearily, but he noticed the interactions between the Eclipse's and the Moon animatronic and was obviously starting to realize that he may not be much danger. 

Solar sat down with two cups of tea and gave Eclipse another cup of tea "thanks..." Eclipse said softly awkwardly putting sugar in it and sipping it. KC said "so, I need to know. How did you turn so soft?" he asked Eclipse and Eclipse grunted not at all denying it at this point because it was obvious "well you see, they were small and liked watching Bluey" KC laughed, it wasn't a taunting laugh.

It was more like a teasing yet proud laugh. 

Eclipse noticed KC's hands were still shaky and he asked concerned "you okay?" KC waved it off "fine fine!" Eclipse's ray twitched silently in concern and KC said "right off the bat, that statement alone reeks of character development" Eclipse rolled his eyes and Lord Eclipse said softly "can I have some...?" his voice was shaky and nervous and KC smiled "of course," he got up getting a cup of tea for Lord Eclipse and Eclipse rubs Lord Eclipse's back gently and sighs.

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