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"The repairs are taking way longer than I wanted" the computer said and Luna sighed eating a peanut butter sandwich she made from the stuff in Lunar's lab, after making sure she wasn't about to choke down some experiment or something of course. "Well... that sucks" she sighed tiredly as she gently wrapped Lunar up tighter in the blanket.

She noticed his small body was very stiff and she gently picked him up, his eyes opened tiredly and he noticed where he was, Luna was surprised when he didn't scream at her and he just laid there sleepily, she put him on the recliner quickly when she noticed that and she saw him fall back asleep. She grunted "hope he doesn't start acting like a rabbit or something" Computer sighed "would be weird, not worried though" Luna shrugged "if your not worried I'm not worried" the super computer said "i'm trying to get these repairs done as soon as possible, in the time I've had about five Lunar's ask for him and I've had to send them messages saying he was sleeping" Luna was a little annoyed by that "let me guess-" "the Lunar's started a full on conversation each time that I couldn't get out of without seeming like I'm ignoring them."

Luna groaned at that "seriously?" The computer muttered tiredly "the repairs are almost done though, 96% done, I'd give you an exact number but that would annoy you huh?" Luna grunted "it would, because I wouldn't know what it'd mean" the computer chuckled "you're really smart, maybe you'll know with time."

"Try to avoid any more... conversations" she said tiredly and the computer said "i'll try, the people here are morons though, no offense," Luna grunted "none taken." She looked at Lunar as he slept in the blankets peacefully and she grunted "how does he sleep so peacefully?" the computer was silent for a long moment before saying "actually, he doesn't usually sleep peacefully. His sleep is usually filled with nightmares, I am unsure of what they are about but... they seem to be of personal experiences. Do not ask about them, that is my warning to you 0_018 or he will get very defensive, more defensive than usual" Luna said "oh- uh... okay then" is that about what he's doing...?

Or is it something else entirely?

She sighed and decided to take the computers advice considering the fact this is Lunar they were talking about, and sure she liked pushing his buttons but she decided that she did not want to see this... more defensive than usual. She guessed that it meant death.

Luna finished her sandwich and threw away the paper towel before walking to the doors of the laboratory, only to find it was locked. She grunted "can you please unlock this?" she asked and the computer said "some outbreak of killer slime just happened. It is recommended you stay inside, I issued a lock down. I think a drop came through in a wormhole or something and it spreading at a alarming rate" Luna groaned "seriously?!" Computer said "yes, this would be a great time for Lunar to not be a rabbit which why I'm focusing on the repairs, 0_018, I need you to focus on keeping the Lunar's calm."

"I'm horrible at that come on-" she said trying to get out of this and Computer grunted "do you want Lunar to stay a rabbit and vulnerable in this situation or do you want him to not be a rabbit?" Luna growled "ugh fine! What do I do?" Computer said "go to the big monitor and send a message reassuring them that everything's fine- someone just died" "what?!" Luna shrieked and Computer went into an alarming silence before saying "so uh... I tried to flush it out of this dimension but that isn't working, however the portal is done, so please bring Lunar to the portal so I can put him in the right body" Luna walked over to Lunar and scooped him up into her arms gently. 

He grunted and looked up at her sleepily "huh..?" he mumbled and Luna whispered to him "so... you're getting your body back" Lunar grunted "thank god..." she walked him over to the portal and put the sleepy bundle down and watched Lunar poof into his original form. He grunted still looking sleepy and she said "better to be back huh?" he was silent clearly drowsy and disoriented from a mix of the portal changing his form and just sleepiness from being woken up after sleeping for two hours.

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