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Lunar: *gets sick*

Luna: what do I do in this situation?


She woke up to the screaming of the computer, "0_018 wake up!" she jerked awake "hu-huh what?!" she yelped sitting up quickly and looking around and the super computer said "so... Lunar's sick right now" Luna growled laying back down and pulling the blanket back over herself "so? Tell some other Lunar" it wasn't even morning.

"0_018, Lunar being sick is a big deal, stop being grumpy and get up, he has coffee in his room" Luna growled "why is it my problem?!" the super computer let out a soft clicking sound, a normal sound that it's systems made sometimes when thinking and calculating "well" they said "Lunar is sick enough to not be able to get off the couch, I don't think it's a good idea to put another Lunar in with him."

"He can get sick?" Luna grunted tiredly and the computer said "unfortunately" "why wouldn't it be a good idea to put another Lunar in with him? They would be more than willing to help!" she asked and the computer replied not at all answering her question "well 0_018, I heard your lightning proof?" Luna went silent in confusion "yeah..?" "good, then you shouldn't die."

The question felt so random to Luna at the moment and the computer said "so get up 0_018, time to wake up" Luna grunted "it's three in the morning can't it wait?" the computer said "no, up, or I'll teleport you there forcibly" Luna grunted laying in the bed "fine then." 

Next thing she knew she was on the cold wood floor of Lunar's room, she shuddered and computer said "I warned you kid" Luna got off the floor quickly and shook the sleep out of her eyes, it hardly worked. "Don't do well in the mornings huh?" Luna growled under her breath and the computer said "coffees in the kitchen, you should know how to work the coffee machine."

Luna grunted and staggered to the small kitchen in a corner of Lunar's room, after she got her coffee she looked over at Lunar holding the mug and she saw him laying on the couch. One look and she realized why the computer was so insistent on her coming, he looked completely out of it. 

"It's a pretty bad cold, he's not going to die, but he's also at the moment unable to continue his work" Luna sipped her coffee as she listened to the computer before she walked over to Lunar and grunted sitting on the couch next to him keeping her distance. 

What a morning so far.

Lunar looked over at her tiredly and made no attempt to kick her away and or snap at her like she expected, Luna watched him just lay there silently. She really wasn't used to Lunar being like this so she sat there awkwardly while sipping her coffee. "Erm..." she said and Lunar gave her a irritated yet tired look.

"You're feeling bad huh?" she said, Lunar grumbled tiredly. "So... I have to warn you 0_018" the computer said "sickness with him includes a lot of.... lightning" Luna said "wait what-?" she was cut off when Lunar had a coughing fit and she flinched back when a spark of blue electricity hit her body. 

Her body was made in a material that pushed lightning and electricity away, a material found only in her dimension. The humans there lived in fear because lightning was a massive problem and people died everyday by getting struck, what a world...  "So" the computer said "I need you to take care of him and make sure he does okay, he's hardly responding, but he should be fine" Luna was silent looking down at the small purple robot.

She sipped her coffee watching Lunar have another coughing fit before asking "why can he get sick? I've noticed he doesn't need to eat" she said and the computer replied "well, Eclipse gave him that function for no reason" wow, Eclipse was a jerk before I met him... "but why though?" she said and the computer simply said "I don't know his thought processes."

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