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She gently held Starshine, Starshine did a gentle coo and held her finger with a tight grip. "You need to let go of my finger" she said softly and Starshine looked at her and gripped tighter. Fate winced but sighed softly "alright alright, come here" she was tired from being carried around for two days straight, she's been fighting this band and trying her best to get it off but it's really hard. 

Starshine coo'd softly and clung to Fate's finger, it was... so small. From the looks of it, female too. Fate was silent staring at Starshine and she looked at her with a trusting white eye before closing her eye and falling back asleep. 


I need to escape, because now I have a child with me, the situation is more dire. Fate clawed at the band with a hand, trying to struggle it open. Come on come on, she wasn't going to give up now. Now she had a child with her, no way is she letting this innocent child get into Lunar's hands. She clawed and pulled at the band, ignoring the pain in her wrist, fighting the stupid nuisance on her wrist.

0_023 made no move to stop her, but she didn't take notice of that, she struggled and Starshine whined as her constant moving, "shush little one, I need to get this off" she grunted and she struggled and struggled. 

Just as she was about to give up, after two days of struggling, she felt something loosen up. She stiffened and stared at it before clawing at the stupid band on her arm even more, clawing at it. "Come on- come-" it fell off. Her wrist felt instant relief and she sighed, she wasted no time. She teleported out of there, leaving the Lunar's behind and taking Starshine with her. 

She teleported back to the house, and was instantly hugged. Fate grunted tiredly "hi Eclipse..." Computer ran over "Fate oh my god, where have you been?!" Solar peeked from over the railing of the second floor of the house. "I got kidnapped" Fate grunted tiredly and Eclipse yelled at Computer "see! I told you they wouldn't have just left like that!" Fate rubbed her wrist gently.

She winced at the stinging and Computer yelled back "I'm sorry, it's just she always takes random walks! But when the second day came along I knew something was wrong!" Fate watched the arguing and sighed softly. 

Home sweet home. 

Starshine tucked herself close to Fate's body and Fate sighed "and, I'd like you guys to meet someone," she held up Starshine and Eclipse's mouth dropped "is that-" he said and Fate grunted "how she exists, I don't know, but her name is Starshine" Eclipse walked over and looked at Starshine. 

Fate sighed tiredly "she likes my finger a lot for some reason" Eclipse looked at her in concern "Fate, are you feeling okay?" Fate sighed "fine... just a little tired... but uh, new baby in the house I guess, I dunno" Eclipse said even more concerned "being kidnapped is traumatic-" Fate shrugged "oh well, man I want coffee so bad right now."

Eclipse glared suspiciously "changing the subject?" Fate shook her head "nope, not at all, I  really do want coffee" Eclipse sighed and asked "can I hold her?" Fate nodded, she tried to detach Starshine from her finger to give her to Eclipse, however, it turns out, she doesn't like being passed around. 

A very loud screaming sound filled the air and Fate flinched and Eclipse muttered "holy cow Fate, your holding a baby version of yourself, how does that even work-?" Fate hissed "I don't know! Okay, Starshine, hey shhh... it's okay it's okay" Fate gently held her and whispered softly to her and Eclipse sighed "welp, Fate's a parent now- oh who am I kidding, you were a parent to Luna too" Fate stared at him and asked "what?" Eclipse rolled his eyes "I'm not stupid, I saw your mom and dadness from a mile away, heck, I could smell it. The way you treated Luna... we gotta get her back and believe me, Computer's been working very hard" Fate was silent. 

Eclipse sighed "we'll find her, believe me... or maybe she'll find us, she's a strong kid" Fate sighed softly and shakily and Starshine slowly stopped her screaming and stared at her, she always looked sleepy. 

Moon ran in and yelled "I heard a baby!" Fate jumped and followed close behind Moon was Sun and BloodMoon, they ran over and swarmed her "Fate Fate Fate!" they yelled and Fate sighed softly and tiredly and was about to reply when Eclipse shooed them off "no no, kiddos, lets leave Fate be, she needs a nice nap and some rest" the kids groaned and Fate nodded softly and walked to the couch. 

Lets hope I don't get kidnapped again...

Ugh... i'm tired, she laid down and didn't try to put Starshine down. Starshine didn't want to be put down anyway. Her wrist hurt a lot and she grunted gutting through it, it'll be fine.

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