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Ever since that little run in with that Moon, Solar's been acting off. Computer was very worried of course as he thought about how they seemed to know each other and how that Moon was obviously abusive.

Computer's rays twitched in agitation as he thought hard about the whole situation. He hated that Solar got so hurt, but that wasn't what was bothering him entirely. No, it was the way Moon referred to Solar as 'it,' the way he yelled at Solar for killing brother, and cursed at him even as he melted.

The way that Moon called him horrible things like 'pest' and 'prototype,' Solar's skyrocketing heart rate, the obvious insanity that robot had. Computer wanted to know what that Moon meant by Solar killing his brother, but he also saw that they were absolutely delusional.

Still, he remembered Solar getting right up after being fixed and saying he wanted to go home, Computer let him despite the very important task they had because poor guy got assaulted. Computer had to do the task alone, it was a little harder without Solar.

 It's been two days, and Computer has been thinking non-stop.

He sighed as he stopped leaning on the wall, looking around the place before walking upstairs, something he doesn't do often and he was surprised to see Solar trying to fix something,  "what are you doing?" Computer asked, walking over and leaning over what Solar's doing.

Solar grunted "fixing the light" Computer frowned confused "why? It's still functioning!" Solar grunted and Computer gave him a concerned look, "Solar, why are you suddenly trying to fix stuff?" Computer asked in concern.

The Moon's words echoed in his mind, 'I hope your working him to the bone like he deserves!' Solar shrugged "bored" Computer narrowed his eyes "Solar, I'm not stupid. Your fixing something that is perfectly functional!" Solar grunted "so?"

"Solar, I feel like your acting more detached from reality here- hello are you even listening?!" Much to Computer's alarm Solar blinked and flinched "huh?!" Computer sighed and took the wires out of Solar's hands "stop" Solar glared.

Computer said "Solar, what just happened is serious and it's clearly affected you!" Computer put a hand on Solar's shoulder "don't pull a Sun, Solar. Come on" Computer took more wires out of his hands as Solar grabbed some more, Solar said "please stop, something is smoking" Computer narrowed his eyes "something is smoking? Then why don't I sense smoke?" Solar paused trying to find a excuse and Computer asked "Solar, I'm concerned here. What have you been doing for the past two days, I've hardly seen you!" Solar was silent as he stared at the wires.

"Solar?" Computer asked concerned and Solar shrugged "working" Computer was silent before asking "nonstop...?" Solar stammered "no- I uh- take breaks-" Computer stared concerned before worrying about the fact that everyone in this family had some kind of trauma, it was becoming clear that that Moon treated Solar horribly at some point. 

While he could be wrong, he's still connecting the dots in very concerning ways. "Solar, that Moon seemed to know you" Computer said softly and Solar nodded curtly trying to grab wires. Computer dragged him away from the distraction into one of the bedrooms of this place and closed the door "Solar, tell me who that was" Solar growled in annoyance kicking a foot.

"Solar, I'm being serious, did they hurt you at any point?" Computer asked in a caring tone, Solar glared silently "let.me.out." Computer flinched at the sudden aggression feeling hurt and Solar sighed noticing this "listen, let me out" Computer sighed softly "okay...." he let Solar out of the room and Solar glared "I don't hate that guy, okay! I just don't want to talk about him, now let me work in peace!" he snapped and Computer flinched again, he was hurt. Really hurt, he just wanted to help. He was silent, standing there, before deciding to go back to where everyone was.

He walked down the stairs rays drooped and Eclipse asked "you okay Computer?" Computer sighed "I'm fine, just worried about Solar" Eclipse was confused "why?" Computer grumbled "we had a... assault from the portal" Eclipse yelped then "WHAT?!" Computer nodded and Eclipse paced before yelling "why didn't you tell me?!" more people yelling at him... "I- he was really uncomfortable about it okay-" Eclipse went silent then before taking a deep breath, right off the bat, better anger control then Moon when he wasn't a baby.

If someone were to hurt his siblings, Moon would rant in rage loudly. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry for yelling at you Computer, you're clearly stressed" Eclipse said softly "is Solar okay?" Computer was silent before sighing "he's been acting off, which is fair, it was a Moon, I think it was his Moon actually. Instantly tried to kill Solar despite me shoving guns in his face, kept yelling insanity and calling Solar a prototype and brat, they also kept referring to Solar as a it, like he's a object, said stuff about working Solar to the bone and now what concerns me the the most is that after that Solar has been working nonstop lately" Eclipse stared silently.

Then his Moon came out. 

"Where is this jerk, I'm going to beat his non-existent {beep}" Eclipse said absolutely enraged, Computer said "melting, dead in other words" Eclipse said clasping his hands together cheerfully "oh, good!" welp, Eclipse is not happy about what happened and he's only going to get more angry. Computer sighed "he managed to snap Solar's ray and tear off his arm before I could shoot him off" Computer felt guilty about not being able to be fast enough to stop that.

Eclipse simply said "oh." Computer could tell that Eclipse really wanted to kill that Moon, yet he was already dead. Computer grumbled "Solar's behavior has been off, just really off. He's been working constantly" Eclipse said "I hope that Moon is enjoying hell. Because he deserves it." Computer said "I think you need to take a couple of deep breaths-" Eclipse snarled "if I could I would kill that Moon again I would." Welp, so I was wrong about the anger control, Eclipse is just as unhinged as non-baby Moon when his family gets hurt. 

"Eclipse, you can't, so calm down. Solar's been acting off and I worry because I think that was his Moon, and he may have been dealing with that abusive madman his whole life" Eclipse snarled "no one hurt my- I'm going to-" Computer grunted "no, your staying here" Eclipse growled "fine." 

Fate and Lord Eclipse were watching YouTube nearby, Fate looked tired and was just staring at the screen.  Computer patted Eclipse back and sighed "go and hang with Fate and Lord Eclipse and calm down, we should leave Solar alone for now..." Eclipse nodded grouchily "fine."  Computer watched Eclipse walked over to the two and, still angry, sit down with them. 

Lord Eclipse instantly welcomed him with a snuggle.

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