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Fate was completely passed on with Luna clinging to her, and Eclipse, Eclipse still had suspicions. Eclipse wasn't going to deny that Luna had a breakdown and was probably mentally tired, he was just surprised that Luna started to cling to Fate. From what he's seen, Luna seemed like the type of person to suck it up and not lean on anyone.

Yet, they went straight to Fate, Eclipse watched the whole thing, heard crying and screaming from in the basement, panicked that someone was getting murdered, only to see the sad yet adorable sight of Fate calming down Luna, the way she cupped her face, man... he felt bad for Luna. 

It was clear that what happened was effected Luna more than everyone thought... apparently she got blown off a cliff.... the poor thing. Eclipse sighed and sat down gently next to Fate and Luna, Luna looked at him with suspicion, why did she still hate me?

I've done nothing but be nice to her and she acts all weird about it. 

Eclipse knew he shouldn't take it personally though, he said softly "hey... you feeling okay?" Luna shifted closer to Fate, clinging to her more, the sight was hilarious, Fate was short, so Luna clinging to her like this was a odd and awkward sight. He was glad Fate was sleeping though, Luna gave him a curt nod. Eclipse sighed, he swore... he swore Luna was being defensive of Fate at the moment.

Her body language screamed 'try something and I'll maul your face off!' Eclipse really didn't want his face mauled more... especially... due to the wonder of how the frick he would weld it back together without fire. So he kept his distance and said "you know I wouldn't do anything to Fate right? She's family" Luna glared suspiciously before shaking her head and grumbling softly.

"You tired?" Eclipse asked in a soft tone of voice and Luna nodded softly, Eclipse chuckled softly "you know Fate isn't gonna just poof, she's staying here, you don't need to protect her" Luna was silent before whispering "I know..." Eclipse asked her softly "what are your thoughts of her? Like, how do you think of her?" Luna was silent before murmuring "I don't know..." Eclipse's rays twitched curiously "you don't know?" he noted that clinging is something that has to be taught out of kids at a young age.

If it doesn't get taught out, they will cling to people they think of as parents, which may not seem bad because chances are they will be adults, but from the looks of Luna's behavior. He had to guess that she was ten maybe? Or just a really defensive six year old. The way their clinging to Fate could mean many things.

"What's you age?" he asked and much to his alarm they said "I was built four years ago as an animatronic with the mentality of a child, quickly got scrapped because I was annoying, then... dimension got destroyed and I was forced to mature" Eclipse was silent, and they said softly "The Great One fixed me because I was broken..." Eclipse stared in alarm.

So they are technically a child... "How were you forced to mature?" he asked softly and Luna said softly "yelling, The Great One yelled and sometimes shocked us, I-I'm fine though" Eclipse was unsurprisingly, even more alarmed.

He was horrified as well, "oh god-!" he gasped and Luna stiffened "I'm fine!" they snapped "just more mature!" they said proudly, Eclipse took a deep breath and told them in a soft slow tone "there is a difference between mature and traumatize-" Luna said confidently "The Great One also made us share our fears and forced us to go through them till we sucked it up! So we got rid of weakness" Eclipse had no idea where to start. 

Where to tell them that this is not okay. 

He actually can't believe Lunar did this... is it my fault he ended up this way...? Guilt filled Eclipse as he began to wonder if it was his fault that the multiverse was at risk.

"With the weakness rid of us we would train for battle!" they said excitedly and Eclipse swallowed down a lump in his throat and said "kid-" "then we'd be assigned a great task!" Eclipse snapped in their face with his fingers "kid, listen to me!" Luna flinched and looked confused and Eclipse said "kid, a lot of things we need to break down here" Luna tilted their head.

They kept clinging to Fate and Eclipse said "number one, someone doesn't mature from yelling and... shocking. That is abuse, and that 'mature' you were talking is probably you being to terrified to speak out of line, is that correct?" Luna was silent, thinking before asking "isn't that normal?" Eclipse shook his head slowly and sadly "no."

Luna was silent before shrugging "eh, why should I listen to you" Eclipse shook his head and made them face him again "number two, I'm so sorry you got scrapped like that for doing what you were coded to do, that was really unfair"  Luna stared silently before letting out a soft whine, they tried to look away and Eclipse said softly "I don't know if this is a thing you think, but you aren't a mistake you know" Luna stared, then they just broke down on the spot. 

Fate jolted awake in alarm (mom senses tingling -Peril) "huh what-?!" she yelped and Eclipse said softly "she revealed some very concerning stuff and I told her she wasn't a mistake and she started crying" Fate quickly grabbed Luna and whispered softly to her. Eclipse watched feeling sad for Luna, 'mature' no... Lunar manipulated her.

It was horrible, Eclipse was glad she was in a better place now.

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