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Evil Lunar

He sat in the chamber, looking around in anxiety. Everyday in this place was scary, he stood up from the bed, which Lunar had given him and the other Lunar's he had kidnapped from his "little" dimension rampages. It was a horrific idea, his dimension gone. 

Lunar was insane, this Lunar was insane. He forced us all to go by numbers, Evil Lunar's name 0_908. Evil Lunar was scared that he'd forget his name, it's been four months here. Every day was the same, Lunar forcing us all to listen to his little talks.

He's like a dictator, forcing the Lunar's he kidnaps from the dimensions he destroys from existence (how he destroys them, Evil Lunar didn't know nor did he want to know,) to listen to his propaganda of Lunar's are the superior dimensional beings.

He has this idea that Lunar's should control everything and all the other dimensional beings should be on the bottom, Evil Lunar thought he was a messed up mind until he met Lunar. Manipulating other Lunar's into believing him, many don't know any better so they believe him. Others like Evil Lunar however saw right through it and are weary of him.

The guy is unhinged, many of the Lunar's here have the mentality of a child and he's leading them down the wrong path. Evil Lunar fidgeted with his fingers and looked around the chamber nervously, Lunar treats all the other Lunar's well sure, but it all seemed wrong. 

He straight up murders other dimensional beings without a care because their "lowly," Evil Lunar heard a knock at his door and he jumped in shock and alarm as he heard a familiar voice "0_908? You there?" Evil Lunar's heart thumped and he saw Lunar walk in.

He smiled and waved "hi!" Evil Lunar watched and shrank back as Lunar approached him and Lunar sighed "0_908, I know you don't trust me, but you have to understand I'm doing this for a better cause!" lies. All lies.

"Sure- whatever-" Evil Lunar choked out as Lunar sat on his bed, Evil Lunar resisted the urge to slap him away and he huddled in the corner of the bed against a wall, Lunar said sadly "no really!" Lunar sighed and said "say, 0_908, I need your help with something" not good.

Nothing he ever wants is ever good.

Lunar sighs rubbing his temples as Evil Lunar tried to seem small, he knew what Lunar's done. He's done some bad stuff, he is not denying it, but he is terrified out of his mind of Lunar. Lunar has done so much worse to him, while Evil Lunar's kill count is in the trillions, Lunar's is so much higher.

If he wanted to he could kill Evil Lunar right here and now, Lunar smiled patiently at Evil Lunar and Evil Lunar felt sick "0_908, I need your help killing a lowly being" Lunar growled "from some dimension, not mine, but they'll trust you more than me. Trick them and tie them up and we'll figure out what to do after!" he sounded excited.

Evil Lunar's stomach turned at the idea, four months ago he would have jumped at the idea but four months in this place had made him feel quite guilty for his actions. He didn't need more guilt. "I-No-I-" he stammered and Lunar sighed "0_908, come on! It'll be fun! The other Lunar's would have jumped at the idea!" because you messed them up.

Made them excited to murder others.

Manipulated them into monsters.

"I-listen-I-" he stammered terrified of the idea of resisting but also not wanting to do it, Lunar sighed and rubbed his back and Evil Lunar stifled a whine. He expected those claws to grip into his back at anytime, though of course it never came. Lunar was much to smart for that, he was trying to gain Evil Lunar's trust and Evil Lunar wasn't falling for it.

Stiff from the rubbing and trying to shrink away and Lunar pulled him over and said "well! You see, it'll be fun! Maybe while were at it, I'll let you destroy the dimension with me!" what a honor. Evil Lunar thought bitterly, in many of the other Lunar's eyes it was a honor.

"I-I don't want to do it-" he whined Lunar's hand on his back was causing poor 0_908 great stress, Lunar smiled and nodded "understood! I'll get one of the other Lunar's to help in this great task! Your still settling in, your a straggler but that's fine!" His heart was thumping.

He wanted Lunar out. 

Many of the things Lunar has said were lies, but many of them were also true. He is genuinely very enthusiastic about the idea of Lunar's being higher beings and the other dimensional beings having being lowly and to be slaughtered like farm animals.

It was sickening, he genuinely believes that what he's doing is the right thing and that is psychopathic behavior. Evil Lunar wanted him out and to leave, to go back to his dimension, but it was gone... Wiped from existence.

Lunar stood up and Evil Lunar jumped from the sudden movement and Lunar stretched with a deep grunt and said  "it's okay 0_908! I'll ask 0_018 to help with the task" Lunar ruffled Evil Lunar's nightcap and Evil Lunar now wanted to throw it away in case Lunar put some kind of curse on it and Lunar waved "bye!" As he left the room.

He didn't get a bye back.

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