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The reason why we are back at 84 is because I decided to change the plot, hope you don't mind. Unlike Twisted Ties, I won't be ending the story because I don't like something, I'm going to remove it and keep writing and hopefully come up with a better plan, thank you, hope you understand!

"Fate, were going to the city, were thinking about moving to an apartment building there, it's getting a bit cluttered" Eclipse sighed softly and Fate grunted "whatever, your going to have to drag me though" Eclipse gave Fate an irritated face and said "got it. You're in another depressive episode."

Eclipse gently picked her up and looked towards the other Fate, "uhh... what's their name?" Eclipse was met by silence by Fate and he sighed, "okay... great, let's go and check out some buildings, Marcus, you stay here and watch the kids." It's been a couple of weeks and the little group of robots has grown. A lot. 

A scary lot. 

Eclipse sighed before walking over to Solar with Fate, "anyone else want to join?" Solar shook his head "everyone doesn't want to see the bodies, you forcing Fate along?" Eclipse nodded "she could use some fresh air-" Fate said grouchily "there's no air because I'm a failure." Eclipse said softly "no your not Fate... shush... you tried your best" Fate was silent and Eclipse turned her over so he could look at her shoulder.

"Looks a little better at least" he sighed and Fate turned away grouchily "I hate you" Eclipse poked her "stop being a grouch, you need fresh air-" Fate corrected him AGAIN "there's no air" Eclipse said "your right. Then you need fresh sunlight" Fate was silent and Solar and Eclipse looked at each other before exiting the house.

At this point they were used to the excruciating heat, their systems have adapted to it and were functioning better. They looked around the wasteland and Eclipse said "say... how about we walk in a random direction instead of going to the city?" Solar was silent before saying "Eclipse that's a horrible idea, I'm in!" Fate was silent and Eclipse didn't want to press them much, he never really got close to Luna.

However, Fate did, so this is probably hard for her.

Eclipse poked a black tree stump and it crumbled in his hands, "mmm, delicious, I love me some essence of wood" he said and Solar said "I can't wait to down a whole bottle of essence of wood" Eclipse said jokingly "my favorite meal" Fate had a 'I'm surrounded by idiots' face going on.

Eclipse says excitedly "time to go in a random direction and see what we find!" Solar pointed to the west and said "we'll go in that direction!" Eclipse grunted rubbing dust out of his eyes "sounds good to me! Got nothing else going on, plus, the sun feels nice and painful today" Fate gave him a look and Eclipse poked her "as I said, painful. I am coping, shut up" Fate grunted "I didn't say anything" Eclipse nodded "mmhmm, you didn't, but you gave me a look" Fate rolled her eye and turned away.

Eclipse and Solar began to walk, "what do you think is this way?" Eclipse asked and Solar shrugged "probably nothing" Eclipse walked onto the sandy wastelands where the bright beautiful ocean used to be, the ground dry and sun baked, every step he did he heard a crack under him.

He was sad, the oceans were a beautiful thing and now it's gone, it's such a shame. "Well" Eclipse said "what do you think would happen if I ate the sand?" Solar gave him a dumbfounded look "where did that come from?" Eclipse was silent before shrugging "weird intrusive thought" Fate said "don't eat sand, it'll get caught between your gears, and that's not what I feel like dealing with right now." 

Eclipse's ray twitched towards her and he sighed, Eclipse walked over to a giant sand hill and he struggled up it, his metal feet had claws that hooked into the shoes he used to have, though now they proved useful for climbing the sandy hill in front of him.

His claws gripping the small rocks inside the hill, hidden by the dry white sand, he grunted dragging himself up the hill and he looked over at Solar still on the bottom. He shifted Fate into a better position to where he was holding her with one arm and he dragged Solar up, Solar grunted and looked at him "how did you get up so fast...?" he asked and Eclipse shrugged "try taking your shoes off" Solar frowned before shrugging "alrighty- oh jeez they just slid off, the hot glue melted" Eclipse stared before sighing "that's... concerning" Solar shrugged and slid down the hill.

"Okay, I can already tell that this is already so much better" he said dumping sand out of his shoes, Eclipse watched him put it in his chest compartment and Eclipse shrugged "see, we have claw toes now! Say, you like the sun Fate?" Eclipse asked Fate and Fate muttered "don't mock me" Eclipse's rays went back slightly and he said "I'm not, it was a genuine question, come here you grump, I'm sure Luna's fine okay? She's a fighter, you know that" Fate was silent looking away from him. 

Eclipse sighed sadly and Solar yelled "yo! It's a dead whale!" Eclipse slid down the sand hill and he ran towards Solar, he nearly slipped but he righted himself and Solar pointed at a dead and decaying  whale in front of him, "please don't get close" Eclipse said and Solar grunted "no way am I going anywhere close to that thing" Fate grunted, showing the first bit of interest she's had in this little exploration "look, it's guts are everywhere" Eclipse said not questioning the fact that this out of everything interested her "yep, if I could smell, it'd probably smell horrible here."

The three looked at the whale for a while, before eventually they lost interest, Eclipse threw a seashell he found at Solar and Solar caught it "no no no" he said throwing it back at Eclipse and Eclipse caught it, he threw it back and Solar caught it and threw it back. Eclipse kept failing to catch it because he only had one arm at the moment, he grunted in annoyance and Fate was just kinda there. 

"Woah look" Solar said "it's a coral reef" Eclipse stared before asking "how far did we walk?" Fate shrugged "about three miles" Solar grunted "jesus" Eclipse walked over to the coral reef, he watched Fate poke one of the grey and dead reef branches, it crumbled in her hands and she sighed softly.

"Brother!" Solar yelled and Eclipse's head snapped up "huh?" he said, and Solar ran over and showed him a pearl "look look!" Eclipse stared at it silently before asking "uhh.. did you pry open-" Solar nodded "yep, I thought I saw something shiny and I did! Look, it's so pretty!" Eclipse saw that Solar looked very excited about this find and he smiled "it is pretty" he wasn't really used to being called brother, but he did like it. 

Fate grunted "cool, a pearl." Eclipse patted Fate's head gently and said "indeed! See, your having fun!" Fate grunted "most of it is irritation and me wanted to blow up the sun, but one percent of it I'm having fun" Eclipse blinked processing that before doing a thumbs up "good enough!" 

Family bonding time! :D

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