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Warning: I'm going to add this here just in case despite it ruining the chapter, there are mentions of killing/kidnapping god (my OC gods but still, thought I might add it.)

Evil Lunar

He didn't want to be here, he stared up at Lunar as he stood there and tested out his mic. He fidgeted with his nightcap nervously as he heard the other Lunar's talking excitedly around him. Lunar's voice boomed over the whole large crowd "greetings!" Evil lunar flinched at his voice and 0_018 sighed softly hugging him close.

Comfort he needed for whatever psychotic stuff Lunar was going to shove at them, the crowd cheered "Great One!" Evil Lunar felt sick to his stomach and squeezed his eyes shut. He's never liked crowds, yet here he was. In a crowd of thousands because he was forced to be here, in a hot stuffy tight place.

Lunar made a quick movement with his hands and the crowd went silent, Evil Lunar looked over to 0_920, his face grim as he grumbled "what kind of psychotic {{{BEEP}}} am I gonna hear today..." Evil Lunar kept fidgeting and Evil Lunar saw 0_920 get elbowed by about ten Lunar's who had overheard him. 

He could feel the disapproving glares even if they weren't angled to him and 0_920 let out a harsh hiss and slapped them away "okay okay! Jeez!" Evil Lunar looked up at Lunar and he said "you know god?" Evil Lunar grunted, oh so were killing god now. Guys insane if he thinks he can manage that- "I have found a way to kill god" Lunar said and the crowd murmured curiously.

There ain't no way Lunar found out a way to kill god, Evil lunar sighed. His delusions, hopefully he finds god, tries, and dies in the process. "You see!" Lunar said clasping his hands together, his built in microphone function echoing across the room "I may or may not have kidnapped... some god and found out a way to kill them" Evil Lunar's eyes widened in shock.

He did WHAT.

"HOW?!" he screamed across the crowd, it was disrespectful and it earned him glares but Lunar seemed to understand the question and said "well 0_908, great question! You see, it's surprisingly easy to trap god under the right...circumstances... but that's classified" Evil lunar narrowed his eyes in suspicion and Lunar said "and how I killed them is classified as well! But the god I killed is not classified, some god called Deproosh, I know, stupid name" bro did not just called a gods name stupid- surely no one else will agree with this!

0_920's face was horrified, however the crowd murmured and Evil Lunar heard some of them saying that Lunar was better anyway. If Evil Lunar's face could pale, it would have, 0_920's as well. His hands shook and 0_018 said in awe "he killed god!" "w-why is that a good thing-?" Evil Lunar croaked.

0_018 looked in concern "are you okay..?" no. NO HE IS NOT OKAY.

He felt like he was going to pass out, if what Lunar said was true and he truly had a way to kill god... then the multiverse is doomed... the only things in his way were god probably and if he could kill them then... nothing could stop him. 

Nothing at all.

"0_908...?" 0_018 said in concern and Evil Lunar shook his head "this has to be a joke-" 0_018 stared in concern before raising her hand, Lunar stopped his speech when he saw luckily and somehow and asked "what is it 0_018?" "0_908 looks very... sick, can I take him to his room, I apologize for interrupting your great speech" 0_018 said in a respectful tone and Lunar nodded "you may go."

Poor Evil Lunar was not taking this whole thing well at all. He got lead out of the crowd by 0_018 and once the he was away from the murmuring 0_018 said softly "you okay...?" Evil Lunar's hands were shaking and he choked out "no-" 0_018 looks concerned "do you need me to carry you? You look like you're gonna suddenly fall over-" "I won't-" Evil Lunar fell over then and he muttered feeling weak on his legs "fine..." 0_018 gave him a concerned look before she picked him up gently.

"I'm going to get you to your room... okay?" she said softly and Evil Lunar was just trying to process the whole situation. 0_018 was just concerned as she walked up the stairs and to Lunar's room and sighed laying him down on the bed "just try to get some rest, not sure what's going on with you but it's okay... just get some rest, I'll come back and check up on you after the speech..." Evil Lunar choked out "okay-" then 0_018 left silently with a quick goodbye and Evil Lunar just laid there.

He killed god-

Were all doomed-


That's where Deproosh has been-

We've been searching for him everywhere, he has stressed about his disappearance and he's dead- Fate did something he rarely did, because of how much energy it took.

He reached out for Deproosh's energy and was met by a jarring nothing, panic filled him instantly "no no no no-" he muttered, he must have done it wrong- no way Lunar found out a way- but he must have- no- no-

This is worse than he thought.

Much much worse.

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