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"Lunar...?" she said softly tapping his shoulder gently and he watched Lunar turn and say cheerfully "hi! What's up?" Earth was silent before saying "you've been acting weird... and Sun and Moon still aren't back, it's been a year and Computer's stopped making updates, I-I'm scared Lunar" Lunar was silent before clasping his hands together and sighing "well, Monty said Computer has been having some... issues, and is currently trying to fix him, and you know how dimensional time is!" Earth frowned at him.

Her eyes narrowed, she has noticed how much Lunar just didn't care. "Lunar, I must ask, have you been feeling okay?" Lunar shrugged "yeah, why?" Earth sighed "I dunno... you just... you've been acting strange, and my systems feel all scrambled..." Lunar gave her a look of concern "sis, we should check that out!" Earth sighed "no no, it's fine! Just uh, tell me if anything is bothering you... okay?"


Yet something about the reply was wrong, unhinged almost. Earth could tell something was wrong with her brother, Sun and Moon haven't come back, maybe that's why! Oh my god, where are they?! It's been a year!


He woke up to the most adorable sight, he was just making tea when he realized Fate was finally asleep and Nsheios was snuggled up in his arms. He wasn't sure if Fate had already been asleep and Nsheios came in for a snuggle or Fate just let him, KC knew it was most likely the first one since Fate didn't seem to like Nsheios that much.

He just didn't trust him, however, lately he's been a bit more trusting so who knows. Whatever the reason, it melted KC's heart. Slowly he crept over and snapped a pic, and sent it to Eclipse. He knew Eclipse was probably on his way back, whatever he was doing. He's been gone for a day, that's a very long time.

KC sighed and walked over to the bedroom where he and Fate had shoved Lunar and unlocked the door and peeked in, he saw a curled up frame under the blanket and he said softly "hey" he saw them jump slightly and KC began to wonder if they had slept at all.

Was it the best idea to shove them into a room alone all night...? They were clearly struggling, frick uh- he slowly crept over to the curled up frame and wearily lifted the blanket. KC was met by a scared face, sure... they were a Lunar, but maybe just maybe, shoving them in a room wasn't the best idea. 

I could have stayed up all night and watched them, but he just left them alone. Slowly he scooped up the frame and they snapped "hey watch it-!" it seemed like more of a fear response then anything. That meant they were probably worse, I messed up didn't I... "Hey hey, it's okay..." he said softly as they struggled in the blanket, they did not at all like the confinement of it.

"Chill-" KC grunted narrowly avoiding a clawed face, KC said fighting them "you hungry?" they were about his size, he had no idea how he was managing this. "No" they snarled but a faint stomach rumble betrayed their hunger, "you are hungry... when was the last time you ate?" they snarled "why does that matter?!" KC said "well, it matters because your hungry" KC managed to hold them still and after a bunch of struggles they just gave up.

They gave him a harsh hate filled glare and KC patted their head "there! That's better!" they tried to snap at his hand and he said "no no, stop" he sighed "now tell me, when did you last eat?" they replied with silence, glaring right at him aggressively before saying "what do you actually want? Information? Because you won't get it." KC grunted "information would be nice sure, but that's not why were doing this, were doing this out of kindness, Fate felt bad for you. You seem to be a... well uh.. how do I put this...? A victim of Lunar" the Lunar glared before snarling "was that a threat-!?" KC shook his head "no no! You just seem... dunno, you've said some stuff that's made us wonder if your a Lunar victim, that's all!" they gave him a look.

A confused one, though KC had a feeling they were more confused towards themselves. "Are you a fan of tea?" he asked softly and they snarled "I don't need it. I was awake all night." KC gave them a concerned look before saying softly "oh... erm... why?" they gave a bewildered look "oh I don't know! I'm trapped here! All the sudden I got locked in a room after being poked at all day!" KC frowned "poked at? That was Fate showing you kindness bud-" they snarled "The Great One said that they'd never be nice unless there was a catch. What's the catch?" KC gave him a sad look.

"Hey, listen to me please..." he said "This 'Great One' of yours fed you lies and trash" KC watched them stiffen up as though remembering something, he gave them a concerned look as he watched them shake their head and grumble "stupid 0_908... get out of my head...." KC asked curiously "who's that?" their head snapped over and they snarled "a traitor to Lunar's cause." Though KC saw their body language.

They were torn, they wanted to believe that, yet something was stopping them. "Really? What did they say?" he hoped he wasn't pressing too much, they glared at him before saying "that The Great One was going to leave me in the dirt... but that doesn't matter! I can't be a dissenter, I am loyal to The Great One's holy cause!" KC frowned in confusion "are y'all a cult or somethin'?" the Lunar went silent before slowly saying "I... don't know..." awkward silence.

KC said cheerfully to break the awkwardness "anyways, time to make breakfast!" The Lunar grunted "please put me down-" KC said "nope! I'm going to get you used to me, even if you don't like the way I'm doing it!" The Lunar gave him a confused look before KC said "don't question it! I don't know what I'm doing!" the Lunar grunted "clearly, also, I'm not eating your slop-" KC said "correction, your eating, because you're hungry" they snarled "you can't force me" KC poked their face lightly, avoiding the sore parts and said "shhhhhh, I understand that fact."

The Lunar flinched and snarled lightly at the poke and KC said "how about some eggs?" the Lunar snarled "I really don't care-!" KC said "eggs it is!"

"Evil" Lunar 

He heard the news, he was devastated and horrified. She died during battle...? He was in his room, struggling to process the fact, tears going down his face. "She died... during battle...?" he mumbled to himself, to him, it felt like the last thing he had got torn away. He clutched a pillow, I tried to warn her- no this is my fault right-? I should have persuaded her more!

He heard a knock at his door, he didn't get up to open it or anything and Lunar walked in. "0_908? Are you here?" he asked softly and Evil Lunar's head snapped towards Lunar and he glared right into his eyes. Lunar said "oh you poor thing-" Evil Lunar snapped "quite the pity works! LEAVE NOW!" Lunar seemed a tad bit surprised by the sudden aggression of a previously submissive Lunar. 

"Oh?" he said, clearly not happy about Evil Lunar's voice raise, Evil Lunar wiped tears away and yelled at the top of his lungs "LEAVE BEFORE I BEAT YOUR-!" Lunar grunted and said "I'll just let you grieve" he left and Evil Lunar yelled after him "LEAVE ME ALONE AND NEVER TALK TO ME AGAIN!" he knew that wasn't going to happen, but as usual he wanted nothing to do with Lunar, but this time, it wasn't out of fear.

It was out of rage and grief. 

He knew it was something Lunar did.

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