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"What did you just call us." Lunar hissed looking up at 0_018 and she looked him right in the eyes and said "Twinkle Short." Lunar glared and 0_018 said "I also heard that you lost the dang thing, wow" Lunar felt embarrassment flood him now that he knew that 0_018 somehow found out and Other asked "how'd you find out?" "well" 0_018 said amused "the supercomputer told me" Lunar cursed and yelled "Computer seriously?!" Computer said "I had to, for many many reasons, all hell broke out right when you broke, apparently green killer slime or whatever.

"You know what, I'm not going to ask." Lunar scoffed and 0_018 crouched to his height and said "Twinkle Short." Lunar stared her in eyes coldly and said "your getting braver aren't you" 0_018 stuck her tongue in his face causing Lunar to grimace in disgust and say "your trying to die aren't you" 0_018 replied with a simple "nope!" 

0_018 hissed "by the way, how did the ball pit balls feel?" the taunt was there and Other hissed "I can assure you, they were painful. Now stop before I teleport you there" 0_018 looked unfazed which was not something Lunar was used to, it caught him off guard. 

"Oh, please do!" 0_018 said cheerfully, Lunar narrowed his eyes knowing what was going on here and he said "no, now stop" 0_018 stayed crouched in front of him, very rudely might he add, and she said "alrighty then, your choice Twinkle Short!" Lunar grunted "why are you suddenly trying to get under my skin?" he turned away and she followed him and said "no reason!" 

Lunar gave her a glare "there has to be a reason so spit it-" much to Lunar's shock he felt 0_018 grab his cap swiftly, Lunar's head snapped towards her and she held the cap and tossed it back and forth in her hands. "You were saying?" she asked rudely and Lunar glared silently, Lunar jumped up to try and grab it and she held it just out of reach "shorty" 0_018 said and Lunar hissed in frustration his red eyes locked on her. 

"Give me my cap now." He said voice demanding "or I'll blow you off another cliff" he watched as 0_018's teasing and taunting demeanor faltered and her eyes dulled. Her body stiffened up and her eyes locked on his, Lunar stiffened up as well at her reaction and she said in a low husky voice "you suck, I was going to give you your cap back eventually, but now I don't think I will." 

She stared at him dull eyes before looking over at the fire place nearby, usually Lunar's would be huddled there toasting marshmallows for whatever reason, however it was late at night so they were sleeping right now.  

Much to Lunar's shock and dismay 0_018 hurled his nightcap into the flames and he shrieked in alarm and tried to retrieve it, 0_018 grabbed his arm and lifted him and stared him in the eyes. Lunar was still caught off guard by this highly disrespectful behavior and he snapped "look what you've done you little-" 0_018 hissed "shut up. You're lucky I don't just toss you in with your cap," she turned and walked while holding him in humiliating position. 

Her grip was firm on his wrist and he was kinda just dangling there and struggling about "LET GO!" he swore he was getting bullied by people more than usual and it sucked. "0_018, let us go now" 0_018 said "no, I'm going to carry you around to teach you a lesson. It's called humiliation, can you spell humiliation?" no way she just did that.

Lunar squirmed and kicked at her and 0_018 hummed and said "lets bring you to a highly populated area!" Lunar hissed desperately "please don't-!" 0_018 shook him slightly and said "this is a lesson, I'm going to carry you for five hours" Lunar squirmed and struggled. This is the second time this week he's been held against his will.

Second time. 

"Five hours?!" Other yelped and 0_018 hummed and walked to the marketplace, filled with many Lunar's. Lunar shrank into himself as they stared silently and he yelled "it's part of a- a procedure- yeah-!" they were about to believe him but 0_018 said "nope, I'm holding him against his will" Lunar cursed her out and attempted to kick her a couple of time. 

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