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Eclipse laid in the bed silently staring at the concrete roof, the sound of snoring was in the bunker as Moon snored loudly, bro sounded like a lawn mower. Everyone except him was asleep, Lord Eclipse and the kiddos were snuggled at his side under the blanket and Solar was sleeping in the opposite bed. The bunker was dark, nearly pitch black, but it didn't bother Eclipse much.

He was awake because he was thinking. He was thinking of everything he had done in his life, how many people he had hurt. "Eclipse" Computer said softly "my body should be finished tomorrow, also, don't let that keep you up okay. That isn't who you are now" Eclipse was silent for a long moment before mumbling softly "yeah... but I can't believe I did It..." guilt ate away at him.

He understood what guilt was now, It sucked. Computer sighed softly "you should watch some YouTube, it'll get your mind off the topic, then put it down in about thirty minutes and try to sleep. Okay?" Eclipse mumbled "okay..." Computer grunted softly, he was clearly also tired. Making a body is hard work, especially when you make sure it's fully functional and is completely perfect.

"You should get some rest as well..." Eclipse said tiredly and Computer muttered "I will..." Eclipse took out his phone and connected himself to it with Bluetooth so he could hear it and not disturb the others. He muttered softly and Lord Eclipse stirred and yawned, he looked at Eclipse sleepily before squeezing himself into Eclipse arm and snuggling in. 

He looked at the phone sleepily and Eclipse smiled softly and ruffled Lord Eclipse rays, it was in a very big brother like way, and Eclipse grunted softly and watched the phone. "You gonna watch with me?" Eclipse asked softly and Lord Eclipse nodded softly, he was clearly tired. It was a miracle that he didn't get woken up from a nightmare though,  as much as Eclipse liked the idea of watching YouTube with Lord Eclipse.

This also caused some...   complications. In the end he settled on the turning his Bluetooth off and turning his phone volume down really low and hope to god no one wakes up. Much to his relief, not a stir. He checked the Sun and Moon Show channel, out of curiosity, and saw it was normal stuff, a gaming episode.

He sighs softly and Lord Eclipse watched him scroll tiredly, he checked Lunar and Earth Show and his eyes widened, 'something Is Up With Lunar in VRCHAT!' curiosity of course took over, he was about to click it when he felt Lord Eclipse body stiffen up as he looked at the small light lavender animatronic on the thumbnail. 

"Hey, you okay...?" he asked concerned and Lord Eclipse whined and hid shaking. Alarmed Eclipse instantly took Lunar off the screen, why was he reacted like this? It's just Lunar! "Hey hey" he said softly in concern "hey-" Lord Eclipse shook all over whining and hid under the blanket.

"It's okay!" he said softly, this reaction. This reaction was scaring him because it was angled at Lunar of all people. "Lord Eclipse..." he said softly "you know it's just Lunar, ya know that right?" Lord Eclipse whined and Eclipse sighed deciding that Lord Eclipse didn't like the way they looked and simply said softly "we can watch something later..." Lord Eclipse whined and Eclipse pressed him closer and decided to watch some random video he found.

It was a Rainworld video, all of them he had found, were quite silly. It was quite the chaotic fandom, he had played the game before. An incredible game. Lord Eclipse calmed down after some time and watched the stupid animatics and chucked, apparently he also played the game at some point so understood what was going on.

Credit to Northflowo! Just found this funny (my humor is broken) and decided to add it, spoilers for Artificer's character btw.

Eclipse watched the stupid stuff this fandom was making for quite some time till Lord Eclipse fell asleep and Eclipse decided he should also fall asleep. He sighed putting his phone on a nearby table and closed his eyes softly. Lord Eclipse slept silently, Eclipse then fell asleep as well.

Computer's suggestion had worked.

He still had to watch that video on Lunar and Earth Show, he was curious, but he'll do that tomorrow. 

This chapter was short, but fun to write. Also, I know a lot of my readers probably don't know what Rainworld is or don't know much about it, don't worry, It only really gets mentioned in this chapter.

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