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He had made the long walk to the daycare, he came to quite the shock. "Moon's not here" said Earth, "he's off with Sun on some mission to stop BloodMoon and Ruin" wow, I really need to catch up. "Okay?" he said looking up at her, he felt very short right now. 

"How long have they been off?" 

"About four months."

"Four months?!"

KC was shocked by this and he shuffled his feet, "wow- uh- okay?" I hope to god they are okay, that's a long time! Lunar runs in making loud obnoxious sounds and stopped staring right into KC's eyes.

"Oh?" he said in a suddenly unnerving tone of voice "hi" KC stared and asked Earth "is he okay-?!" Earth shrugged "he's fine" KC saw out of the corner of his eyes, Lunar's head tilted creepily as he stared at KC.

Nope nope nope-

"You call that fine?!" KC cried and Earth turned and Lunar went back to his normal self and cheered "KC! Hi! Welcome!" he waved cheerfully at KC, Earth turned back to KC "what do you mean? He's being completely normal!" KC stared at Lunar and shook his head, imagined it- imagined it- He sighed "okay-" he said.

Lunar ran over and hugged him tight and grinned brightly. 

KC had decided to rest in the daycare before moving on, he sewed some pants up while sitting in a stool while humming softly to himself. He turned over and yelped when he saw a little face looking at him from beside him "hi!" Lunar said cheerfully, "jeez- you scared me!" KC yelped and Lunar chuckled "sorry! I am known for being sneaky on my feet! Only one person sensed me coming and well, ruined the fun a bit not gonna lie!" please tell me he means a simple scare- 

"Cool-" KC said wearily and he watched Lunar pull himself high stool outside the daycare door across from KC and put his two clawed hands on table with a gentle smack and said "well, I need your help with something?" KC eyed him curiously "really? What do you need help with?" Lunar whined dramatically "I can't find some people! I wanna talk with them, they are my friends!" KC shrugged.

"So you need help with that?" he asked and Lunar nodded eagerly "yeah! One's a dad, great fellow I must say, great friend!" KC asked curiously "I can help, but I need to know their name" Lunar nodded "George! His names George, met him in the daycare, I wanna meet back up with him again, ya know. A friendly meeting" KC was not at all overlooking the red flags everywhere.

"Okay...?" he said and Lunar whined "I miss him! We had the same interests and such, been a couple months since we first talked" KC sighed and shrugged "sure I guess, I can help. George was it?" Lunar made a quick mmhm and KC grunted, suspicious... but this is Lunar were talking about, can't hurt a fly, he can act a little unhinged sometimes but he'd much rather play with you than hurt you.

"Alright, I'll keep out for a guy called George" he said and Lunar grinned cheerfully "thank you!" KC sighed and said "I think it's about time I go" Lunar whined "awwww, you just came!" KC nodded "yeah, but I gotta keep moving ya know" Lunar pouted "fine" KC got up packing some stuff up and he waved to Lunar and left.

Time to find my sons I guess.

This is going to be a very awkward reunion. 


Hmph, leaving already.

Whatever, I know exactly where he's going anyway.

Now all I have to do is follow him, easy!


"No no no! Don't chew that!" Eclipse cried as Sun tried to chew on a charger he somehow found a way to, he scooped Sun up and muttered to him softly and Sun coo'd and smacked his face lightly and Eclipse grunted "ow" he said in a exaggerated tone and Sun giggled loudly "daddy!" smack, Eclipse smiled softly and straightened his rays.

"You had a rough tussle huh?" he asked amused as he fixed Sun's rays which were all over the place, Sun squeaked in reply and BloodMoon stood victoriously nearby. He finally got Sun to stop his squirming and he fixed his rays gently, snapping them back into their normal places in ways that he knew wouldn't hurt Sun.

Sun bit his hand lightly and Eclipse cupped his face lightly with a hand and Sun squealed and struggled, Eclipse could tell it was more playful than agitated. Sun giggled and Moon snored loudly nearby. All he did was sleep Eclipse swore to god, Sun bit his finger lightly and Eclipse chuckled and patted his head gently while walked to the bed where BloodMoon and Moon were.

He gently sat Sun down and Lord Eclipse peeks out from under the blanket and kinda just watching him silently. Sun almost instantly got into another tussle with BloodMoon and Lord Eclipse squealed shrinking back and hiding away from them back under the blanket. Eclipse sighed and watched them tussle, BloodMoon bit Sun's ray gently and Sun squeaked in anger and tried to bite back.

BloodMoon sat on him and Sun pouted giving up instantly. BloodMoon was once again victorious, he squeaked proudly holding his head up high. Moon swatted him away though and snarled, Sun and BloodMoon yelped and scambled away and Moon turned going back to sleep.

Moon was always grumpy, Eclipse had no idea why. Always sleeping and eating when Eclipse brought lizards then sleeping and snapping.

It's a repeating cycle.

Is he depressed at a young age?

Nobody shall know!

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