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??? (No bold letters)

It has been about a month. They had one little dimension in mind, Lord Eclipse's. He was currently weakened by the wither storm, he was a sitting duck and he didn't even know it.

Probably thinks he's invincible despite the fact he was horribly weakened.

One things for sure.

That dimension was going to be theirs sooner or later, they hoped to strike this month. Maybe even tomorrow if they were lucky, they'd kill Lord Eclipse and bam.

Dimension theirs! They get to have some fun while doing it as well. They tapped their fingers on their wooden desk in a series of small taps.

You know what, screw it, I'll strike now. 

They've got nothing better to do anyway, they knew they were going to win and get some entertainment. And they were really in need of some entertainment.

They were going to make Lord Eclipse's death slow, why? For the sake of it! For the sake of their own sick glee, hmm, they were going to rip his limbs off!

Then each one of his rays!

Before finally, pulling his wires out slowly.

Fun! I am really in need of entertainment, I'll just go and attack now.

They were going to win in a heartbeat anyway.  

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