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"Fate...?" he said softly as he watched Fate's trembling form teleport in, Fate turned staring at him. "Hey Fate... your eyes a little red" Nsheios said in worry "and puffy... did you cry?" Fate was silent before choking out "she's gone-" Nsheios saw Luna wasn't around and alarm filled him. He tucked his wings closer to himself "where's Luna?" he asked softly and Fate body trembled and Nsheios flinched back as she started crying.

"Fate?! What happened to her?!" Nsheios pulled Fate into a hug as she cried "th-they took her-" Fate sobbed and Nsheios asked "who...?" Fate clung onto him tight "L-Luna-Lunar-" Nsheios stiffened and he said softly "I'm going to get Computer... Eclipse is currently busy with the kiddos... apparently Sun chewed through some wires, and while electricity has disappeared... he still swallowed some of the wires." Fate clung to Nsheios, not even listening to what he's saying.


No no no- I was supposed to look after her!

I can't loose someone else!


Oh who am I kidding... I'm going to loose them anyway...

Why am I even getting attached...? It gets me nowhere, well... except pain.

I should have saved her, what's wrong with me?!

Why'd I freeze up like that, I was supposed to look after her, I shouldn't have let her go-

I shouldn't have let her go-

Fate was in the middle of blaming herself at the moment, not even listening to what Nsheios was telling her in a soft gentle voice. She was scared and terrified that she lost more of what she cared about to Lunar.


"Sir, Lunar's plan was set into motion, half the multiverse is dead" a entity said and they turned. They tilted their head curiously and asked "and the celestial bodies?" the entity grunted in reply "soon I'm sure, they will join the soon to grow Chaos, Taurus and Pollux first from the looks of it, sir" they nodded at the entity. 

"Good good... we'll kick Lunar off his little throne soon" they looked at their black clawed fingers before saying "he won't know what hit him, he doesn't even know I exist, hopefully, we'll kill him. However, I know he will put up a fight" the entity growled "in the small chance he does survive, a very surprising thing will happen" they turned towards Artrius "hmm?" they hummed softly and Artrius said "sir, if he survives, it appears he will join the Chaos out of desperation to get you out of his way, then... he will feel something new" they tilted their head at Artrius in curiosity "such as?" they asked and Artius frowned.

"It appears they will feel guilt sir, I'm not sure what will cause it, but it appears they will" they were curious as Artrius said this.

"Curious..." they muttered nibbling their claws, "doubt he will cope with that well."

Short chapter, but here! :D

Who are these people?


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