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"Fate we need groceries, yet... I'm getting kinda  scared by the rain" Eclipse said and Fate replied "I put a bubble around the house" Eclipse frowned "you what-?" Fate shrugged "look outside" Eclipse ran and looked out the window, he shrieked in shock and slowly turned towards Fate "Fate, there's high flood waters around the weird bubble-" Fate nodded "that's why I put it up" Eclipse yelped "why didn't you tell me-?!" Fate was silent before shrugging "I dunno-" Fate jumped when suddenly, without warning, Eclipse started coughing.

Fate quickly grabbed him and rubbed his back as Eclipse wheezed, "It's been a while since this happened..." Fate said in concern and Eclipse wheezed "I can't breath-" Fate froze up then and said "please tell me your joking-" Eclipse's eyes lit up with panic and he struggled to breath and Fate reacted instantly, she grabbed Eclipse's head.

Eclipse struggled and she flipped a switch in the back of his head, Eclipse's body made a harsh snapping sound, probably from changing modes so suddenly, but his body relaxed. Rays drooping, "Eclipse..." Fate said softly in concern and Eclipse stared at the floor "I feel weird-" Fate sighed "it's because you changed from breathing to no breathing suddenly... shh... it's okay" Eclipse's hand shook slightly and Fate worried what would have happened if she wasn't here next to him.

Fate gently rubbed his back, very concerned. 0_018 ran in yelling "the cats died!" Eclipse's head snapped over and he croaked "what-?!" 0_018 shrieked "I don't know! They suddenly dropped dead!" Eclipse's face was devastated then and Fate took a moment to process that, but then, it clicked.

Her entire body stiffened and she asked 0_018 "you don't need air?" 0_018 shrugged "The Great One..." they trailed off, hesitating for a moment to call Lunar that, before shaking their hand and saying confidently "The Great One made sure all the Lunar didn't need a breathing function, we can function with liquid in our bodies" Eclipse's body jerked and his body made a hissing sound and he shuddered.

"Ew-" 0_018 frowned "ew what?" Eclipse shuddered "I feel wet-" 0_018 shrugged "you'll get used to it" Eclipse's body shuddered again and 0_018 sighed "it feels... very weird at first, believe me" Fate asked 0_018 seriously "how did the cats die?" Eclipse's face was silent and devastated, he loved those cats. 

0_018 was silent before saying "they suddenly dropped and looked like they were struggling to breath and just died" Fate stared and the reality of the situation dropped on her, she yelled then "0_018 find the kids, Computer, Solar, and pretty much everyone in this household! If they are struggling pull THIS switch!" 0_018 flinched before seeing how serious Fate was. They ran off and Eclipse croaked "what's going on-" Fate rushed over to Lord Eclipse, she lifted up the blanket and they looked at her and whined. 

Lord Eclipse is fine-  that's good that's good- uh-

0_018 ran in and yelled "everyone's fine!" Fate felt the relief fill her and her hands shook slightly and Eclipse suddenly asked 0_018 "where are the cats?" his voice was seriously and 0_018 pointed at the basement and Eclipse ran full speed. 

0_018 watched before turning towards Fate "you wanna go shopping?" Fate gave them a dumbfounded look "seriously?" 0_018 asked "what?" Fate sighed at how nonchalant 0_018 was. She put a hand on 0_018's shoulder and said "18, I love you. But the cats just died" 0_018 shrugged "so, they're lowly" Fate frowned "so if I were to die, you wouldn't care?" 0_018's face was filled with shame then.

She muttered "I... care for a lowly..." her voice was soft and Fate gave them a concerned look. Fate said "the cats died, they were Eclipse's pets, show at least some remorse-" 0_018 hugged Fate then "I know what's happening" Fate was silent, staring at them surprised by the random hug.

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