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The next day, Eclipse was sitting at the beach alone. A gentle salty breeze hitting him as he sat in the lawn chair, taking in a nice peaceful day. The sun was bright in the air and the day was just lovely, he was currently reading a book and just having some alone time. 

Sadly for him, it wouldn't last long. 

He looked up from the book and squinted at something in the ocean, wait... that's not supposed to be there. It looked like someone just floating there, not dead, just on their back. Of course, he was concerned. He stood up placing his book down gently on his seat where we sitting and walked over to the  shore of the beach, against the water.

It looked like some kind of robot, poor thing must be waterlogged by now, he had no idea if it was waterproof. Squinting at it, he jumped when he saw the figure turn it's head towards him and then just disappear. Confused as heck he just grunted and rubbed his temples, he was confused by whatever that was and just shrugged.

Not the weirdest thing he's seen, he turned to sit back down when he felt something tap his shoulder, he turned and fell back at the floating robot in front of it. "Hi!" it said cheerfully and loudly, just floating in front of him like that was a normal thing to do, "what the fu-!?" "Language" the floating robot said amused. 

"Hi! Where's your Chaos buddy? You shouldn't be alone!" the entity said in concern, tilting it's head at Eclipse, "excuse me-?" he asked confused and the entity said floating up throwing it's hands up "your Chaos of course! You Eclipse's shouldn't be alone, no no no!" the entity waved a finger in Eclipse's face disapprovingly and Eclipse was just confused by it's existence.

"Listen- uh, think you have the wrong guy, I have no idea who you are or what this Chaos thing your talking about is" he said pushing the finger away nervously and the entity had a stunned face for a long moment before saying concerned "your joking right?" "uh... not joking-" the entity grunted and gave him a concerned look. 

"So.. your... uh, outliet?" it asked and Eclipse gave him a look of pure confusion before deciding that this was a poor confused dimensional being who probably came through a wormhole "okay, buddy, I don't think your from my dimension-" "oh no no no, a Chaos is spread throughout dimensions, you should know this!" it jabbed a finger at him accusingly making Eclipse flinch. 

"Erm- you see- I have no idea what a Chaos is-" he said more nervous of this entity and the entity muttered confused and worried. "How long was I asleep...?" it muttered confused before looking at him then back at the floor looking confused as heck.

"Alone Eclipse... bad, bad for Eclipse... okay, Eclipse, is that your name or is it something else?" it asked then and Eclipse looked side to side before saying "that's my name...?" the entity shrugged "good good, okay, so, this is dimension_0909343343454454645... wait... this is where the Eclipse camp is supposed to be! I uh- why is there an island and a house here?! Where's the Eclipse's?!" it asked in panic and grabbed and clutched his shoulders tight. 

"Uhhhh..." Eclipse said "your scaring me here-" the entity muttered "so, you don't know who I am and you don't know what a Chaos is?! You poor poor thing" Eclipse looked away and pushed them off "uh huh... buddy, I'm going to need you to uh, go away, sorry" he was starting think this thing was on something goofy. 

"I won't leave" it said seriously "my name is Nsheios" "uh huh" Eclipse said wearily starting to worry about his family's safety "so you have a family!" It exclaimed suddenly and Eclipse stared in alarm "what-?" "oh I can sense it" "you can what now-?!" the entity suddenly teleported  to a palm tree and climbed to the top and sat there. 

"Hmm.... alone Eclipse, wait, so Eclipse, you interact with any Eclipse's recently?" Eclipse frowned "uhh... yeah...?"  he looked up at it and it nodded "good good... so your... hmmm.... man, how long was I asleep... this is worrying," Eclipse gave him a weird look. 

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