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"Evil" Lunar

"Kid-" Evil Lunar said nervously as 0_018 cheered and ran around in fast circles, "I don't believe it!" she cheered "0_908, I got chosen to go with The Great One again!" Evil Lunar stared at 0_018 and worried thoughts filled his head. 

What if she gets hurt?!

What if she dies?!

No- no- no-

She's hurting people-

Not again!

What is Lunar planning?!



"Uh... 0_908 ya good?" 0_018 waved a hand in Evil Lunar's face and Evil Lunar jumped "huh?!" "you zoned off again..." 0_018 said sadly and Evil Lunar rubbed his eyes and 0_018 sighed "I'm going to take over a dimension with The Great One again!" she cheered and Evil Lunar felt anxiety hit him full force.

"Can you not-?" he asked and 0_018 gave a confused look "ya know, 0_908, I love you, but your weird" ow. That hurt, but I won't stand with her going. "Okay, kid-" 0_018 cut in "why do you keep calling me kid?" Evil Lunar paused before sighing "don't worry about it..." 0_018 said "listen, Lunar, you worry me-" Evil Lunar snapped "no you worry me!" 0_018 flinched. 

She looked surprised and Evil Lunar said "listen, I don't want you going! EVER!" 0_018 gave him a glare "why not?" Evil Lunar scoffed "oh I don't know! Maybe the fact your running into battle with some creep!" 0_018 gave a shocked look "you called The Great One a creep-?!" she gasped looking stunned and horrified and Evil Lunar snapped "yes! I did!" 0_018 flinched before saying "you're insane-" "no listen to me kid! Listen to me!" Evil Lunar said grabbing her gently by the shoulder.

"Listen to me..." he said softly "I've seen what he can do... it traumatized me beyond relief" 0_018 grunted "I can tell...." she looked at Evil Lunar sadly and Evil Lunar said "you're not going. I'm stressed constantly when you leave and I'm scared for you!" 0_018 said stubbornly "I'm going" Evil Lunar took a deep breath and said "he brought a Lunar to my dimension, left them to rot when they lost a leg and couldn't move, the dimension imploded and I heard them yelling for him, he'll leave you in the dirt!" he watched 0_018 freeze up.

He hoped that he could get 0_018 to listen to him, however, as expected she yelled "The Great One wouldn't do that!" Evil Lunar flinched and 0_018 snapped "you're a dissenter!" Evil Lunar was silent as 0_018 stomped away, he tried to grab her again gently but she slapped him and snapped "let go!" he flinched back in shock as he felt the harsh sting. 

Hurt filled him as he processed what had just happened, "kid...?" she was gone by now, he rubbed his cheek, tears edging at his eyes as he took a deep breath. Great. Now she hates me, he thought sadly, she's going to go... no I'm sure she'll come back just fine- I'm sure- 

His hand trembled slightly and he closed his eyes tightly, she'll be fine-


She kicked a rock out of frustration and snarled putting her face in her hands, she knew she needed to get going to The Great One, he doesn't like when you're late. She just thought she'd tell 0_908 before she went- god... why do I always expect an applaud? A hug and the words 'I'm so proud of you for achieving this great deed!' because all she ever gets from 0_908 is a silence, a shaky thumbs up, and a silent panic.

Why? Why does that make her so numb? It made her so sad that 0_908 didn't seem to care about her, and she didn't know why, at all. She really shouldn't care if he doesn't care, yet she comes back when she needs help. He gives it, rubbing her back... but she can't really tell if he really cares.

She always expects him to be happy for her, climbing the ranks is a big deal and yet he just doesn't care! Clapping, cheering... why does him calling me kid make me so happy? Her Eclipse was abusive, and aside from The Great One, 0_908 was the first person she met that was nice and welcoming to her.

Played games with her, told her everything was going to be okay (even though he never seemed to truly think that,) being there for her.... but he was also a dissenter... she can't listen to him... right...? All dissenters are fake... right...?

Yet... he watched My Little Pony with me... no one ever does that... they think it's weird. 

I need to get up and get to The Great One, he's waiting. 0_018 stood up on shaky legs, she felt weak, sad, but she knew this was more important than her urge to cry. She walked over to the teleporter to The Great One's room and hesitated.

'He'll leave you in the dirt!'

Her hand paused as that echoed in her head but she shook her head, no. I do not think those bad thoughts, she pressed her hand to the teleporter and she was in the familiar room of The Great One. She watched him turn and say cheerfully "hello 0_018, you ready?" she forced her feelings back and nodded "yes" she'll take it out on some of those stupid lowly's.

The Great One nodded and said "were going to dimension 0_01232*(03" 0_018 said in surprise "that's where all the previous Lunar's of my rank died in battle!" The Great One nodded "I think you'll do better than them however, you're a way better fighter" she watched him clicking some buttons into the machine nervously and he turned "nervous?" she shook her head and he said "your fidgeting, I can tell you're, and that's fine" he pushed a button and they were suddenly in another dimension, she looked around the field.

She was nervous now, she looked at The Great One and he said "for this dimension, to start it's demise, you must stand there" she didn't question it, every dimension had a unique way to start it's end, and she trusts Lunar way too much.                                                                                                                       

She walked over and stood in a patch of green grass, she saw a cliff nearby, though it was still rather far. She looked up at The Great One and he said "I want you to know, your sacrifice wasn't in vain" a little unnerved by that she asked "what?" suddenly, a harsh crash was heard. She screamed in shock as she felt searing heat hit her metal and plastic.

He servos instantly screamed in panic and suddenly, before she even knew what happened, she was flying. Flying through the air, she saw fire where she had been standing. Though at this very moment she hardly processed that fact, she was falling, then something harsh hit her.

She screamed in shock as she hit multiple branches, each one snags at her, tearing her clothing and even her already damaged body. One snagged her face plate and ripped off a chunk of her face, and she just screamed as she fell, trying to grab at anything she could, anything. Before she hit contact with the floor, she laid there, silently.

Struggling to process what had happened, she felt like her head was swimming. It wasn't able to process anything, everything was weirdly blurred together and she couldn't see out of her right eye. She heard the faint hissing of wires sparking, and she felt incredibly hot. It was a horrible feeling, she felt like she was hardly there as she breathed shakily, staring ahead. 

Twinkle Short (hate and love the guy)

He watched her fall, fall down and scream and hit branches with an emotionless face, he knew with the contact she was probably dead. Either that or she was crippled, he didn't care whichever. He turned away and stamped out some fire before going back to the Lunar group. He was in his room and he sat down and grunted, tapping his fingers on a desk before standing up to share the news that she "died in battle," all the Lunar's stupidly believed him.

Naive just as he made them, trying to climb the ranks, and he let them. 

They always ended up like her.

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