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Eclipse yawned as he rubbed BloodMoon's back gently as BloodMoon let out soft purrs, the Lunar watched curiously and Eclipse turned before he decided to ask a completely random question. 

"So... uh, you know about the kid Lunar killed?" the Lunar grunted "which one?" Eclipse went silent processing that before saying "the one who called him Twinkle Short" the Lunar grunted "pathetic irritating brat. No one calls The Great One such a horrible name." Eclipse gently rubbed BloodMoon's back before saying "well... someone did" the Lunar grunted "he shipped them to Antarctica" Eclipse was surprised by that.

"I thought he just killed-!" the Lunar shrugged "nope, he shoved the brat in a cardboard box and shipped them to Antarctica" Eclipse was silent before saying "uhhh... well... I don't know what to say to that-" the Lunar peeked from under the blanket, looking at BloodMoon curiously before asking "why... why are they so relaxed around you? What kind of manipulation did you use?!" they seemed alarmed.

Eclipse quickly said "no no- he's my son-" BloodMoon squeaked "he's a great dad!" the Lunar frowned suspiciously at Eclipse before grunting "uh huh, yeah right" Eclipse sighed, he swore the air was... thinner. It was harder to breathe than usual, he should probably go to the doctor eventually. 

Computer walked in dragging Solar before saying "Solar's currently overworking himself, I'm going to make him stop" Eclipse gave Solar a concerned look before slowly reaching for the Lunar, they flinched back snarling but Eclipse slowly began to rub their back, keeping his movements slow so he didn't startle the Lunar.

They froze up before relaxing into it, Eclipse was surprised by this, he had expected to have his hand mauled. Fate grunted as he finally rolled off the couch, Nsheios let out an unhappy grunt and pushed at Fate before saying grouchily "you big moron, your crushing me" Fate grunted "sorry" Fate rolled off him and stood up walking to the kitchen.

Eclipse ignored them as he felt little claws grip his pants, he looked down and saw Moon looking up at him with a rare yet adorable toothy grin, "hey kiddo" Eclipse said softly and Moon tugged his pants before saying "up" Eclipse smiled, it was nice seeing Moon happy like this, he's usually grouchy.

Eclipse carefully unhooked Moon's claws out of the soft fabric of the yellow pants and pulled him up next to BloodMoon, he kept an eye on the Lunar as they watched, shaking their body out  as if to forget the fact his touch even happened. Eclipse had a feeling that they have been craving their own Eclipse's touch for a long time, Eclipse wondered how bad their Eclipse was.

He knew it was best not to ask, Moon settled down next to BloodMoon and Eclipse watched Solar fidget uncomfortably on the couch as Computer said "hey I need you to relax for five minutes Solar" Solar said "I know, I'm just uh- restless, yeah restless" Computer sighed "you've been working nonstop for a long time..." Eclipse turned away feeling sad.

Eclipse took out his phone while Moon and BloodMoon snuggled into his soft pants, BloodMoon letting out soft purrs. Fate walked back into the living room with a cup of coffee and sat down next to Nsheios, sipping it in their own unique way. Eclipse heard a crash and turned, watching Midnight run into a wall. He watched in alarm as they stood up onto their paws and shook their fur out, Eclipse soon realized they were fine and let out a sigh of relief.

That stupid yet lovable cat... he sighed softly turning on YouTube, Eclipse decided to delete tiktok at this point. BloodMoon always found some kind of way on, also... there's a really creepy trend going on about uh... stalking. They should really delete that app at this point... kids are starting to think stalking is romantic and I do not want my kids on that app. (I'm not joking... if ya'll didn't hear about that, I'm sorry you know now...)

So I deleted it, problem solved! No way BloodMoon will figure out how to install and hide the app right?

Oh who am I kidding...? This is BloodMoon I'm talking about... he's hacked into my phone every time I've changed my password, which is ten times! He's too smart for his own good, Eclipse looked down at BloodMoon with worried eyes as he rubbed their back and the Lunar grunted "that worry looks very real, quite the actor you are. Fooled this entire sad excuse of a family!" Eclipse turned and poked their face "no" they grimaced at the poke and Eclipse said "let me check this patch job" the Lunar stiffened and Eclipse gently grabbed them.

They instantly began to fight and Eclipse held them down with gentle hands and looked at the damage "oh you poor thing, your entire eye is missing... I don't think we can fix it..." much to his alarm and pity he heard them squeak "It is?!" Eclipse looked at them in pity "you didn't know?" the Lunar slowly moved their hand to the side of their face and gasped, poor thing didn't know...

Most likely because they've been so focused on being on edge and  on trying to escape that they never noticed the fact that a large chunk of their face was missing, Eclipse said softly "maybe we'll be able to fix it... we'll see," he held them gently, they seemed shocked and horrified, Eclipse knew that they've been through a lot, it was obvious. 

"Oh... have you been feeling dizzy?" he asked and they were silent before choking out "yeah-?" Eclipse shook their head "not good... should have looked closer at your damage sooner..." Eclipse was silently before sighing "god... I'm a moron, we gotta get that fixed up as soon as possible, I've got some important questions, okay?" the Lunar looked alarmed by what's going on.

"My eye is gone-?! How did I not notice?!" they shrieked and Eclipse stared at them in concern as he felt BloodMoon and Moon stiffen up, "hey hey... it's okay.. you've been so busy trying to keep your guard up and it's clear that... Lunar did something. You don't need to hide it, okay? You're clearly hurt, and I can tell your trust got hurt as well" Eclipse said this softly, trying to make sure his voice sounded caring, but not pushing.

"You're safe here though... most of us here have... had uhh... issues with Lunar, you're not alone" they looked at him before choking out "how-how'd you know-? I thought I hid it well- I-" Eclipse said softly "adds up too well, your damaged and part of the Lunar group, you kept mumbling about how 'oh this is just a great misunderstanding, The Great One wouldn't do that!' Tell me... okay? Does your head feel fuzzy? Does your heart still seem abnormally fast? Do your thoughts feel disconnected? This is very important" they were silent.

They held their hand up to their face, Eclipse saw it trembling slightly before they let it down putting their head on the armrest of the recliner, they looked at Eclipse before mumbling "it just doesn't make sense.... you act so nice... I keep telling myself it's manipulation but... it doesn't seem that way..." they seemed tired and confused. Eclipse let them talk, he was concerned for them. 

"The Great One said all Eclipse's are bad- but what has he lied about?! He blew me up and o-o-over a cliff-" Eclipse was very alarmed and shocked by that "I-I'm sorry he what-?" Fate looked up from his coffee and said softly "that's why I found them near the edge of a cliff..." Eclipse was silent. He could see just how hard the Lunar was struggling, they seemed very conflicted "but... he wouldn't lie- but he did lie! Right?! No. He didn't." Eclipse said softly "hey... you're gonna be okay, shh... deep breaths, I want you to answer my question, do you feel... okay in the head..?" the Lunar shook their head as if to clear their thoughts.

"We-well- my head feels weird, like I dunno..." Eclipse gently tucked the blanket around them, feeling them stiffen up, he whispered softly "shh... I want you to know your safe, and I really need to fix that chip in your head... it's kinda uhh... damaged, it was a processor, though it's not damaged enough to effect you, it will get worse over time... I think your heads cloudy from shock Little Lu"  they stiffened and gave him a dumbfounded look.

"I'm sorry, did you just call me Little Lu-?!"

"Yes :)"

Guys, Eclipse is so sweet now! I was writing this and I remembered that in the first chapter he thought about strangling the kiddos to get rid of them. Like wow, the character development! I'm quite proud of Eclipse's character because I think I'm doing his character development smoothly!

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