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From a art request!


He knew the answer already, he couldn't sense their energy, they were gone. Fate's face said it all as well, she had a very pained look in her eye and Star mimicked a shaky breath, he found that the air was thicker than it usually was. 

The air was so hot and dry and he shuddered taking another shaky deep breath and Fate said in a soft cracking voice "they're dead..." Star was silent, he left them on bad terms. They thought of him as a murderer and they passed on still thinking that, okay so sure, he was a murderer. 

But he did it to protect Fate... though she didn't take it well did she... Wait, what about Nsheios?! Oh I hope he's still asleep- he has to be right-? wait how long was I dead? How am I back exactly? 

This is both crushing and confusing. 

Star looked up at Fate and his eye widened in alarm when he saw Fate's wrists, they looked raw and cut up and he freaked "Fate what happened?!" he yelped and Fate gave a confused "huh?" Star grabbed her wrists gently and looked at it before looking up at her and asking in concern "how'd this happen?" Fate had a look of realization in her eye. 

She sighed and said "I got kidnapped, I'm fine though! Got out a-okay!" Fate held Starshine gently and Star hissed "that is not fine, you know that! How does that even happen?!" Fate grunts softly and pulled her hand away clearly uncomfortable with the situation "dunno man," she said tiredly and Star asked concerned "sis, you okay...? I've never heard you like that" Fate shrugged "I'm fine, a little tired that's all."

I don't believe her, I don't believe her at all. Being kidnapped is a big deal and the families dead, how are they dead? That shouldn't be possible. He closed his eyes and sighed softly, and Eclipse walked over to Fate and said softly "we need to move to the apartment, robots are complaining and Nexo is getting restless. She said before that something smells off in the air, that can't be good." Fate was silent before sighing and shaking their head "okay okay, got it" Star saw the robots concern at his tone and sighed "sorry Fate" Fate shrugged "it's fine, you got an apartment in mind?" the robot nodded softly. 

Star watched their interactions, he needed time to process, the world seemed to be moving slower than usual. Fate got kidnapped?! My little sister got kidnapped. He shook his head and the black robot rounded everyone up and Eclipse asked Fate "you have a teleport in you or do we need to walk?" Fate sighed "I think I do" the robot crossed their arms with a frown "don't work yourself Fate, you still need rest."

Fate scowled at them and as if to spite them she teleported them all to the said apartment, Star looked around and looked at the broken down apartment building, nervously robots crept in and he watched Fate follow behind them, Star ran up to her and he looked at little Starshine, confusion filled him once he realized that it's existence should be physically impossible by the nature of the known multiverse. 

Star said nothing as he watched Fate help another version of herself, it stumbled and looked around nervously and she said "hey hey, were safe" Star asked "what is that?" he pointed at the other Fate and Fate said "they haven't said their name, however it's likely Fate like mine, to avoid confusion I think we should get him a new name" suddenly the other Fate choked out "Spider-" Star noted that it's voice sounded shaky.

Something clearly happened to it, he was so confused. How is there more than one Fate?! How?!

"Uh... sis, this does not make sense." Star said getting freaked out and Fate looked confused before realizing what he meant and saying "oh! Well, apparently more than one multiverse's exist. He came along clearly in shock apparently by accident, apparently his multiverse fell apart? So he's kinda just here."

Star gave her a stunned look and Fate said "I know... a lot to process all at once Star" Spider kept himself close to Fate, poor thing seemed scared of everything. The black robot held three robot children as he led the robot forward through the apartment, clearly checking for any dangers. 

This world is dead isn't it. 

The multiverse is dead, he only senses the celestial bodies alive as well as robots in the world, as well as one little creature that he couldn't pin point. He noted that the celestial bodies were weak though, all of them were connected to nature, it's likely that Pisces disappeared due to the water disappearing and Pollux is weakened massively from the lack of oxygen. 

It seems she was quickly recovering.

Star was very concerned to see that all the celestial bodies were dying, all except Pollux and Taurus. All because Pollux could live on the remaining elements and Taurus is more connected to the earth, which hasn't disappeared. 

This world really is falling apart. He shuddered and Fate looked around the apartment building, she looked at him and Eclipse said "you two wanna find a room? So you both can process, you need it" Star was silent and Fate grunted "i'm fine, however, maybe Star needs one." The small blue moon themed robot in his arm squeaked "dad where are we?" the robot smiled down at them and said "our new home for now" Fate grabbed his hand and said "come on Star, lets find somewhere to rest, okay?" 

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