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He was in a dark void, he had no idea where he was really. He was silent as he looked around, he looked at his hands and saw they looked fuzzy, a little weirded out he looked around the void before mumbling "well.. this isn't normal..." a little worried by where he was he started wandering around because what else do you do in this situation.

He wasn't just going to sit in place, he looked around nervously before tripping and falling in some sludge. He grunted and struggled to escape the warm sticky substance in a panic, it was oddly familiar and it disgusted him when he figured out what it was. It was his blood, he gagged in disgust and escaped the puddle stumbling back very freaked out by what was going on.

Then he heard footsteps, all around him at once. He began to freak out as he remembered Lunar and looked spun in a circle nearly tripping over his own feet and he looked around more "who's there?!" he yelled into the void and he heard an all familiar giggle. His head snapped over and he stumbled back in a panic. 

While he didn't need to breath, he was still able to mimic it, due to his panic and terror of the situation his breathing grew faster, he turned and tried to run again but Lunar was behind him standing there "oh!" he said in a sickeningly teasing tone "look who's being cowardly again" Fate gasped and flinched back stumbling back nearly falling and Lunar laughing loudly "couldn't even save your family, cowardly fool!" Fate's entire body began to shake instantly.

His breathing quickened more and he stood there frozen in place unsure on what to do, "you got away for a while" Lunar said amused staring up at him, though he was tiny, Fate knew that Lunar planned to kill him in a horrible way and could. Panic and terror were overwhelming his senses, he looked around desperately for a escape and he saw just black void.

So we went for it, he turned to run and Lunar grabbed his wrist harshly and said in a hissing voice "now now Fate, where do you think your going" Fate screamed and fought against his grip, kicking, slapping, punching, whatever he could think to do. Yet Lunar seemed unfazed by all his attacks, for his small size, he was strong. 

Somehow strong enough to hold him here, "let go!" Fate screamed in panic and terror kicking and fighting and Lunar said "aww, but where's the fun in that?" Lunar's sharp claws dug more into Fate's wrist, Fate felt no pain, yet he still felt the claws digging in. It sent him into a even deeper panic "stop!" Fate screamed "stop stop stop!" Fate was fighting all he could.

Lunar hissed "I could just stab  you through the chest, rid the problem" rid the problem, like he was an object. "Or, I could tear your limbs off slowly as you squirm and scream and I laugh in glee" Lunar had a psychotic grin on his face and Fate choked back a terrified sob as he fought as hard as he could. 

"Please! Please! Stop stop!" Fate sobbed and Lunar said "maybe if you were less of your coward your family would still be here"  he hissed "it was all your fault, yet I did have so much fun killing Octavia and the others," he burst out in a cackle "oh man you should have seen your face when I killed Octavia right in front of you, it was priceless. The look of shock and horror, man it was something" he laughed like he just watched a hilarious cat video.

"Stabbed her six times, right through the head" he hissed slowly pulling Fate closer as he sobbed and struggled "till her head was pulp" he laughing loudly and Fate looked to the side and saw a all familiar body and screamed even more "let go let go let go!" he kicked and attacked Lunar even more somehow and Lunar hissed "what to do what to do hmmm" Fate struggled more, breathing even more erratic "please! Please!" Lunar hissed "I think it was funny to slowly dislocate your limbs and tear them off" Fate sobbed in terror and as Lunar grabbed his shoulder, gripping his claws in as hard as he could and Fate screamed and fought harder and it was then that... he woke up.

He screamed and woke up trembling and Eclipse walked into the room, saw him and ran over "Fate, are you alright?!" he yelped in concern and Fate flinched back and screamed "stay away!" Eclipse stiffened and backed off, eventually Fate recognized him, though it took a little longer than it should have.

"Fate...? Tell me the truth, did you have a nightmare..?" Eclipse asked in concern and Fate just trembled there "I-I-I-" Eclipse sighed and slowly sat next to Fate, making sure not to make any sudden movements "hey hey, shhh, your safe your safe" Fate's entire body was trembling and Eclipse was just concerned as he gently began to rub Fate's back.

"Your safe..."

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