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Yeah it was clear 0_018 has no intentions to let him go anytime soon.

He was silent eyes drooping from how tired he was from yelling and screaming and fighting, 0_018's breathing was soft as she watched youtube, silently huddled in a blanket holding him and occasionally letting out chuckles from whatever was going on in the video.

Lunar was still staring at the floor, he grumbled softly and 0_018 shifted him over and said "you tired?" Lunar grunted "no" he looked at the video, some guy playing Roblox. "You're clearly tired" 0_018 grunted tiredly "I'm probably going to sleep the day away."

He pushed the blanket so he can at least be a little comfortable and settled in, he's given up at this point. If he's going to be trapped here, he might as well make himself comfortable. Lunar looked up in surprise when 0_018 tucked the blanket comfortably around him, 0_018 turned back to her video and was silently watching it. 

Lunar blinked before sighing and relaxing at least a bit, whatever. He's mostly calmed down, he was still not happy about this situation though. He won't be happy about this situation ever actually.

He laid there silently eyelids feeling heavy, they snapped open though when he heard knocking at 0_018's door. His head snapped towards the door and he hissed at 0_018 "time to let me go-!" 0_018 sighed and instead of letting him go she tucked him under the blanket hiding him and she yelled "come in!" Lunar saw 0_908 walk in. 

"Hey Luna, how you doing?" he asked and Lunar frowned in confusion, who? 0_018 shrugged waving a hand "fine, you?" 0_908 sighed "good, glad you seem to be feeling better at least- what's under the blanket with you?" 0_018 shrugged before saying "well, I feel better because I picked Lunar up and dragged him around everywhere with me for five whole hours even if he cursed at me" 0_908 stared silently. 

0_018 said "turns out it's a way I like for blowing off steam, maybe I'll do it more" Lunar growled at her silently and shrank into the couch to hide himself more. 0_018 reached over and grabbed the blanket and he hissed in warning at her. 0_018 grunted "come on you big baby" she dragged him from under the blanket as he clawed at her, but he stiffened when the cold air hit his body and he shuddered. 

Jesus, she's right... that is cold.

"He's tired now" 0_018 said tucking him into her "that's why he's hardly fighting" 0_908 stared before saying "I have so many questions... okay one, how did you manage to pick him up and not die?" 0_018 said "it's surprisingly easy" 0_908 stared dumbfounded "seriously?" Lunar glared at 0_908, try something. I dare you.

"Yep" 0_018 said, Lunar was trying to ignore how cold he was now. He's gotten too used to the warmth god d- "oh" 0_908 said "he looks very stiff though" 0_018 grunted "yeah, of course he is" 0_908 walked over nervously before saying "he looks... pretty irritated, aside from that though he seems the chillest I've seen him" 0_018 said tiredly "that says a lot actually considering the fact he looks like he wants to rip your face off." 

0_018 yawns and 0_908 said "you should really let him go, he's probably planning ways to kill you at the moment, you don't want them to be more brutal- also where's his nightcap?" 0_018 replied in a casual tone much to Lunar's irritation "in the fireplace."

It took 0_908 five whole minutes to process what she meant, what a moron. Lunar glared at him silently and 0_908 stammered "oh- uh- why would you do that?!" 0_018 shrugged and said in a cold voice "I'll tell you, he {{BEEP}}ed me off. I hate this filter, I've tried to remove it so many times but ugh. Nothing works!" Lunar admitted "same here, like some force isn't allowing it."

That would be me -Peril

0_908 said "so... let me get this straight. He made you mad.... so you tossed his nightcap in the fire?" 0_018 shrugged "he can get a new one anyway!" Lunar was silent, why is it so cold?! Why did I add winter to this world? 

Oh right, because I like winter. Ugh, I don't like it right now though! "I can tell your cold" 0_018 said to him and Lunar scoffed "I am not" 0_018 was silent before sighing "I'm cold too, you don't need to act tough" Lunar grunted "I'm not cold though" "ugh, your like a little bug. Constantly being grouchy and tough" Lunar gave a dumbfounded look "a bug?! Did you just compare me, The Great One, to a bug?!" he gave her an offended look.   

0_018 said "oh come on, we all know you don't actually believe in the Great One stuff, shut it" Lunar was silent before snarling grumpily and turning away "see, you don't" 0_018 gently patted his back and he grunted softly with each pat. "Yes, I did compare you with a bug. Because you're small and annoying, like a bug!" Lunar glared at the couch and 0_908 said "well uh... you seem to have calmed him down? A bit?"

Lunar looked up and said "I am not calming down," 0_908 said "uh huh" Lunar growled "you wanna die?" 0_908 squeaked "no-" Lunar growled "good, then don't push my buttons further than she did." Other was silent because he fell asleep right before 0_908 knocked on the door, Lunar was silent. 

0_018 said "he's very tired right now, he looks like he's going to pass out," 0_908 walked closer nervously and Lunar watched his every move, 0_908 rubbed his temples "you know what he reminds me of, a cat" Lunar's watched him irritated and 0_018 said confused "what?" 0_908 said "my Sun had cats, one was such a grouch. They'd tolerate my Sun with such an irritated expression, just like him, he has the exact expression!" 0_018 was silent before laughing "oh my god you're right!" Lunar glared silently.

He did not like being compared to lowly animals and bugs, it was disrespectful in every way. "What a small grouch" 0_018 said and Lunar stared ahead in irritation.

0_908 sighed "well, sorry for coming in at nine in the morning-" Lunar looked over in shock and 0_018 gasped "it's nine in the morning?!"  0_908 looked confused "yeah...?" Lunar growled "time to let me go, you've been holding me all night." 0_018 sighed and finally, let him free. 

Lunar jumped out of her arms quickly before she could change her mind, body shuddering at the cold air and he ran out of the room. He heard 0_018 say "well, off he goes."

Btw, no ship here. Just wanted to make sure y'all know, why?

Well, I doubt you'd ship them, I just want to make sure. 

I dunno actually, the idea of them being shipped just disgusts me and I wanna avoid it.

Making that clear.

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