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They made it to Parts and Services, poor Eclipse was breathing quite heavily and Solar let him lean on his shoulder as he began to feel dizzy. "Sit down..." Solar said softly with a look of concern and Eclipse nodded softly and sat down a stool panting. Solar took KC and gave Lord and the kiddos to Eclipse, they were all asleep in the light blue blanket burrito. 

Lord Eclipse was having the most restful sleep he's had in a while so that's good. Eclipse slowly caught his breath as Solar dragged KC's body into the machine and began clicking some buttons on the stupidly created panel, Sun poked his head out of the blanket and stared in awe at his new surroundings. Eclipse kept a eye on him and BloodMoon poked out and began nibbling on Lord Eclipse's rays, Lord Eclipse woke up in alarm and surprise before seeing it was just BloodMoon and relaxing and trying to twitch his rays out of BloodMoon's tiny grasp.

BloodMoon gripped tighter taking the challenge and Lord Eclipse just gives up tiredly and lets BloodMoon nibble, he looks at Eclipse grouchily and Eclipse chuckled softly ruffling his rays "have a good sleep?" his reply was a mumble and Lord Eclipse just snuggled in and watched Solar, he noticed KC and stared wearily at the body.

The Parts and Services repair machine started and Solar turned over to face Eclipse, BloodMoon squeaked randomly "I wanna fight a bird!" Eclipse was not at all surprised. "No bird fighting, plus, we have no birds here!" BloodMoon whined and Solar sighed.

Eclipse watched him turn towards the machine and a harsh beep is heard, Lord Eclipse's rays went back and he shrank back and whined. Before Eclipse could comfort him KC woke up gasping, Solar rushed over "hey hey! Take it easy!" he said and KC shrunk back slightly before recognizing him "oh- hi Solar-" he said in a shaky voice.

Great, yet another traumatized person. 

"Hey" Solar said softly "take it easy" KC took a shaky breath and shook his body out, Eclipse was silent feeling awkward by the whole situation. Lord Eclipse watched KC now hidden in the blanket, all that was seen of him were his glowing golden eyes.  KillCode shakily said "Solar- how long-" Solar said softly "four hours" Eclipse is silent and KC groans softly rubbing his face.

Eclipse noticed that his movements were erratic, his hand shook as he rubbed his face. Eclipse didn't judge him however, it was completely justified.  "How did you find me?" KillCode croaked in his deep voice, his voice box still getting used to being replaced. Solar said softly "wasn't me who found you, it was Eclipse" Solar pointed at Eclipse and Eclipse felt flustered and awkward.

He was silent and KC stared for a long moment before saying in surprise "oh, and he helped me?" Solar nodded "mmhm" KC had a look dad proudness on his face and Eclipse looked away flustered and embarrassed and he subconsciously rubbed Lord Eclipse's back through the blanket as he felt the small frame tense up at KC's existence.

His rays back slightly and feeling flustered KC said in a proud tone of voice though his voice is still shaky "is that character development, hmm son?" Eclipse flustered looked away and choked out "no-" Solar rubbed his eyes in a irritated fashion and said "he's lying, he's a dad now" KC face turned to bewilderment and Eclipse's rays went warmer.

"I-Uh-No-!" he stammered and Solar sighed "Eclipse, I get talking to him makes you uncomfortable, heck, it's an uncomfortable family reunion, but please don't lie" KC stared at Eclipse in shock.

Eclipse's rays are drooped as he stared at the floor wishing he could die, he gently rubbed Lord Eclipses small, frail, and shaking frame. It's hard to believe he used to be an all powerful god, ruling over a dimension with a iron fist.

Now he was a shaky anxiety bean who really loved some back rubs while being wrapped in a blanket burrito.

KC walked over and put a shaky hand on Eclipse's shoulder. Eclipse felt bad for him, he was obviously traumatized but he was trying to hide it.

Eclipse knew for a fact that that was not healthy, "son" KC said "I am so proud of you" embarrassed Eclipse looked to the floor and KC obsessed over the fact he was now  dad for a whole ten minutes before asking excitedly "where are they?" Eclipse sighed softly.

This is embarrassing... And as if to make it worse, KC asked, "and why are you in Sun's pants?" He totally forgot he was wearing Sun's pants.

Flushing up he choked out "something happened-" KC gave him a 'uh huh' face. "Also son, your face is looking rough! What happened to it?" He asked in concern before noticing the blanket burrito and he crouched down looking in Lord Eclipses golden eyes. 

"And who is this? Oh I'm sorry.. Am I prying to much?" He asked in worry that he was prying to much and Eclipse said quickly "no no! Your fine! Um, meet Lord Eclipse" KC looked at Lord Eclipse and said "the god version of you?" Eclipse sighed "he's been through a lot..." Lord Eclipse whined trying to get away from KC.

Eclipse calmed him down quickly by whispering to him softly and rubbing his back. Eclipse could tell that KC was trying to process that his son no longer seemed to be on a villain rampage and just calmed down a traumatized version of himself which normally he would have kicked in the gut and apparently also has kids.

"Where are the kids?" He asked and Eclipse grumbled in embarrassment and said "erm- so you know how Sun and Moon haven't came back?" He can't believe he's doing this.

"Yeah?" KC said confused and Eclipse took a tired Sun out of the blanket burrito "well... They turned into babies" Sun squeaks unhappily and KC's jaw dropped then and there.

Stunned silence.

Sun grumbles and starts chewing on his hand and KC said softly "I think this calls for tea to drink while talking..." 

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