337 18 14

Lord Eclipse

Having Eclipse drag him around was nice, he would never complain about it. He trusted Eclipse more than the others. The others were great though, one of his rays twitched and Eclipse grunts "you know, my arms getting tired" Lord Eclipse whined not wanting to be let go, he didn't like how bright this house was.

How modern and white, how big it was. It had so many places for Lunar to hide, he didn't like it. Eclipse sighed and shifted him in his arms to a more comfortable place for him and Lord Eclipse pointed at a basket "what's that?" he asked and Eclipse said "some basket I got a while back" Lord Eclipse decided not to question it. 

He yawns and settles down, he was nervous sure, but he knew that other people were in the house and they would fight to protect him. It was a comforting idea, one he still wasn't used to. He had lived his entire life with people hating and wanting to kill him. His entire life, and now... now he has a family.

A family he knew was going to protect him, it was almost instinctual in a way, he didn't know how to explain his trust. 

But Eclipse and Solar were the people he trusted the most, the kiddos BloodMoon, Sun, and Moon? He cared for them quite a bit, they were cute but they were also a bitter reminder of what he's done, he destroyed his dimension and wiped out its wildlife and what made it special. He remembered the Nueti, a weird being from his dimension that was a long tall stick, it's legs having long spikes on the bottom that would grip the earth leaving deep holes in the earth. 

They also didn't have knees, they were a freak of nature and were known to fall over and crush buildings, trees, or anything really that happened to be in the way, but due to their large size they somehow survived because no animal would be stupid enough to attack something the size of a skyscraper.

They were also hardly self-aware and often trampled their own young, which was awful because of the fact they move in groups.

He was really regretting killing them off though.

"Your tired aren't you" Eclipse chuckled and Lord Eclipse mumbled softly and Eclipse sighed "I think it's about time I stock the kitchen... we have a fridge now after all" so here Lord Eclipse was, being carried off to the island's teleporter which happened to be there. At this point Lord Eclipse wasn't going to question it. He watched Eclipse put coordinates in suddenly, loud talking was heard.

Lord Eclipse stiffened up and Eclipse said softly "shh shh, it's okay, in and out, okay?" Lord Eclipse was being hit by anxiety. Eclipse sighed holding him gently and he walked into the grocery store, it was mostly quiet unlike outside, the faint sound of talking and the music playing was heard and Eclipse sighed holding him tightly while grabbing a shopping cart.

He cursed when one of the wheels turned out to not work and it made a horrible screeching sound,  Lord Eclipse flinched heart thumping at the sudden loud sound and Eclipse said softly "hey hey, it's okay-" Lord Eclipse didn't like this at all, Eclipse abandoned the demon cart and got a better functioning cart and began to walk through the aisles of the grocery store.

He was looking at cereal currently and Lord Eclipse heard someone walk over and stare at the scene, Lord Eclipse dug his claws into Eclipse's sleeve and Eclipse sighed turning to the lady "what are you staring at?" he asked calmly, it wasn't in a rude manor or anything and the lady said a quick apology and walked off. 

Lord Eclipse was silent, aware of the people staring at the strange scene of robots being in a grocery store, Lord Eclipse sank into himself covering his face with his rays and Eclipse sighed "just ignore it..." Lord Eclipse's heart was beating quickly with anxiety but he tried to swallow it down. 

Eclipse rubbed his rays gently as he put lucky charms in the cart and moved off to another aisle, Lord Eclipse let him drag him about the store until Eclipse was please by what he had and went into a line to checkout. He sighed softly, and Lord Eclipse was still aware of people staring. The employee stared silently as she did the ladies stuff in front of Eclipse. 

The lady turned and stared at Lord Eclipse and Eclipse behind her and rushed out of there quickly.

Lord Eclipse whines softly as Eclipse walked forward watching the employee scan his items shakily, Lord Eclipse saw the womans look of fear at how tall Eclipse was and Eclipse raised a eyebrow "uh, ma'am you've scanned that orange six times-" he said and the lady jumped back into reality "oh sorry- uh- you uh-" Eclipse sighed "it's fine..." he watched the lady quickly removed five of the orange items and went back to scanning.

She shakily said "erm- uh- your tall-" Eclipse grunted "so I am, I smacked my face on the door frame walking in, I have to crouch everywhere" the lady nodded nervously and Eclipse watched her scan the items and bag it putting them in the cart "have a good day-" she said shakily and Eclipse nodded walking off and he groaned "I hated that," Lord Eclipse kept whining softly now just wanting to go back to the house at this point.

"I'm guessing you wanna go back" Eclipse said and Lord Eclipse nodded shakily "yes-" Eclipse chuckled "yeah, I'm ready to go back to," he opened up some chocolate chip cookies and asked "you wants some?" Lord Eclipse nodded shakily and Eclipse gave him one which Lord Eclipse enjoyed immensely, it's been a while since he's had a cookie... or cake... or well any food actually.

When he was a god he really didn't care, so many responsibilities, no time to sit down and eat. Now however, he had plenty of time. Less responsibilities because... his dimension was gone. He swallowed down a lump in his throat and pushed it back, don't remember, just forget...

Eclipse walked out of the grocery store and quickly teleported off, the lady who scanned their items before happened to have a view and stared in shock before turning back to the mans items she's scanning questioning everything she thought she knew.

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