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He cursed as he desperately made his super computer search for that little critter he made. The surgery was a success, and 0_018 left soon after because he told her to. However, he looked away from the stupid creature for five seconds and it wandered right onto the dimensional portal he had, managed to turn it on by rolling around like a cat and got teleported to his dimension. 

Lunar currently had his super computer scanning the entirety of that dimension for some kind of life signature or body that it it's genetic makeup. He was cursing himself out for being stupid and Other said "Lunar, now is not the time for your self-loathing" Lunar grunted and Computer said "I can not find a life signature, nor a body due to the amount of carnage in the dimension, it's overloading my sensors" Lunar cursed more and slammed his face into the desk groaning. 

"I looked away for five seconds." He growled under his breath staring at the table and Other said "Lunar I swear if you self-loathing is coming back I'm going to find some way to knock some sense into you, we do not need that right now-" Lunar grunted tiredly "the computer has been searching for two hours." 

"Correct, but we can go into that dimension and try and find it ourselves-" Lunar sighed cutting them off "no, it's going to die there anyway. I'm not worried, its fur will kill it, as well as the immense heat, nothing can live through that-" "Lunar I swear to god, listen to me, I can tell your frustrated but that is a very incredibly important specimen if it can breath without oxygen, it can breath that dimensions atmosphere. I would not be surprised if it's resilient to heat as well, you might have just let loose a animal that could start life there again!" Lunar grunted as they realized that Other was right. 

"Well, we don't have a male for that female, it can't make pups" Lunar said and Other grunted "you never know Lunar, you never know. You did use a cat to make it, i'm sure it's had many affairs with fellow cats before you picked it up" Lunar was silent thinking this over and Computer said "I'll do more scans" Lunar lifted his head up from the table and groaned "got it, so you wanna go to the dimension ourselves ooor-?" Other shrugged mentally "sure, I'm over being cooped up here anyway, it'll be a adventure!" yeah a reminder of me zoning off for five seconds and it being teleported somewhere else entirely. 

It was more than five seconds. 

"Whatever... lets go and find this thing I guess" Lunar sighed tiredly walking to the portal, he hoped he didn't meet anyone, he wasn't here to be lectured about being 'big, bad, and mean' "in and out Other, in and out" Lunar said crossing his arms and Other said excitedly "lets go!" Lunar sighed and clicked a button and he was instantly teleported to a harsh dry environment. 

"Yeah Other, that specimen is not surviving" he said looking around the city unfazed by the corpses. Other said "well lets look anyway, come on! We have nothing better to do!" Lunar said "we have work. We have work to do" "well... yeah! But come on, don't be a buzzkill!" Lunar sighed "fine, okay, where should we look first? It could be anywhere in this dimension, anywhere" Other was silent thinking before saying "were quite close to the PizzaPlex!" Lunar shook his head "I'm not going back there Other."

Other was silent before sighing "well what if it spawned there Lunar?" Lunar was silent before grunting "low chances, very low chances, but fine" "your grouchy" Lunar rolled his eyes "yeah, it's my fault we're in this mess in the first place-" "hello?" Lunar jumped and turned quickly when he heard a soft voice. 

His eyes locked on a large green and blue animatronic crouched in the shadows, a shaken look on her face from everything. He stared at her silently with his red eyes and Earth squeaked "Lunar? Lunar are you okay? I-I missed you, everything just sort of died!" Lunar groaned internally. 

Unnecessary socializing. 

Great, just what I was in the mood for!


"Hi" he said looking at her and she crept out of the shadows shakily, Lunar fought back a growl when Earth ran over and pulled him into a big tight hug. "Let go please-" he said trying not to sound aggressive and Earth whined "no-no, I thought you were dead! I know Sun and Moon are dead- I- everything's dead and it's scary-" Lunar gave her a 'oh my god let me go' look before quickly changing his expression to something she'd expect more for this.. occasion.

He could already tell that she was not going to leave his side and that made him more irritated than he was before. "Yeah, that happened" he said and Earth sobbed "where have you been?! I-It's been lonely and it's so hot here!" Lunar sighed "were- sorry, I'm not here to stick around Earth. I'm looking for something, then I'm leaving" Earth squeaked "l-leaving?! Leaving me here?! Where are you going?!" Lunar said irritated "classified." 

Earth gave him a look, a look of hurt, before she said "no, I'm not letting you leave" Lunar pushed his nightcap out of his face and Earth said with hopeful eyes "we could still be a family, were all in some shock for this horrible tragedy but we can make the mo-most of it-" Lunar listened to Earth's voice as it began cracking at the end. 

He felt some pity, it may not be a lot, but he felt some. He grunted "Earth, you can't come with me-" all of a sudden, he was being carried away. Great. 

"Let go of me!" he yelled struggling in her strong arms and she said "no, your the only thing I have left- I-I can't lose that" Lunar glared at her silently realizing now that he was not going to be able to get out of her arms.

'Well... uh, not exactly as we planned huh?' 'clearly.' Lunar thought back grouchily, Earth asked "so what have you been up to brother?" Lunar stared at her grouchily thinking about the fact she'd probably not want to know, but then... maybe it'll get her to drop him out of horror.

But also looking at her state, she seemed very desperate for someone to talk to. Anyone. 

Stupid lowly and their stupid strength and me not having the element of surprise-

His bitter thoughts were interrupted by Earth saying "hello?" she snapped her fingers in his face and Lunar growled in irritation "don't do that please, now let me go" "no" Earth said, Lunar growled under his breath as she hugged him closer. "We're going home brother, home... right back home, and everything will be okay!" "suuurrrreee, keep telling yourself that sis." Lunar said glaring at her and she poked his face saying with an amused tone of voice and hopeful eyes "don't make that face, it'll be okay!" Lunar could tell that she had no idea what he's done, what he's capable of doing, and what she's holding. 

"Shh, you take a nap-!" she said and Lunar said "no way am I 'taking a nap.'" Earth shook her head and said in concern "well your clearly tired!" Lunar glared at her and Other said 'you are tired you moron' Lunar ignored Other and said "I'm not, now let me go."

Earth was silent before looking ahead sadly and she kept walking. 

Lunar was struggling currently in a way that can only be described as a feral cat.

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