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Lunar's computer malfunctioned, which worried her because it usually functions well from what she's seen. However, it turns out the most hilarious thing happened. 

Luna wheezed on the floor and Lunar sat there on the table looking irritated and embarrassed, even the super computer was laughing. "W-what happened-?!" Luna wheezed and the super computer said "his body got swapped with another dimensional being when my systems malfunctioned, I patched the issue quickly" Luna walked over to Lunar as he glared at her "someones grouchy huh?" she said teasingly and Lunar, now small and fluffy, glared up at her and said "you're getting way too comfortable around me."

Luna leaned over the table to look over his body and she said "you're a rabbit? I don't understand wouldn't rabbits be dead?" the super computer replied to her question "it appears in this dimension the rabbits are the intelligent species, they sensed the doomsday coming and quickly came up with a solution to survive" Luna looked at Lunar as he glared at her.

He was hardly threatening at the moment, not in any way was he threatening. She quickly scooped him up and he yelled "put me down!" Luna was silent before saying "oh my god, why are you so small and cute? Look at your little nose!" her tone was teasing. She was going to take advantage of this situation to irritate Lunar and humiliate him. 

Lunar glared and she held his small fluffy body gently and sat down and she said "how long till you can turn him back?" she asked and Computer said "unfortunately it will take a while to change him back, I know I patched the issue but that was in my systems. The real issue is in the portal, that'll take longer to fix" Lunar listened to this and poor thing looked crestfallen, wasn't something Luna expected to see but then again this is probably hurting his pride quite a bit. 

Lunar quickly hid his crestfallen expression and he snapped at Luna "let me go at least!"  Luna was silent thinking over her options before deciding not to, "no" she said and she tucked him into the crook of her arm. "You're too small to just run around anyway! What if some Lunar comes along and manhandles you, no no no, we can't let someone like you get manhandled hmm? Plus you're smaller and more fragile, you have bones now!" Lunar let out a soft hissing sound looking irritated "well then, I can go to my laboratory where no Lunar's are-" Luna grunted "yeah, then what? You gonna sit on the floor?" Lunar was silent at that before grunting angrily.

Luna saw him give up and she said "I thought so" Lunar shot her a harsh glare and she reached over and gently poked his ears, Lunar snapped at her and she pulled back "hey hey hey! Bad!" she yelped flicking him lightly in the face with her fingers, as lightly as she could because he's not a robot anymore and he flinched back looking stunned. 

"No" she said sternly "plus I'm made of metal you moron!" Lunar snapped out of his little stunned face and snapped "do not ever call me a moron!" Luna looked down at him before simply saying "you need anger management" Lunar squirmed and snapped loudly "I do not!" Luna went silent before saying "your only proving my point" she held his squirming body as gently as she could and she entered his laboratory.

She was glad she didn't run into any Lunar's doing so, that would have been awkward. She walked over to Lunar's fridge and opened it and Lunar growled in rage "who do you think you are-?!" she grabbed a carrot and shoved it in his face. Lunar went quiet while staring at the carrot before settling down to eat it. 

It was a fast change in behavior, and Luna wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. "You like the carrot huh?" she asked and Lunar shot her a quick glare that clearly said 'I have not forgiven you, but I will take this offering' Luna sat down listening to Lunar chewing away at the carrot after seeing that glare.

"Aww..." the computer said "that's really cute actually, I snapped a pic" Lunar was too focused on the carrot to really care at this point and Luna sighed softly and gently reached over and slowly ran a hand down his back, Lunar stiffened before relaxing into it. "Is this weird?" Luna asked nervously and the computer said "I have no idea."

Luna sighed and decided to just stop and Lunar just laid there silently going back to nibbling his carrot. "I can't tell if he's still there, I've never seen him so relaxed and it's scaring me now" she said before poking him gently "hey, what's two plus two?" Lunar turned and glared "how stupid do you think I am?"Luna sighed "okay, your still there, I got worried for a second."

Lunar grunted clearly thinking she was stupid and turned back to his carrot, now stiff and not at all relaxed, well at least now she knows he isn't converted into a rabbit or something. "How's the carrot taste for you?" she asked and Lunar scoffed "like a carrot? Well sweeter than it was before but still" she looked at him before gently looking at his small round ears. 

"Oh okay, that's cool" she said "I've always been curious of what other animals taste compared to what I taste" Lunar just kept nibbling at the carrot, "you almost done with it huh?" she teased and he grunted "so what?" she grabbed the bag of carrots and asked "you want more?" Lunar grunted "no, I'm good."

Luna placed the bag down gently nearby and she said "I don't know if it's the body but you're acting a lot more calm, I dunno... it's weird" Lunar glared "I am not acting 'calm' as you say, I am not a animal-" Luna said quickly "no no! I wasn't saying you were a animal! I'm just saying, you're not screaming my face off anymore" Lunar went silent before scoffing "what's the point? I mean, I'm not going to get away anyway" Luna was silent before asking "you want me to put you down?" she asked starting to get concerned and he went silent thinking it over before saying "yes."

Luna sighed and set him down on the floor and she watched Lunar flop to his side and curse about not being able to control his legs well and she scooted over and gently helped him up by pulling him over off his side and helping him up to his feet, she didn't miss Lunar's surprised look at the help and she said "yeah, well don't get used to it. I still hate you, it's just harder to hate you when you are a rabbit." She helped him onto his feet and he struggled to stay up before giving up. 

"Whatever, I hope I'll change back soon." He said tiredly and Luna grunted sitting next to him before asking "when-?" the computer said "about an hour or two, I don't know how the portal got so fried, it wasn't even on" Lunar growled in irritation and Luna asked "you want a little house?" Lunar gave her a dumbfounded look "what?" Luna shrugged "I dunno, a hide?" Lunar glared "I'm not a rabbit" Luna shrugged "well yeah, but it might make you more comfortable. I mean you seemed to like the carrot-" "0_018, I do not recommend encouraging rabbit behaviors, it could stick after giving him back his normal body" the computer said and Luna and Lunar stiffened and Luna said "noted."

Lunar said "well that's not scary at all, I'm just going to go to sleep to avoid giving myself more behaviors or whatever if I gave myself behaviors already" Computer said "that is for the best" Luna watched Lunar close his eyes, though he was clearly uncomfortable with her being here and the fact he was on the floor. She sighed picking him up and his eyes snapped open and locked on her. 

"what are you doing? I said put me down!" Lunar grunted "oh shush, I'm putting you in a blanket so you're warm" she said looking around before putting him on a nearby counter and wrapping him in a blanket "sleep well Twinkle Short" Lunar scoffed at that and turned around in the blanket flopping down onto his side again, Luna turned away and looking around the laboratory before sitting down on a recliner nearby.

She settled down and sighed, I miss Fate... I hope they're okay. She tucked her knees into her chest and pulled out her phone and the super computer asked "are you okay? You look sad" Luna sighed "fine..." she looked over at the small bundle on the counter, Lunar has done unforgivable things. 

However in a way she saw herself  in him, not by a lot... but maybe a little. She has killed things before, she is better than him but she's also technically going to hell if there is one. She has helped him destroy dimensions and she really liked fire, and while she hasn't gotten her hands on it recently, she loves the idea of burning something.

 She knew that something must have happened to Lunar to get him to do what he's doing, no one just wakes up and decides to destroy the multiverse for no reason. 

She shook her head to clear her thoughts and turned on my little pony on her phone, turning the volume down so she didn't bother Lunar.

I only wrote this because I wanted to turn Lunar into a rabbit for some reason, literally the only reason behind this chapter.

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