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Eclipse woke up confused by his surroundings, he was used to waking up in the gloomy, dark, and dust filled atmosphere of the bunker that hurt his robot lungs. He remembered having constant coughing fits which now that he thought of it, that's probably not a good thing.

Eclipse grunts tired and confused on why he was in such a bright area and why the couch didn't feel broken, he rubs his eyes tiredly trying to get the sleep out of them. He kinda just sat there for a moment in a tired sleep induced daze, he was still tired for some reason. He shakes his head finally and looks around and finally it hit him.

He was in Sun and Moon's little private quarters just sleeping on the couch, he began to panic not remembering what happened and cursing himself out. He sat up, or was going to when he felt something.

Two tiny things. His face scrunched up in confusion and he looked down and saw, uhhh. He stared down at Sun and Moon, Moon had he body half way on Eclipse's leg and was nearly falling off the couch while loudly snoring, Sun  was just sleeping beside them. Eclipse stared and it all came crashing back. 

Oh- so it wasn't some sick dream- Eclipse groans tiredly and rubs his eyes, he wanted to get up but currently he is being held down and he knew the moment he got up his face was going to be screamed off, so he just sat there. Silently, then he remembered he was originally going to go to Moon's computer and try and find a bunker.

Then the computer beeped "INCOMING CALL FROM MONTY!" Eclipse choked on his spit and the small animatronics woke up and cried. Luckily the computer was on his side cause it said "I'll try to draw it out as long as I can before answering" Eclipse coughs trying to get the spit out of his throat and tried to calm them down.

He cannot  let Monty know about this little... thing. That would be humiliating, not that this is already not humiliating. He looked down and remembered he was wearing Sun's pants, he looked down at the red and yellow striped pants in embarrassment and Computer said "luckily for you, it is a audio call" Eclipse was a little confused on why the Computer was on his side but he went along with it.

He cleaned his sore throat and tried to mimic Sun's voice, he hasn't done this in a while so he was a bit rusty and the two stop crying and calm down snuggled into his fluffy pants, he kept trying before finally achieving it. "Hello" he said as a test in Sun's voice and relief filled him when it was near perfect.

Computer said in his snarky voice "I can't stretch this out much longer, good luck" Eclipse covered Sun and Moon's mouth and they coo'd in confusion and he shushed them in annoyance he heard Monty say "hello?" Eclipse said mimicking Sun's voice "hey Monty, uhhhhhhhh, Moon's not here right now" Monty sounds surprised "really? Where is he?" Eclipse looks at Moon and felt Sun bite his hand.

He turned to Sun as Sun chewed on his metal hand and grimaced in disgust and said "uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" he tried to think of something and Computer flashed words on the screen 'scrap hunting' Eclipse said quickly "sorry, my brain chip stopped working for a sec! He uh went hunting for scraps in the junk yard!"  Eclipse could feel his hand growing wet and warm and it disgusted him to his core as he felt the wet sensation.

Sun continued chewing and Eclipse shuddered and Moon just laid there on his leg looking tired, Monty said believing him "oh, yeah Moon does that" Eclipse mentally thanked the computer for saving his skin and asked "well why you calling?" Monty sighed "well, I was just calling to say hi, so much has been happening we haven't ya know, talked in a while" Eclipse was irritated.

Monty this is not the time.

He is still in the midst of processing the fact Sun and Moon are babies, so this sucked and was getting in the way of that. Sun continued chewing on his hand and Eclipse said mimicking Sun's annoyingly pitched voice "yeah! Been a while huh? Yeah your not the only one with a lot going on, ya know Eclipse, Ruin, the BloodMoon twins being back" he made himself strain his voice a the mention of the twins.

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