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"Luna... I need to get up" she said softly and Luna whined and nuzzled in "no" Fate sighed "Luna, I've been sitting here for two hours" Luna grunted "where are you going?" Fate shrugged "the city" Luna perked up "can I go?" Fate said quickly and sharply "no." 

Luna glared before saying stubbornly "I'm going, it's hot in here and my energies getting low, I need to go in the sun for the solar panels" Fate shook her head and said sternly "the answer is no" Luna whined "oh come on! I've already seen carnage before, I'll be fine!" Fate said "yeah! And that's really concerning!"  Luna shrugged and yawned.

"Come on... you don't want me to shut off do you?" Luna blinked at her innocently and Fate glared "no guilt tripping. You're not going, you can walk around the island" Luna groaned "but that's boring-!" Fate growled "your staying." Luna looked at her right in the eye and said "i'm going" Fate glared before sighing giving up.

She didn't have the energy for this "whatever... but if you start freaking, I'm teleporting you back" Luna threw her hands up in the air and cheered "yay corpses!" Eclipse turned and gave her a look and Fate shrugged at him.

Fate sighed standing up and stretching, relieved that Luna let her stand up. Luna rolled off the couch and jumped up before excitedly asking like an excited toddler "where are we going? When are we going? Can we find cupcakes? Do you think they still exist? Why is it so hot? Can I fight a hippo-?" Fate cut them off "kid, what's with the hippo thing?" she asked dumbfounded and Luna giggled "I like fighting hippos :D" Fate stared for a moment as Luna hugged her, lifting her off her feet.

Fate grunted at the tight hug and said "that implies that you've fought a hippo, and that scares me, so I'm not going to ask" Luna chuckled and held her closer, Fate grunted at the tight grip. "Kid- your holding me really tight-" Luna quickly loosened her grip and asked in a worried tone "did I hurt you?" Fate shook her head "I'm fine, don't worry. You ready to go?" Luna said "I still wanna fight a hippo" Luna held Fate close to her chest.

What is with the hippo thing? "No way in the multiverses weird versions of me am I letting you go fight a hippo" Fate said and Luna tilted her head "that implies theirs more you's...?" Fate sighed "other multiverses exist little one, and so do other me's... one was very weird, and the only one I've met. Ya know what, doesn't matter. Lets go" Luna hopped up and down "oooh! Where are we going? Who are we going? What are we doing?" she asked in excitement. 

Fate sighed softly "I was going to look at the city streets and see the damage" Luna said with some sick morbid curiosity that Fate needed to acknowledge and worry about "ooh! I wanna see!" Fate gave them a concerned look before sighing not even surprised at this point.

"Yay... I'll teleport us, okay?" Fate sighed and yelled to Eclipse "me and Luna are going somewhere, see ya!" and before Eclipse could convince them not to, which he will try, Fate teleported them out. 

Fate teleported to a empty street and Luna asked "okay, where to now?"  Fate shrugged "were gonna take a look around-" Luna grunted "it's so hot out.... and I swear the airs thicker" Fate said "I can't feel it" Luna groaned "lucky! It feels like a desert!" Fate pokes them "hey, you asked to be outside!" Luna grunted "already better out here than in the house! That house was like a oven!" Fate grunted "I'm sure" she teleported out of Luna's arms and grabbed a clump of dry crumbling dirt.

The once green and thriving grass cracked in Fate's hands and her pretty much useless throat clenched at what had been done to the multiverse, why she had a throat... no idea, maybe to help her feel emotions? She pulled the grass off the clump of dirt, but the clump collapsed in her hand, it couldn't keep it's frame without the water. Fate watched the dirt fall to the floor and sighed softly.

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