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Lord Eclipse has pretty much gotten used to Solar's existence and had finally crawled out of the blanket, well only a little bit. Up to his shoulders was covered in the light blue fuzzy blanket that Eclipse had snatched from Moon's room.

At least his head is poking out and he's not completely covered, he was snuggled up to Eclipse's side, using his leg as a pillow. Sure, the position was a little awkward for Eclipse but he really didn't mind. 

Lord Eclipse has been stressed out lately, it's a good thing he's finally calmed down. Eclipse also had his kiddos snuggled up in his lap, the blanket Lord Eclipse was using was very big so he was willing to share with them.

Eclipse gently pet Lord Eclipses soft rays and scrolled the web, Lord Eclipse's breathing was softer than it has been ever since Solar got stuck here. Lord Eclipse's eyes were also shut softly as if he were falling asleep.

Eclipse's orange ray twitched and he scrolled TikTok because he had nothing better to do at the moment. Solar walked in "what's up?" Eclipse expected Lord Eclipse to hide but he simply snuggled in and fell asleep.

"Oh, just wasting my life away in addicting Chinese spyware, you?" Eclipse said casually and Solar shrugged "just took a walk, Lord Eclipse doing okay?" Eclipse nodded "he's doing better" Lord Eclipse, Sun, Moon, and BloodMoon slept snuggled up in the blanket. 

BloodMoon was softly purring and smiling.

"Good good-" Solar said though Eclipse could hear how awkward he was feeling, "they still haven't fixed that satellite! I read the news, people are locked at home because they don't know their way to work!" Eclipse grunted "jeez-" Solar sighed "Lunar and Earth are probably worried sick!" He's right.

Him suddenly disappearing isn't something they'd just look over, Lunar might be having a panic attack at the moment.

Eclipse gently ruffled one of Lord Eclipse's rays while thinking and Lord Eclipse muttered softly as he slept, Eclipse smiled down at him and tucked the blanket around him better. "Well" he said, "I feel like they haven't even tried to fix that satellite"  Solar groaned in reply of that.

Lord Eclipse snuggles his face into Eclipse's hand like a snuggly cat, Eclipse has noticed this about him. He tends to be very snuggly, why? No idea, he seemed very dependent on me though.

He gets stressed when I'm not around, overwhelmed, scared. It was scary to Eclipse for many reasons, Eclipse grumbled going along with it and he stroked Lord Eclipses face gently. 

He'll go along with it for now,  until Lord Eclipse calms down enough to be left alone for a little while. "You like the blanket?" Eclipse asked Lord Eclipse and he mumbled a stammer "y-y-yes-" Eclipse smiled "that's good.." I've gotten attached to his adorable behavior though.

Even if Lord Eclipse seemed like a shell of who he used to be...

Eclipse watched Solar settle down nearby on the opposite bed and take out his own phone. The bunker was silent aside from Moon's loud snores as Solar and Eclipse spent their time on the internet.


Eclipse stiffened, he recognized that voice. Solar's head shot up and he looked around "who-?" Fate appeared and Solar stares silently in a stunned silence. "Well! Looks who's become a dad!" She teased and Eclipse snarled at her. 

He saw her as a threat, which is 100% fair. "Well" she said "want to drop by, say hello, your becoming quite the father!" Eclipse snapped "I swear to god shut-!" Fate said "anyway, as adorable as this is, I have something serious to talk about." 

Her voice was suddenly serious and poor Solar was staring stunned speechless. Eclipse glared at Fate "is that so?" He hissed and Fate nodded "something horrible has been around" she said.

Eclipse rolled his eyes "and?" Fate grunted "they have been annoying me by destroying dimensions and for some reason I can't touch them so now I need you to follow your ancestors footsteps and make a group of Eclipse's."

Eclipse stared at her with confused eyes.

Solar was stunned by their existence.

Lord Eclipse was luckily asleep.

"What." Eclipse said completely confused, welp nothing was processing. Fate grunted irritated "you know how you, Solar, and Lord Eclipse just kinda fit together in a trust?" Yeah, Eclipse has been wondering about that.

What did she mean by  'follow you ancestors footsteps'? He didn't trust Fate, but he was willing to listen, curiosity was taking over. "Well for Eclipse's, a long time ago. They banded together into this giant group, instincts were born, more Eclipse's were made sharing this instinct until one idiotic Eclipse left the group, he set the multiverse off balance and the Eclipse group was wiped out entirely by it, just gone" Eclipse stared in confusion. 

"This Eclipse's genes were copied into new Eclipse's in new dimensions, including the instinct to be close to your own kind" Fate explained. Eclipse stared and Solar also stared atupidly.

"Eclipse's are like rats" Fate said and Eclipse was even more confused because he was now being compared to a rodent.

"Rats" Fate explained "need to be with their own kind to be happy, you can keep them as pets and play with them as much as you want but you always have to get two, not one. Or the rat will get depressed" Eclipse said "listen, I appreciate the rat fact but what are you on about?!" Fate grunted "getting there."

She shuffled slightly and said "Eclipse's are the same, they could have everything they want like family and friends, but they will always feel lonely. Like they are constantly missing something in their life" Eclipse hated to admit it but... That was a feeling he was all too familiar with.

He blamed it on his lack of a star.

Yet it had still been there when he got it.

"It leads to depression" Fate said sadly "Eclipse's aren't supposed to be alone without another Eclipse" it hit Eclipse like brick to the face, ever since Solar and Lord Eclipse had appeared he had been feeling... Better.

Less alone...

"A natural trust" Fate said as she points at Lord Eclipse sleeping, Solar and Eclipse were silently processing what she said and what it implied when she said "welp, bye!" And just disappeared.

Eclipse and Solar were both questioning everything.

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