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Eclipse looks up from his phone and rubs his eyes, he grunts softly and looks over. He saw Sun and Moon sleeping nearby in a cuddle pile next to his leg. They are absolute gremlins. 

Wait- I did not just call them a gremlins?!

Moon snores loudly, how such a tiny thing can achieve such a loud snore Eclipse had no idea. Sun decided to ruin the moment by smacking Moon in the face lightly with a hand in his sleep while rolling over.

Eclipse grunts In annoyance as Moon jolts awake and smacks Sun back letting out a low snarl of annoyance. He made loud baby sounds angrily and Sun looks unfazed and just turns over facing his back to Moon giving him the silent treatment for the very problem he started. 

Eclipse held back a laugh at Sun's sass, he just couldn't help it. He was a little ashamed from this fact of course but gosh dang it, the way Sun just turned over and ignored Moon after waking him up.

Eclipse silently wheezes and Moon growls and turns away from Sun, they are no longer a cuddle pile. Eclipse sighs and when they both fell back asleep he carefully got up from the bed, he cringed when it let out a low and long creak. He looked over a Sun and Moon and to his relief they were still asleep, no screaming and crying can be heard and no clinging can be felt.

He stared at Sun and Moon then at a blanket nearby thinking hard. One side of his mind, alarmingly, was telling him 'well... I don't want them to be cold...' Eclipse stared at them sleeping the logical and prideful side of his mind began to worry.

Why do I care?

I shouldn't care.

They are my enemies.

What am I thinking? This  'well... I don't want them to be cold...'  thought process?! No, let them freeze to death. They don't need a snuggly blanket, it isn't even cold out they'll be fine!

Let them suffer and shiver or whatever.

But Eclipse hated that that was half-hearted. Something has to be going wrong with his systems, it's the only other explanation. He's gonna have to check them later, do a quick diagnostics. 

He's glad that Computer isn't awake to hear this or he'd get the tease of his life. The mock of his life. His systems must be bugging out, Sun and Moon suck.

he groans rubbing where he assumed his temples would go with his fingers and left the little bunker room and looked around. He looked up only to see that he left the hatch open, he watched the streams of sunlight illuminate the falling apart staircase and sighs.

Leaving the hatch open was a big moron move, he remembered he was exhausted but still, he should have closed it, anything could have come in or be in here! 

He walks around the bunker giving it a good check out, it wasn't much. The main thing was the room Sun and Moon were currently sleeping in. Eclipse's rays twitched as he looked around the dimly lit bunker, he doesn't see anything of danger so that's good.

It also seemed the bunker was on some kind of timer, the lights seemed to have shut off on their own making the few strands of sunlight from the hatch vital to Eclipse's vision as he squinted into the darkness.

Where was that stupid light switch again? He wondered irritated and he began to trail his fingers along the walls slowly, he walked around the room trailing his fingers across the smooth concrete walls slowly before finally his fingers landed on something that seemed to be shaped like the button. 

He pressed it and there was a faint buzz, but the light didn't come. Eclipse was confused, he saw the light flickering faintly. Something wrong with a fuse? Eclipse wondered when suddenly much to his alarm he heard a loud earsplitting 'CRACK' Eclipse flinched covering his "ears" from the sudden loud sound.

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