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Eclipse was still processing what Fate had said, the worst part is that it made sense. It explained past questions he had been asking,  he looked at Lord Eclipse sleeping. Such as Lord Eclipse's trust in him, sure, he had been weary of Solar but Solar did came in stomping and for someone who had been tortured he had melted into Solar rubbing his back quite quickly.

Eclipse had been watching and it had been adorable, Moon woke up and yawn/squeaked and muttered looking at Eclipse sleepily "daddy..." Eclipse looked down at him and shakily pet his head, he was questioning pretty much everything. He blamed the feeling of missing something on life on the star, I was confused when it didn't disappear when I had it. 

I developed a pen chewing habit,  I grew paranoid because I felt like someone was watching me sometimes, I had felt lonely (though he was lonely, no one liked him so that doesn't really count.) Had it all been because I was alone without another Eclipse? Eclipse was thinking about it, and ever since Lord Eclipse came, he's been less... paranoid? Well, more like he's been more accepting of being a dad.

In fact... Eclipse hasn't suffered much from his pride ever since he came. He's been focused on making sure Lord Eclipse didn't ya know, die. 

Then he got caught by Solar and Solar quickly accepted him and I let that happen, normally I like doing things on my own, and If I were to get help... well Eclipse would have questioned the heck out of them due to... trauma issues. 

Yet, Eclipse just accepted them. Just like that. I needed another Eclipse...? What did Fate want again? Some kind of group of Eclipse's or whatever, and what did she say before that? Something about something destroying dimensions I think, wait... that sounds familiar. Eclipse looked at Lord Eclipse just as Lord Eclipse began to have a nightmare.

Eclipse quickly shook him awake and Lord Eclipse woke up with a start looking around, Eclipse quickly calmed him down and he mumbled. He calmed down quickly, way too quickly. Once he figured out his surroundings he just relaxed and snuggled back to going back to sleep, Eclipse gently pet his and Moon's head.

Well, one things for sure. My path has turned into me being a dad, can't really change that. Like who could say no to these tiny little faces! Eclipse squished Sun's face lightly as he slept and Sun grumbled and bit his hand lightly in retaliation, Eclipse chuckled and put him down lightly. He had been expecting that, Moon woke up and chose violence. Moon began to chew on Sun's rays and Sun had a irritated look on his face and he bit back at Moon and struggled.

Poor guy just wanted sleep, BloodMoon grumbled stretching at the commotion and stretched his tiny body out and squeaked "hungry..." BloodMoon was the smartest of the babies, surprisingly, he was saying words way faster than the others. "You're hungry?" Eclipse asked him and he chirped in reply, Eclipse sighed.

He hated this part of the day, he couldn't hold blood because it'd go bad so he had to get up and physically hunt for about five lizards or a rat. It sucked, it was annoying, sometimes it was easy other times it was hard.

Depends on where the lizards are or if they are willing to cooperate. "Okay..." he sighed getting up gently and Lord Eclipse mumbled tiredly cracking an eye open gently "w-w-what are you doing?" he mumbled and Eclipse said softly "I'm going hunting for BloodMoon..." Lord Eclipse whined "stay" Eclipse shook his head "no" he said softly "i'll be back soon, okay?" much to Eclipse's surprise Lord Eclipse choked out "okay..." Eclipse smiled and walked out of the bunker. 

Off to go slaughter lizards. 


Lunar has been acting weird, more unhinged. As I'm worried about Solar's disappearance, I swear he's faking being worried. It was unnerving, something was wrong yet when she tried to ask him about it he simply said 'what do you mean?! I'm scared for him!' he'd say it in a "caring" tone.

Yet something about that caring tone seemed.... unhinged. Yet it confused her systems, she just couldn't tell. "Lunar!" she yelled "get the chocolate chips please!" Lunar said cheerfully "got it!" she watched his tiny body run off and she sighed mixing the dry ingredients together. 

She was concerned for her brother, did something happen? She was stirring when she heard a monotone voice "hi" she jumped in alarm and nearly made a giant mess "HUH?!" she turned towards Castor and he asked "whatcha doin'?" Earth held a hand over her chest breathing heavily "you almost gave me a heart attack!" Castor simply replied "no idea what that is" Earth sighed.

She stirred the ingredients again after calming down "I'm making cookies... You know, I hope Sun and Moon are okay" she said and Castor said in his monotone voice, yet something about it seemed amused "oh, their fine, just hanging out with someone at the moment" of course Castor knew something I didn't.

"With who?" she asked and Castor said "doesn't matter! Classified!" seriously?! Earth stared in annoyance before sighing, she didn't expect anything else from Castor, she'll have to ask Pollux later. "Sure.." she worried for her brothers, it's been more than three months, she swore Computer was acting suspicious too. 

He kept saying they ran into some obstacle and it had to be lengthened out. She believed at first of course, Computer was trustworthy, it was against his programming to lie to her. Yet... it's been four months, they were still not back...  it was scary. Yet Lunar, Lunar seemed completely unconcerned.

Earth sighed mixing together the ingredients  fully and Castor asked "what's a cookie?" Earth looked up and chuckled "i'll let you try one once they are done baking and cool off" never had a cookie? Well he's gonna start off with freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.

Castor mumbled "sure" Earth finished making the batter and Lunar ran back with the chocolate chips, he kept shoving his mouth with them and Castor stared at him in confusion. "Lunar!" Earth cried "we need those for the cookies" she snatched the chocolate chips and Lunar pouted and kept eating his giant handful.

Earth laid the cookies down on a tray and Castor watched somewhat interested as she sprinkled the chocolate chips on and she put the cookies in the oven. Pollux charged in "I smell cookies!" they haven't even started to bake, Lunar looked at Pollux "hi Pollux!" Pollux hugged him "hi!" Castor watched this and proceeded to nibble a orange with the peel on.

He did this sometimes, Earth has given up on stopping him. "I hope Sun and Moon are okay though" she sighed and Lunar whimpered "I know..." again, Earth's systems were struggling.





It just couldn't decide which was which, Earth tried to press it back knowing Lunar was telling the truth. Earth sighed softly and ruffled Lunar's head as he nibbled chocolate chips. The cookies kept baking.

A/N: something is up with Lunar guys, wonder what.

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