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Eclipse was sleeping again when suddenly felt something grab his rays roughly, he muttered in annoyance pushing them away. He got a smack in the face in reply and muttered opening and eyes to see Sun right in face, he mumbled tiredly "what?" Sun grinned and coo'd something and pushes Eclipse's rays into his head multiple times.

Eclipse doesn't stop him, he just mumbles rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Why'd you wake me up?" he asked tiredly and Sun giggled playing with his rays, he repeatedly pressed Eclipse's rays into his head and Eclipse mumbles and pressed Sun away "stop" Sun paused looking sad, BloodMoon came out of the blanket dragging the phone.

Eclipse totally forgot he left them on the phone, frick he hoped they didn't go on TikTok again. He watched BloodMoon fall on his face on the bed before scramble over, Sun watched him curiously and pressed himself to Eclipse's body.

Eclipse watched irritated as BloodMoon struggled before pointed at the phone screen, he looked and saw... is that Bluey's dad? He raised a eyebrow at BloodMoon "okay?" he said and BloodMoon said "doo aiid" Eclipse frowned.

He was confused.

"Ummmm, sure" he said tiredly and BloodMoon pointed at him then "ddiooaad" Eclipse stupidly could not figure out what BloodMoon was trying to say. "Ummm" he said confused and Computer mentally facepalmed.

BloodMoon pointed at Bluey's dad then Eclipse and said "diaad-" wait a minute- Eclipse's eyes popped open wide as he stared at BloodMoon.

He just talked-

Well sorta. 

"Uhhhh-" he said confused and embarrassed "kid-" BloodMoon said again "dad" he points at Eclipse. Eclipse was silent for a moment staring, they talked- and they called me dad- holy- ummm- no- bad thing- good thing-? Wait no bad thing- but good thing- augh what am I thinking?! "I'm not your dad-" he tried and BloodMoon pointed again "dad!" Eclipse hated and loved this.

He hated how it made him feel.

He felt he was melting, it made him angry at himself.

"I-" he stammered and Computer watched silently, Eclipse was having such a hard time processing the fact he was called dad that his systems failed for a moment. "Dad!" BloodMoon said, it was a little wrong, but the word was clear. 

They were calling him dad, he felt himself melting from this fact as he stared at BloodMoon. Sun looked confused before mimicking "dad?" BloodMoon cheered and pointed at Eclipse, "dad!" Sun frowned before seeming to realize than cheered "dad!" he grinned wide revealing his little cute tooth gap.

Not Sun to- No I can't take this much cuteness- this is wrong yet it feels so right. It made him want to kick himself. "Kid, or well kids I guess, uh I am not your dad" he said and Computer said "denial is a river in Egypt" Eclipse said flustered "I am not in denial!" Computer said amused "I saw how you melted when they said that, you love it!" Eclipse's face flushed in embarrassment "do not!" Computer teased "then tell me why you're flustered and not cursing me out? Hmmm?" well played, well played.

"I-" Eclipse stammered and Computer said "if you don't care, then why don't you just let them scroll social media, hmmm? Why are you so scared about them seeing inappropriate things?" Eclipse went silent, he had no argument. None. "Exactly" Computer said "you are a in denial dad" Eclipse's rays drooped.

He hated himself at this point.

Computer however said "oh come on, don't hate yourself! This is totally natural, it was bound to happen" Eclipse grumbles putting his face in the pillow, BloodMoon and Sun squeeze themselves under his arm and Eclipse didn't really fight them. He knew if he tried to remove them, they'd start clinging harder.

Sun just squeaks "dad!" Eclipse's rays are stiff and he mutters "whatever, I am not your dad" Computer scoffed "suck up the pride, your a dad now, deal with it" Eclipse flipped off air and Computer let out a offended gasp, much to Eclipse's horror Sun watched and innocently repeated the action.

"No no no- don't do that-" he said in alarm and Computer burst out laughing "you messed up!" Sun looks confused and Eclipse made Sun's hand go out of the inappropriate sign and said "don't do that!" Sun's ray twitched and he squeaked a reply. Eclipse began to scold Sun about what he did like a dad, like a good dad. Not yelling or screaming, just scolding. 

Computer watched amused and Eclipse said to him "shut up"  Computer just replied "oh this is too good" Eclipse decided to ignore him and scolded Sun. Sun looks confused, BloodMoon however seemed to understand. Eclipse swore, for some reason, BloodMoon was very smart. BloodMoon coo'd at Sun and Sun squeaked back confused.

BloodMoon grunted and flopped on top of Sun squishing him, Sun squealed and BloodMoon just laid there on top of him. Sun struggled angrily and smacked his face with a hand, one thing Eclipse has noticed is that they tussled a lot. Sun and BloodMoon, Moon sometimes joined in but usually all he wanted to do is sleep and eat. 

What a couch potato.

He watched them roll around the bed biting at each other and smacking lightly at each other, BloodMoon pushes Sun face into the bed and Sun gave up annoyed. BloodMoon, with a look of satisfaction, walked off and Sun jumped up and accidentally trampled Moon. Moon startled awake with a hiss and swiped at Sun through the blanket as if to say 'someone is trying to sleep! Take your playing elsewhere!' BloodMoon however, pounced on him. 

Moon grumpily pushed him off and dragged himself to Eclipse, Eclipse raised a eyebrow at him and Moon just flopped down next to him and went to sleep. BloodMoon crept over to Moon and smacked his face, Eclipse sighed and seeing Moon was not in the mood to play he said to BloodMoon "go and mess with Sun, Moon doesn't want to play" BloodMoon looked sad.

He looked at Eclipse with wide sad eyes and Eclipse shooed him off pointing at Sun, who was currently running over, BloodMoon turned and got charged into. BloodMoon yelped and Eclipse just watching making sure they didn't fall off the edge as they tussled, both have gotten better at moving around on there legs, though Eclipse has noticed that BloodMoon functioned better when he's "hunting" if he's on all fours.

Makes sense, not gonna lie. "Aww, you're just gonna let them tussle" Computer said amused and Eclipse growled "shut up" Moon snores loudly again drooling on his arm. Computer let out an amused sigh and said "well, I have work to do, bye!" Eclipse grunted "uh huh" Computer left and Eclipse quickly pushed BloodMoon and Sun away from the beds edge.

He was not at all surprised when Sun and BloodMoon bit his hand and clinged on, suddenly teaming up against him. He stared amused at them, then he did something without thinking. He tickled Sun's stomach and Sun let go and giggled falling on the bed. Eclipse pulled back realizing what he just did, he was very embarrassed. 

Sun grins and attacks his hand, Eclipse's ray twitches in embarrassment. Why the heck did I do that? He wondered in alarm, he was so glad that Computer was currently not watching. He struggled against the two small robots attacking his hand and Moon just snores, he knew they were going to tire out and just fall asleep. 

So he went along with it until they fell next to him, Eclipse sighed laying back down and instantly he was pinned by three tiny robot bodies. Stuck and not really caring to move, he decided, eh whatever. I'll just sleep for the fifth time today, I have nothing better to do. 

So he did, took another nap.

Snuggled up with a pile of tiny robot children.

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