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Lord Eclipse

He was alone, thats fine-

They only had to leave for a couple minutes- 

That's all-

The poor guy was filled with paranoia as he looked around the bunker, he really didn't like being alone. Being alone was scary, Lord breathing was slightly shaky. They'll be back in a second- I'll be okay.

He kept telling himself this fact, he heard footsteps nearby and his head snapped over. He rays perked over and he whined softly, just Eclipse and Solar coming back- thats all- he looked over to the babies sleeping and he listened to the footsteps.

Those footsteps weren't Solar's or Eclipse's, they were familiar in a jarring way. Lord Eclipse stared at the door in terror and he saw blue tipped fingers slowly wrap around the frame of the metal door, "hi" that voice.


"My my my, isn't it the all powerful Lord Eclipse" it said in a mocking voice as it peeked through the crack in the door creepily, Lord was frozen in place. He stared in terrified silence and they chuckled "my, look who's who shaken up!" Lord shrank back finally and let out a frightened wail.

He hid under the blanket and he heard footsteps come in "oh!" he heard Lunar say "how... tiny" he knew instantly what Lunar was talking about and he began to panic more, Lunar let out a soft hiss "not what I'm here for anyway" Lord huddled against a wall as he heard the footsteps come closer.

And closer.

He wailed and huddled harder wanting to disappear and Lunar let out a soft tsking sound, "spooked aren't you?" Lord stared right at him when Lunar lifted the blanket and looked straight into Lord's eyes. He tilted his head and Lord screamed and scrambled and clawed at his face.

 "GET AWAY GET AWAY!" he screamed, Lunar shrank back slightly and chuckled. Lord was full panic mode.










He sobbed loudly, having flashbacks to the agony and shock.






Lunar looks amused and said "I'm not here to hurt you, at least not yet" Lord hardly heard him, not that the 'at least not yet' part would help much. "HELP!" he screamed at the top of his lungs, "HELP!" his heart felt like it was going to fly out of his chest.

He sobbed loudly, rays shrunk fully into his head, and his breathing was so fast he felt like he was going to pass out. Lunar scoffed and grabbed his face roughly and pulled him sharply, Lord let out a startled scream and Lunar said "as amusing as your crying is, I want to make something clear" Lord struggled in his grip.


"If you get in my way, once, in any tiny way. I will rip your puny stupid body to shreds" Lunar said in a slithery voice and Lord wailed in pure terror, "and I will make your death as long as I possibly can make it" Lord shrank back trying to seem small and escape his grip. 

The babies screamed and cried nearby at Lord Eclipse's screaming, Lord tried to escape desperately and he felt a hand grip his wires roughly. He screamed louder "STOP STOP STOP! I DON'T WANT TO DIE! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE-!" he sobbed and struggled, more and more and more.

They had my wires.

They had pulled my wires.

The floor ate me.

He felt like he was choking on his own breath and he heart was thumping so hard it ached. 

He felt a tug on his wires, it was very light. Like a sick joke, "stay out of my way, or your body will be be destroyed beyond recognition" Lunar hissed, his grip tightened more, Lord escaped his grip and dove under the blanket shaking all over. 

"HELP!" he screams pitifully and Lunar lets out a booming laugh, suddenly Eclipse and Solar barge in and Lunar disappears before they could see him. "Oh god Lord Eclipse!" they rush over and Lord screams and swipes them away sobbing "don't hurt me don't hurt me!" he sobbed and Eclipse and Solar look at each other in pure concern.

"Lord Eclipse, were not going to hurt you-" Eclipse said and Lord choked back a terrified sob, he could hardly breathe. "Woah woah, deep breaths" Solar said softly and Lord shrank back "PLEASE-!" he screamed desperately and Solar frowned in concern "hey hey, shhh" he reached over slowly.

Lord tried to swipe at his hand but Solar whispered softly to him, Lord had tears going down his face "he was here- he was here-" he sobbed Solar asked "who?" he sat down gently and Lord was trying to seem as small as he possibly could while shaking and sobbing. "He's gonna hurt me again-" Solar looked confused but then it hit him.

"OH!" he exclaimed and Lord sobbed, Solar's rays shrank back and he yelled to Eclipse "umm- Eclipse I think we have a problem!" Eclipse ran over holding a sniffling BloodMoon, Moon, and Sun. "Clearly!" he said and Solar said "Eclipse- someone was in the bunker" Eclipse had a look of instant panic. 

"DID THEY TOUCH MY BABIES?!" he shrieked and Lord Eclipse sobbed and BloodMoon squeaked "no" Eclipse let out a sigh of pure dad related relief, this was every dads worst nightmare. Lord sobs loudly and Eclipse asked softly"who was in the bunker?" Lord couldn't speak at the moment, he just sobbed and shook all over and Solar said "Eclipse- I think it was the guy who tortured him-" Eclipse was silent for a long moment.

"My babies were here-" 

"Eclipse, Lord Eclipse is having PTSD and BloodMoon said they didn't touch him-"

"But my babies were here-" 

Lord could tell even in his panicked state that Eclipse was going through all the things that could have gone horribly wrong in his head. His sobs softened slightly as Solar rubbed his back and whispered to him softly, "it's okay..." he said softly "we won't leave you alone again..." Lord sniffled loudly, he felt Solar's softly back rubs as he was pulled into a warm hug.

With a tear streaked face, he hugged back and whined softly. He was scared. Lunar's words were echoing in his head. He never ever wanted to leave Eclipse's or Solar's side AGAIN.

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