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"Kiddo" Eclipse said crouching in front of Sun as he looked up at him with wide bright eyes, he was holding one of the cats, Eclipse decided on the name Tuxedo due to it's collar. The cat was very large due to Sun's size, it was a adorable sight. "Kitty!" Sun said holding the fluffy cat, he could hardly look over its white and grey body.

It was the most adorable thing Eclipse had ever seen in his life, he stared at the scene silently and chuckled "yeah, kitty" Sun ran over to Fate and Eclipse watched Fate peek out from his little blanket fort and tilted his head at Sun

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It was the most adorable thing Eclipse had ever seen in his life, he stared at the scene silently and chuckled "yeah, kitty" Sun ran over to Fate and Eclipse watched Fate peek out from his little blanket fort and tilted his head at Sun. "What?" Sun squeaked "look look!" he held up the cat and Eclipse watched amused. Fate sighed "yeah, it's a cat" Sun said innocently "sad!" Fate looked confused but Sun shoved Tuxedo in Fate's arms before he could react.

"Oh!" Fate said surprised "now I have a fluffy...um... cat in my arms" Sun giggled and climbed onto the couch next to Fate. 


This is fine-

He looked down at the cat silently as it purrs softly.

I'm not at all worried about the fact my shoulder hurts and still hurts, normally if he were to get physically injured somehow it'd heal in less than a hour. He's never gotten physically hurt before, he just knew naturally that if SOMEHOW he did get physically hurt, it should heal very quickly no matter how bad It was.

It's been three days though, and it still hurts. It still ached, it was still warm and stabbed him with pain whenever he moved it the wrong way, no, this isn't natural. Something had to be wrong with him, he shook his head and closed his eye. I'm sure it's fine- I'm sure it's fine- oh who am I kidding... it's my fault everyone died...

It's my fault the multiverse will probably be deleted from most of the necessities of life except for well... the ground. It was his fault, if he had been quicker- teleported quicker then Lunar wouldn't have been able to get to them. He may have done that speech but that was actually a clone of himself he uses sometimes, he had quickly ran over right to our home and barged in.

Everything had seemed fine, I thought I came in time, I was relieved and happy when I saw everyone was fine.

I didn't come in time.

He barged in right after I came, and right in front of me Octavia was stabbed right through in the head, it had gone cleanly through. Lunar had done it six times, why? Because he could, Fate still remembered the thump of Octavia's body hitting the floor, the screams of shock from the other gods, I saw them dying, I saw them all being killed.

Than I ran.... I could have possibly saved them but I ran like a coward and they were slaughtered like sheep.... Fate put his face in his hands, truth is, if he stayed then he would have died, but he was thinking of all the things he could have done to stop it, even though it had completely been out of his control. 

"Okay?" Sun hugged him looking concerned "fine-" Fate said holding back tears, his voice cracking. No doubt about it, he was traumatized by the situation, he's seen horrible stuff, but the sounds of his family... ugh... my fault.

All my fault, stupid stupid stupid. He pressed his face into the couch cushion, Sun stayed snuggled up to him silently and yawned, Fate winced at his shoulder and pressed his face  deeper into the cushion. Sun crawled onto his back and snuggled into the hoodie and yawned softly laying down.

Great, now I can't move. Fate stared at the blackness of having his face pushed into the couch cushion and Lord Eclipse and BloodMoon dove in and Fate jumped in alarm and BloodMoon jumped onto his back with Sun and snuggled into the Fate and Sun. Lord Eclipse looks amused by this "comfortable?" he said in a amused tone and Fate said in a cracking tone "whatever-" his throat felt closed up.

God he hated when this happened. Lord Eclipse, being his platonic snuggly self, squeezed into his arms "you okay?" Fate choked out "fine-" Lord Eclipse's rays twitched slightly before he murmured "your not fine, I can tell your about to cry" Fate was silent and Lord Eclipse sighed "your not pressured to tell me, but if you want to we can talk" Fate was silent before turning his head away.

He didn't want to talk about it. Lord Eclipse sighed "thats fine" he said softly snuggling in and yawning softly, Fate watched Lord Eclipse snatch a phone and Fate shifted in a way that would not disturb the now sleeping kiddos or the cat, turning his head towards the phone. He's up for any distraction at this point, Lord Eclipse turned it on and went on YouTube.

"We can watch a couple videos, okay?" Fate grumbled a reply to what Lord Eclipse said, he was aware it was not understandable in any way. He just silently watched the random video that Lord Eclipse had found, feeling tired of everything and regretting everything.

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