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"What...?" 0_023 stared and asked "can you clone yourself?" Fate stared at the tiny version of themselves that randomly appeared overnight, it looked up at her with a curious look and Fate whispered to her "no-" 0_075 grunted and turned over. "0_023 what did you do?" he asked grouchily and Fate stared at the tiny version of herself. 

It stared back at her, judging by its stare, it knew absolutely nothing. 

Fate wondered if it was like the other Fate that came in, how were they doing actually...? Whatever, Fate checked and was stunned to find that yep, this thing is from hre multiverse. "Uhh, hello?" she said and the tiny Fate stared. 

0_023 was silent and Fate grunted and struggled her arms free and quickly snatched the small version of herself before it could run away, except, it didn't run. It stared at her with a trusting innocent eye, Fate has... a lot of questions.

"Hello?" she said and it snuggled in and just fell asleep, Fate was silently staring at it unsure what to do. I'm... so confused right now, where did this thing come from? How is this even possible actually?! It's so small! 0_023 poked it gently and it squeaked and pressed itself into her.

Fate had no idea what to do, she poked it to wake it up and it made small sounds and shifted about before settling down again. "Ugh, another one?!" 0_075 growled and he kicked a rock Fate gently held it and stared at it. 


Oh no.

Not again, I'm getting attached already 

"So what do I do-?" Fate asked and 0_075 said "kill it" Fate grunted "yeah no, any other ideas?" 0_023 said "become its parent!" Fate was silent before saying "yeah no" 0_075 grunted "yeah whatever. I've found where the nearest portal is, sadly, it'll take us... two weeks to walk there" 0_023 groaned.

Fate however was relieved, more time to escape and get this stupid band off. 

Fate shook the tiny version of themselves again "wake up" she said and it opened it's eye and stared at her "there, hey, stop your whining" Fate said poking them again and it grabbed her finger with it's very tiny fingers... this thing is shorter than her, like jeez how small is it?

Hmm... she watched it hold his finger with a tight grip, Fate struggled to get her finger free "let me go please" she said and it looked at her with a curious face before pointing at her and babbling nonsense. 

I don't believe it. 

I might be holding a tiny version of myself, a baby version of myself, and it seems the multiverse made this... I wonder why. Does it have powers like me? If so, that may be... very VERY bad. Fate gently held the tiny version of herself, it was so innocent, that worried her. 

"Lets go" 0_075 grunted walked off and 0_023 quickly gathered their stuff up and got up cursing, Fate grunted as she felt 0_023 get up and run to 0_075, Fate held the tiny version of herself and sighed "I'll just call you Starshine" she grunted to the tiny Fate and they laid there looking sleepy.

"Sleepy?" Fate grunted, how this thing came to existence... she didn't know. Guess I'll figure it out later. "You really like my finger for some reason huh?" it looked at her silently still holding her finger in an iron grip. Fate gave up trying to get it free, "aww you named it!" 0_023 said and Fate grunted "shut up, you kidnapped me" 0_023 grunted "uh huh."

Fate grunted and tucked Starshine into the blanket with her, and looked at the dirt floor as her captors carried her. So... I really hope this little version of myself doesn't die, I hope I get away from these Lunar's.

Sure, 0_023 gave her coffee, but she was not at all happy about this situation. Starshine let out a soft content sound, completely unaware of the Lunar danger and snuggled in deciding to take a nap. It is a baby... oh no. I have a baby now.


That is a sentence I never thought I'd think, but here I am! Where and how did this thing come to be, I'm so confused. I mean, it's me-! Wait... did my powers being blocked trick the multiverse into thinking... I was dead...?

She was silent, thinking this possibility over, and it was unnerving. 

She was holding a replacement of herself. 

When she spawned however, she was an adult, why is this one a child? Fate grunted and held it close deciding to protect it, it's the least she can do in this situation. No way is she letting 0_075 touch it. 

"0_023, you're being unusually silent" 0_075 growled and 0_023 said "It's because you're a prick." 0_075's head snapped over, his body language aggressive "what did you just call me?" 0_023 stared him in the eyes and Fate was starting to get nervous at the situation and 0_023 snapped "your a prick, a stupid prick! I don't want to talk to you, don't talk to me!" Fate was shocked when 0_023 pushed 0_075 aside.

0_075 had a stunned look on his face and 0_023 walked ahead and Fate felt the grip on her tighten and she grunted. 

Starshine shifted to get comfortable again and just slept.

Fate has acquired another child.

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