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Everything was quiet, the place that he knew for so long was quiet. The place that used to be filled with the sounds of celestial body chatter was quiet, he leaned over the meeting table, his eyes landing on the place where Leo used to sit, he swallowed down a lump in his throat as he leaned down on the table. 

All the seats were empty, they shouldn't be empty but they were. No one was coming back and resurrecting, their realm was crumbling. They'd be forced onto a planet soon, he and Pollux. She was the only one alive and yet for the longest time she could hardly walk, it took her body so long to get used to the lack of... everything. 

He was hardly affected, he could feel the dirt around him, yet it gave him no comfort. He dug his fingers into the stone table and he heard Pollux walking next to him, he turned when he felt a soft hand on his shoulder, her face stained with tears and her eyes red and puffy. She leaned on him her body shaking as she held tears back, he just watched Leo slowly die... he didn't know what was happening....

Taurus leaned down onto the table more, holding more tears back. No- no- I'm dreaming right? No I can't be dreaming... this is too real- a lucid nightmare maybe? It's been months though, slow agonizing months.

Why couldn't he die with them... why does he have to live with this burden..? Pollux clung to him sobbing now and Taurus saw a crack appear on the table, white light streaming through and he knew they had to leave.

Pollux saw it and sobbed "they're not coming back-" Taurus closed his eyes taking a deep breath, he didn't know what to do with his life anymore. There's nothing to protect, the celestial bodies were gone and he felt a hole in his soul that he didn't know how to fill. There's nothing to do... as a celestial body now... Pollux continued sobbing next to him, her face pressed into his body as he stared at the table silently. 

Things were blurring together, he tried to blink back tears but they ended up slipping out and he struggled not to break down on the spot. He pressed his face into the table as he struggled to breath,  he felt Pollux clinging and crying into his shoulder and he saw the crack spreading slowly and he choked out "we need to leave-" Pollux shook her head and he said voice cracking "we need to go-" "but-but, him-" Taurus grabbed her gently and channeled his energy, all the energy he could manage in his state and he set it to teleport to a random place on Earth. 

Luckily, the odds were in his favor. 

Taurus and Pollux teleported right in the middle of a populated area, he yelped not at all expecting this and the room filled with frightened screams at his sudden appearance. He staggered back, dragging Pollux with him and pushing himself against a wall and hiding Pollux behind him. 

The robots all stared at him, one even held a metal pole to defend themselves. All of them had no idea teleportation or celestial bodies existed, well except Eclipse's family. They were used to Fate by now, but Taurus and Pollux were not Fate. His tail tucked between his legs and he pressed himself against the wall his heart pounding in his chest, the robots yelled and screamed in confusion and he saw a tall black robot run over, "what is going on?" he yelled over the crowd. 

Taurus shrank back, he knew he did not have enough energy to defend himself and Pollux if they tried to attack him. The crowd of robots yelled and pointed at them and the tall robots eyes landed on him, it was Eclipse, the star abuser. 

He shrank back more and Eclipse yelled "everyone calm down!" he yelled and Taurus's hands shook slightly, he tried to control it and seemed at least a little tough but his hands refused to stop shaking.

Eclipse walked over to him and Pollux and he shrank back protecting her behind his back, Eclipse looked at them for a moment before Taurus saw his eyes light up with realization, he muttered "well I'll be dam- so your Pollux and Taurus huh?" he said and Taurus shrank back and Eclipse said "everyone, I want you to make them feel welcome, brother that means no metal poles!" Taurus saw a robot with blue rays toss the pole aside "sorry!" they said. 

Pollux stared silently at Eclipse and Taurus saw him take a step forward and Taurus flinched back, his heart rate spiked and he pressed himself against the wall more, feeling cornered. Eclipse flinched back at that and the sudden movement freaked him out more, his tail tucked between his legs more and Eclipse said in a soft voice "calm down, I won't hurt you, come on lets gets you somewhere quiet..." Taurus saw him approach again and he let out a strangled pitiful snarl and Eclipse staggered back. 

"Woah woah!" he said and Taurus pressed himself against the wall more when he saw the robot pick up the pole again, he watched Eclipse put his hands up quickly and Pollux clung to him tightly. "Okay, I'm sensing that something happened" Eclipse said as he looked down at him and Taurus watched him reach his hand over slowly "hey hey, calm down please" Taurus squirmed and tried to get away from his hand but it gently grabbed him. 

Taurus's whole body froze up in terror and Eclipse said softly  "lets get you two somewhere quiet" Taurus was desperately trying to teleport away but he used all his energy before, Eclipse said softly "shh, it's okay" Taurus saw Pollux struggle before giving up and staring at the floor. Eclipse turned over to the robot with a metal pole and said "seriously?" the robot grunted "hey! I thought I needed to protect you!" Eclipse grunted and said "I'm bringing them to a room, they look like they've been through a lot, look at poor Pollux's face, she looks like she's been crying, Taurus as well" the robots grunted "fine, call me if you need help though" Taurus watched frozen in place and Eclipse nodded. 

He dragged them down the halls and Taurus has given up at this point, Pollux as well. He hardly had any fight left in them at this point, Eclipse noticed this and his eyes softened in pity as he pushed open a door and said "stay here, okay?" Taurus felt Eclipse gently put him on the bed, and he quickly grabbed Pollux and curled up into a tight ball around her protectively, he was not going to lose the last thing he had. 

Eclipse watched this and asked softly "where's the others" Taurus stared at him silently, go away- go away- go away- the bed was burnt to a crisp under him and it was hardly comfortable. "Oh.." Eclipse seemed to guess by how his eyes softened with even more pity and he said softly "okay... I need to put you two somewhere more comfortable, okay?" he said and Taurus clung to Pollux tighter as he reached over and Taurus felt Eclipse pull him over gently and he asked "how would you two like the cabinets? Your small enough to fit and for some reason the cabinets here are made of stone painted at wood, I asked at first before realizing I'll never get a answer" his voice was soft but Taurus was stiff.

"Oh poor thing..." Eclipse sighed softly, Taurus was so frozen in place that he kinda just let Eclipse tuck him into the cabinet and he said softly "if you want to leave then you can just push the door open, your not trapped okay...? See" Eclipse closed and opened the door repeatedly and Taurus shrank back. 

He's too weak to really fight back, his powers have been weaker since the others died, things that were hardly an issue such as teleporting are now a massive struggle. Eclipse reached over slowly and gently pet his head, Taurus stiffened more and Eclipse pulled back and said quickly "sorry sorry! You're just very fluffy!" Eclipse sighed when Taurus didn't reply. Taurus kept his grip on Pollux tight and Pollux hardly moved in his grip "your safe okay" he said "I'll leave you two be now..."

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