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"You have some explaining to do" Solar said not at all playing around, "give me Sun and Moon, now." Eclipse held them close sitting up "no" Solar glared "why are you acting so protective of them?" he growled "why are they small? Tell me what you did!" Eclipse said "uh- wasn't me- just kinda happened" Solar glared eyes turning red, very intimidating "how does this just kinda happen, and who is that?" he jabs a finger at Lord Eclipse's body, which was limp and still.

"Uhhhh-" Eclipse muttered trying to find words to explain this humiliating situation and Solar grunted "let me guess, you hurt them because they were 'weak'" Eclipse shook his head "uhhh... no?" Solar face palmed "how dumb do you think I am? Okay then, give me Sun and Moon before I force grab them." 

Eclipse dad mode activated.

"No!" he snapped clutching them close, Sun squeaked and looked between Eclipse and Solar in confusion. His little orange ray twitched curiously, Solar looked irritated and confused "why are you being protective of them? Why are they not talking? Did you wipe them?" he glared in rage then  and Eclipse's ray twitched nervously "they are babies now..." he said.

Solar stared blankly for a moment before saying in a bewildered tone of voice "what?" Eclipse's rays drooped in embarrassment "uh... yeah... some being came around and turned them into babies, forcing me to take care of them..." Eclipse could tell Solar was processing this.

Then looking back at his past behavior, his gears turning in his brain and then his mouth opened slightly in realization and shock and stared at Eclipse. Eclipse stared silently in embarrassment, humiliating... exactly what I didn't want to happen... Solar looked at him curiously then and said "well... not what I expected.... so you became a dad???" Eclipse not wanting to admit it, looked to the side.

Solar mouth 'no way' and he proceeded to say "I'm telling and Lunar, Earth, and Monty about this! This is too good!" Eclipse shrieked "wait don't-!" Solar turned and smirked "why not?" Eclipse stammered "I- uh- you- I-" Computer came to the rescue in a very violent way "if you tell them I will shoot you" Solar stared towards where Computer's voice came from and groaned "Computer your on his side?!" Computer grunted "yep" Solar groaned "aww man..." Solar knew better than to tell them.

If Computer said he was going to shoot you, he meant it. "So... care to explain... umm, him?" Solar beginning to understand, and finding it very amusing, asked pointing at Lord Eclipse. "Ummm, he kinda just crawled through my table incredibly traumatized and hurt" Solar stared for a second before shrugging "with what happens around here, not the craziest thing I've heard" Eclipse was glad that Solar has calmed down.

Eclipse's rays were however heated with embarrassment, BloodMoon squeaked "dads??" he looked from Solar, to Lord Eclipse, to Eclipse. Solar's jaw dropped and Eclipse muttered "shut up, they just randomly started calling me that." Solar snickered "and you didn't stop them?" Eclipse shrieked flustered "I couldn't stop them-" Computer chuckled "he hardly tried, he tried to be all tough but he loved it, isn't that so Eclipse?" Eclipse whined "leave me be! No of course not!" Solar said "you're a dad and you like being called dad! Awww, that's some character development!" Eclipse shrieked "shut-" Computer laughed.

"I have been here since the beginning Solar" Computer laughed "he is such a dad I cannot stress this enough, he lets them watch Bluey and tries to keep them away from TikTok and lets them snuggle and tussle about. He is a good dad but his pride stops him from admitting" Solar mouthed "wow" he looked at Eclipse who was blushing in embarrassment. "Computer why...?" he asked and Computer laughed "oh shush, you're a good dad!" Eclipse went silent.

Solar smirked and laughed loudly "dad Eclipse! Man, this made my day!" great, two people to tease and make fun of him about being a dad. Awesome. He growled "I'm going to Moon's room to fix Lord Eclipse" he was trying to act tough, but he was incredibly flustered, Sun chewed on his rays and Eclipse growled and carried Lord Eclipse's body down the hallway.

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