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Lord Eclipse

Fate and Lord Eclipse were hanging out together under the blanket, Lord Eclipse started watching YouTube and Fate was just not talking to anyone and watching the video curiously. It was quite clear that despite being a all knowing god who can see all path lines, she knew next to nothing about social media.

"So Fate" he said softly "you know much about this?" Fate grunted a reply "no not really, I didn't have much time to myself, always working you know, and why would I take the time to learn about social media when i'd never use it?" Lord Eclipse nodded in understanding and asked "can't you look through timelines and such? I've heard you say that" Fate went silent.

Lord Eclipse could feel his anxiety and he choked out "I could- but after the attack I can't- not at all-" Lord Eclipse stared in concern, well that's not good. "Oh..." he said and Fate sighed "well, tell me about this..." Lord Eclipse could tell he was changing the subject. "Oh, well, it's for entertainment" he said, he felt comfortable and safe right now.

Though very freaked out that Lunar managed this he felt safer because everyone was around, "well yeah..." Fate sighed "but what's on it?" Lord Eclipse was silent before saying "pretty much everything you can think of" Fate was surprised by this and Lord Eclipse said "I have no idea if that's counts for you however, because your god, your probably know so much more than me" Fate shrugged at that.

Lord Eclipse was relieved that Fate was obviously feeling better than before, out of most of his shock though Lord couldn't help but wonder... how would Fate react to seeing Lunar again? You know what... I don't wanna think about anything Lunar related. He shuddered pressing the flashbacks back and Fate looked over in concern "you good?" Lord choked out "fi-fine- just uh, ya know-" Fate stared in concern before settling down again to watch whatever Lord Eclipse pulled up.

Fate doesn't really have taste in what he likes to watch yet, again, he didn't have enough time to look into it or watch any of it. BloodMoon suddenly jumped onto the couch and Fate shrieked in surprise not expecting that and BloodMoon dove under the blanket "hi!" Fate was very shaken by being taken by surprise. "Uh, Fate you good...?" Lord Eclipse asked and Fate shook his head "fine fine- all fine- a-okay-" something was clearly wrong. 

"Why are you shaken-?" he asked and Fate said "just not used to it- yeah not used to it- normally can sense people- yeah yeah-" is he lying...? Then Lord Eclipse remembered, though he didn't want to, how Lunar had played with him. Had run around him hiding around before suddenly attacking from behind, somehow he could hardly sense him with the star. 

He squeezed his eyes shut body stiffening, don't remember it- don't remember it- he knew if he started remembering he'd start freaking out, he didn't want to start freaking out again. BloodMoon squeaked "whatcha doin'?" he snuggled up between them and Lord Eclipse grumbled "stuff..." Fate was currently trying to calm down.

"Oooooooh!" BloodMoon said curiously "what stuff?" Lord Eclipse snuggled him in close "Bluey, yeah Bluey" he switched the YT video, it wasn't really appropriate for kids because of it's jokes, to Bluey and BloodMoon was transfixed instantly. Fate closed his eye and took a deep breath "okay- uh- what do we do now?" Lord Eclipse looked at him concern before shrugging "I dunno, guess anything we want really? Hmmm, how about we get you something to wear, you'd probably feel more comfortable in something" Fate went silent before grunting "whatever sure."

It was like he didn't have the strength to really object, "unless you don't want to-" Lord Eclipse said quickly "you're not forced to-" Fate shrugged "meh, whatever, lets do that" "okay... uh" so Lord Eclipse got out of the blanket for the first time in a while and grabbed Fate's hand dragging him to the closet, "the house came with clothes, we'll see if any of it fits you!" Lord Eclipse has learned not to question anything like why the house still has cloths, Fate simply lets out a depressed "meh."

 The others watched before shrugging and going back to what they were doing, Lord Eclipse went through the closet, looking through the clothes. He felt less anxiety today, so that's good. Fate just stood there watching silently and Lord Eclipse took out a soft hoodie, it was dark blue, he held it up to Fate considering before shrugging giving it to Fate.

Fate looked at it and had an 'I don't even care at this point' face and put it on, surprisingly it fit perfectly. "Comfortable?" Lord Eclipse asked and Fate shrugged "fine, it's comfortable" Lord Eclipse did a thumbs up because it's all he could think to do and Fate went back to the blanket silently. 

Less then five minutes later, Fate

Welp, I'm pinned by cats.

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