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Evil Lunar

He actually did it.

And succeeded.. nearly.

One got away, pure luck, it was a relief but it was still a horrifying thought that Lunar found a way. He found a way to break the natural balance more than he already has, Evil Lunar was curled up in a tight ball on his bed. He was still struggling to process Lunar's power, killing god... that's too far, but he knew that Lunar has no moral limits.

He will stop at nothing to get what he wants, he's killed trillions and the number will keep going up, even after what he's done he still sleeps restfully feeling no guilt for his actions, something Evil Lunar envied in a way. He often was kept up at night, remembering his past actions. It was sickening though that Lunar could sleep restfully. Evil Lunar's head went up when he heard knocking on his door, it was soft and polite and he heard 0_018 ask softly "0_908, you alive in there?" her voice was soft and worried and Evil Lunar managed to muster out "yeah..." 0_018 walked in with a concerned look on her face.

The meeting must have finished, she said softly "Lunar did a great deed, huh?" Evil Lunar shook his head putting his face in his hands and 0_018 sighed sitting down on the bed next to him "908... it's fine, you agree he did a great deed... right...? Your reaction concerned me, after all with most of the gods gone it'll be easier to take over and lead things in the right and natural direction!" Evil Lunar curled tighter into himself grumbling face buried in his hands.

Natural direction... there was nothing natural about it. 0_018 was silent with concern and she  hugged him close "is something bothering you? Are you feeling sick? Should I take you to the medic?" she sounds confused and worried and Evil Lunar shook his head slowly, he's so tired of this. He's so tired of all of this...

"Okay... then what's wrong?" she asked softly and Evil Lunar just grumbling and 0_018 wrapped a blanket around the both of them and said softly "I can tell by your behavior that your not feeling okay, something bothering you, wanna talk about it?" Evil Lunar was silent for a long moment, he found comfort in the blanket and 0_018's grip.

He sighed "you don't seriously believe that this is okay... right?" 0_018 was silent for a moment as though she were confused, and she probably was, she said "of course this is okay! This is the natural order!" she's so... brainwashed... Evil Lunar put his face in his hands again and 0_018 was just concerned.

"0_018, if this were the natural order then Lunar's would already be in control! Naturally, like spawned in control!" 0_018 frowned "timelines exist!" Evil Lunar said "so you seriously think killing other people is okay?!" 0_018 grunted "they are lowly-" "THEY ARE PEOPLE!" he snapped. She flinched and instantly he felt bad, she was only trying to help and he was letting his emotions get the better of him. 

"Sorry..." he said softly and 0_018 sighed "you're feeling grumpy again, aren't you" it isn't grumpy, it's horrified, shocked. "Do you know which god survived?" he asked in a soft dull voice and 0_018 sighed tightening the blanket around them "some lowly god called Fate, Lunar said it was absolutely freaked out and screaming and crying over some other gods body. Teleported away before Lunar could kill it, shame" Evil Lunar's eyes are wide in shock.

"18- you do realize that it may have lost family and friends.. right?" She sighed "I feel some pity, it could have been over quickly if they had just given in, made our life harder either way cause now we have to hunt down a probably rapidly teleporting god" Evil Lunar was silent. 

"You sound so heartless..." he said softly staring at the floor and 0_018 gasped offended "I'm not heartless!" "then why don't you care that they were probably in shock and grieving" she went silent, actually thinking it over. "Yeah... sounds really bad now that I think about it, but my loyalty is for Lunar and yours should be too! I worry about you sometimes 908..." and I worry for you.

"0_018.. don't you ever question what he says?" Evil Lunar asked sadly and 0_018 shrugged "why would he lie?" Evil Lunar's heart just shattered there and he buried his face deeper into his hands and 0_018 asked slightly freaked out now "are you about to cry?!" Evil Lunar choked out "no-" "Is it something I said?! I uh- sorry- I'll give you extra uh- I dunno- cake?! I-" "it's fine 0_018, it's not your fault... I'm just emotional right now, okay? And you know I'll always take an extra cake slice"  0_018 let out a sigh of relief.

"So it wasn't something I said?" she asked in hope, it was something you said...  "It's not... just emotional right now..." 0_018 gave a concerned look and said softly "you should be happy-!" Evil Lunar just muttered "yeah yeah... sure..." 0_018 was silent looking at Evil Lunar. "908... I worry for you, your distrust in Lunar is gonna get you in trouble..." Evil Lunar was silent before just simply snuggling into the blanket and 0_018.

He felt safe with her, despite her... brainwashing issues, she cared for him and he cared for her and due to that he worried for her. "How about we eat some cake, I still have some left over... how about that...?"  0_018 asked and Evil Lunar simply nodded and she smiled "okay... Let's go, you ready?" he nodded again and she stood up holding him gently and she smiled "off to eat some cake!"  Evil Lunar was still wrapped in the blanket, the position was a little awkward but he really didn't care.

He felt safer with her.

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